A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 549: Purpose, mess up the wedding

Li Zhenhua looked at Long Sihao with a smile and nodded, then Li Wenbo pushed back to the side.

The charming eyes of Long Sihao were full of smiles, and the indulgent eyes locked on Li Xiaoman. The smile feast raised his arm and motioned her to hold him.

Li Xiaoman looked at him with an elegant smile, stretched out his slender hands wearing pure white lace gloves and slowly passed through Long Sihao's arm, holding him.

As the wedding march sounded again, she and Long Sihao stood side by side, with a happy smile on their faces, and walked towards the wedding table step by step.

During this period, she has been looking at him affectionately, and he has been looking at him affectionately.

The two did not look away from each other's eyes. At this time, the two walking on the pure white carpet were like a beautiful picture. How they look and how they match, how they look like a golden boy and a girl Correct.

Luo Rui and the bridesmaid Jiang Yiyi walked behind them. As for Xiao Yanyan, she should have walked in front of Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman, but today’s wedding was a little special, so Xiao Yanyan was Momo stood beside him.

Lin Momo is here, so is Wei Ziting.

Ling Hanye was also there. His eyes were always on Lin Momo's face. Seeing her as if he didn't know him, he hadn't seen him halfway since entering the field. He narrowed his brown eyes, but his expression was That sadness is lost.

Ling Dina did not come to the wedding today because she was locked in the room by Ling Hanye on the grounds that she would destroy the wedding.

Han Jinxi also came to the wedding, but he has been standing in an unobtrusive position in the banquet hall. A pair of charming blue eyes looked at Li Xiaoman in a white wedding dress lightly, with a charming smile on his lips. The look seemed calm, but his deep eyes seemed to be poured out of the lonely and painful uncoverable.

Missy stood beside him and saw that he had been staring at Li Xiaoman without looking away. He frowned, reminding: "Boss, you have a very important meeting today, you need to fly Go to the UK."

Han Jinxi seemed to have not heard Missy's words, staring at Li Xiaoman all the time.

In the other corner of the banquet hall, Long Junche's eyes also fell on Li Xiaoman, seeing her wearing a white wedding dress and Long Sihao walking side by side to the wedding table, with a happy smile on his face, he actually thought Feeling happy for her, he did not want to ruin her wedding with Long Sihao.

Huo Yehong, who had previously entered the lounge and wanted to stop the wedding, was sitting quietly at this time, only with a strange smile in his mouth.

Manman, Si Hao, you are too naive, do you really think your wedding will be held normally?

Huo Yunene beside him saw that Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao were about to salute. He squeezed his hands tightly and scanned the wedding banquet hall. His eyes fell on Long Junche in the corner.

Today's Long Junche is also in formal attire, wearing a pair of sunglasses, covering a third of that face.

Huo Yunene watched the next four weeks with caution, and then walked towards Long Junche.

Huo Yehong, who noticed Huo Yunene's behavior, also looked at him. When he saw him walking to a man wearing sunglasses, his pair of sharp old eyes narrowed and looked at Long Junche carefully.

His old eyes, which felt a bit familiar with that face, narrowed a bit more, and his eyes flashed with doubt.

Long Junche?

He felt like Long Junche, but he was not sure.

When he wanted to take a closer look, Huo Yunene who walked beside Long Jun Che just blocked Long Jun Che. Huo Yehong could only see Huo Yunene's back.

He withdrew his gaze and decided to wait and go back and ask Huo Yunene if the person he saw today was Long Junche.

Huo Yunene stood next to Long Junche, then narrowed his eyes, looked at him in doubt, and asked, "Why don't you let me ruin the wedding?"

Long Junche's keen eyes swept Huo Yehong not far away, and then glanced down at Huo Yunene, lowering his voice, "How did you come here? You are so easy to cause your grandfather's suspicion that today's wedding is not It will be held normally."

When the words fell, he walked forward a few steps and looked at Li Xiaoman.

At this time Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao have already stood on the wedding stage, the host is giving a speech.

"Love is the most beautiful flower in the world, the most trusted note in the world, the most miraculous power in life, and the most moving story in life. Marriage is a haven for love, guests and friends..."

"Si Hao."

The wedding host's speech was not over. A sudden "Si Hao" sounded, interrupting the wedding host's speech, and also shocked the audience.

Both Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao raised their lips when they heard the voice, and their "crime" succeeded, and Sophie appeared.

Although the two hadn't turned around yet, listening to the sound could tell her.

Sophie pulled Xiao Longyi from the pure white carpet covered with rose petals to Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao.

Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao also turned around.

After Li Xiaoman's eyes fell on Xiao Longyi's small face, his eyes overflowed with distress.

In order to prevent Sophie from knowing that she already knew that Long Yi was her and Long Sihao's son, she did not immediately step forward to pick him up.

She looked at Sophie coldly, and pointed at Xiaolong Yi, "Sophie, what are you doing? What does allen have to do with you?"

Sophie clenched Xiao Longyi's little hand to prevent him from escaping, and she arrogantly raised her chin and looked at Li Xiaoman coldly, afraid that the guests in the banquet hall could not hear it and said aloud: "allen is Me and Si Hao's son.

She is not quite sure whether Long Sihao doubted that Xiao Longyi was born of hers, but the purpose of her coming today is to destroy the wedding and disrupt the wedding. The guest letter will do.

Xiao Longyi looks very similar to Long Sihao. Sophie's remarks came out, and there were a lot of guests out loud, all of them put their surprise and unbelievable eyes on Long Sihao. .

Sophie made headlines just a few days ago, and many of the guests on the scene recognized her face, and then started pointing and talking.

Regarding the different opinions from around, Sophie treated her as if she had not heard it. She dared to come to the wedding venue today to destroy the wedding.

She even naked|According to the report, she has experienced such things as being **, and she has withstood it. Is she afraid of other people’s advice?

Destroy if you don’t get it.

Since she can't get it, she won't let Li Xiaoman get it. She is under the guidance and insults of people all over the world today, and she has to ruin their wedding.

She will not let Li Xiaoman continue to be happy, she must destroy her happiness, but also let her taste the humiliation of others, life is better than death.

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at Sophie with pink lips, "You said that allen is your son, what evidence do you have?"

Sophie took out the dna paternity test report of Xiaolong Yi and Long Sihao, and looked at Li Xiaoman, "This is the evidence."


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