Li Xiaoman saw that Sophie seemed to be a little abnormal, and she walked to her, "Since you said that allen is your son, then we will go to the dna to see who his son is."

When the words fell, she stretched out her hand and was about to pull Xiaolong Yi towards her. When Sophie saw this, she took Xiaolong Yi back and took a big step, watching Li Xiaoman roar: "Don't come."

When Li Xiaoman saw Sophie pulling Xiaolong Yi, she took a step back. She was about to step forward, and Xiaolong Yi, who had been silent for a while, suddenly made a noise.

His voice was crying, and his narrow eyes narrowly looked at Li Xiaoman, "Mom, don't come."

Li Xiaoman heard Xiao Longyi calling her mum, she looked surprised, the clear water eyes looked at him in disbelief, her eyes suddenly wet, "allen, what do you call me?"

Xiao Longyi also reddened her eyes, tears sliding down the childish face, "Mommy, you are my mommy, I know you are my mommy."

Xiao Longyi's mom heard the tears in Li Xiaoman's eyes more violently. She looked at him with a heartache, crying, and hoarsely asked: "allen, when did you know that I was your mother?" Mimi?"

She never thought of him as her son, she thought she was really sorry for him.

"Allen, mommy is sorry for you, mommy is so stupid, mommy didn't think of you as my son from the beginning, sorry."

When the words fell, she was about to step forward, and Xiaolong Yi stopped her.

"Mommy, don't come over."

Li Xiaoman did not understand why Xiaolong Yi kept preventing her from passing. Her tearful eyes looked at him with guilt, distress, and thought, "allen, why not let mommy pass?"

Xiao Longyi's small eyes stained with tears looked at Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao, frowning and said, "Because... there is a bomb on my body, it will be dangerous for Mommy to come over."


Xiao Longyi's words shocked Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao, Shen Shiwei and others, and looked at him in disbelief.

The guests at the scene heard Xiao Longyi's words, but they began to panic without being calm.

"Bomb, there are bombs..."

Some female guests shouted in panic, then prepared to escape.

Seeing this, Sophie took out the remote control, his angry eyes gazed at the guests present with hate, and shouted loudly: "No one is allowed to leave, anyone who dares to leave, I will immediately detonate the bomb, no one of you want to live ."

The guests who had been panicking and ready to escape heard Sophie's words, and they dared not run away.

Seeing that the guests were quiet, Sophie succeeded in hooking the corner of her lower lip, and then the clothes on Xiao Longyi's body were lifted off. There was indeed a remote control bomb tied to his body, and it was still ringing.

Li Xiaoman stared at the bomb on Xiaolongyi's body, his eyes widened, his face was extremely white, his heart was terrified, worried, and afraid.

She and Xiaolongyi had just recognized each other. She hadn't hurt him, loved him, compensated him, and hadn't done his duty as a mother to him. If he had an accident, she would collapse.

She squeezed her hands, filled with hatred for Sophie, and looked at her coldly, "Sophie, what do you want?"

Sophie took the remote control and smiled coldly, "I'm going to have a wedding with Si Hao, and I want you Li Xiaoman to host the wedding for us."

When the words fell, she looked at Long Sihao with emotion, "Si Hao, you must promise me a wedding with me today, otherwise, I will detonate the bomb."

At this time, Long Sihao's expression was plain, and there was no trace of tension or fear in Junmei's face, but his heart was as worried as Li Xiaoman.

Sophie just opened Xiaolongyi's clothes, and when he saw the little one with a bomb tied to him, he almost collapsed Sophie directly, but he dared not take the risk, he was afraid that Sophie would press Move the trigger button on her hand to detonate the bomb.

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie in disbelief, eyes filled with disappointment for her, "Sophie, are you crazy? Allen, even if he is not your own son, he is also your relative nephew, he was only five years old, you You even tied a bomb on him. You... You disappointed Mommy too much. Are you going to kill Mommy together?"

Sophie's angry eyes shed tears in Shen Shiwei's eyes, her eyes sorrowful, "Mommy, as long as you help me persuade Si Hao to hold a wedding with me, I will not detonate the bomb and allen will not die , We will not die."

Lowry, the best man, was behind Sophie. If Sophie didn’t have a controller in his hand, he dared to take the opportunity to stop Sophie, but now he didn’t dare to step forward, afraid that Sophie would detonate the bomb. After all, Xiaolong Yi is too important, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

He didn't expect them to guess that Sophie would come to ruin the wedding, but she didn't guess that she was so sad that she tied a remote control bomb on Xiaolongyi's body.

He frowned at Sophie's ruthless face, frowning and said, "Miss Sophie, if you treat the little president like this, it will only make the president hate you more."

Sophie's thumb was placed on the trigger button of the remote control. She raised her lips coldly. "Even if I don't do this, Si Hao hates me. I can't get it. No one wants it."


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