Huo Yehong saw that Lin Momo was very unkind to him. He glanced at him with an unpleasant glance, then looked at her with Yan Yue and said, "Miss Lin, you are Manman's friend, I am your elder, That's how you talk to elders?"

Li Xiaoman saw that Huo Yehong gave a cold face to Lin Momo. She lightly lifted her wedding dress and walked to Lin Momo. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Huo Yehong indifferently. She smiled politely, "Grandpa Huo, if you I’m here today for the wedding, and I welcome it. If you want to stop the wedding, I hope you leave immediately."

As the words fell, she looked sharply towards Huoyunene, who had never made a sound. The thin voice was a little cold, "General Huo, if you don't want me to hate you more, please take your grandfather go away."

"Manman, you..."

Huo Yehong saw that Li Xiaoman had directly issued a eviction order. He narrowed his eyes, sighed deeply, and left the lounge without saying anything.

Huo Yunene also left the lounge.

Because Jiang Yiyi did not know Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene, after they went out, she looked at Li Xiaoman doubtfully and asked, "Sister Xiaoman, who were those two just now?"

Lin Momo's impression of Huo Yunene and Huo Yehong was very bad, so he replied: "Anyway, they are not good people."

"Who is not a good person?"

Lin Momo's words fell, and Lori, who was the best man today, also came in.

His formal suit, with his handsome face, is very handsome.

"Wow wow wow..."

When his eyes fell on Li Xiaoman's body, he opened his mouth wide and exclaimed in exclaimation.

His eyes were full of surprise, and he pointed to Li Xiaoman, "Mrs. President, you, you, you... you, you, you are too beautiful, too beautiful, too beautiful."

Knowing that Lowry likes to exaggerate the character of things, Li Xiaoman looked at him gently and smiled, "Lot, you have won the prize."

Lori smiled and smiled, "Laughing is more beautiful."

When the words fell, he said again: "The wedding is about to begin, Madam President, are you ready?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Lowry and nodded with a smile. She had already been prepared. She was already prepared to deal with many unexpected events that may happen today.

Today, her wedding with Long Sihao will never be held normally, even if the mysterious person and Sophie are not destroyed, she feels that Huo Yehong may also be destroyed.

He had just come to the bride's lounge not just to warn her.

She and Long Sihao didn't really hold a wedding today. Except that she and Long Sihao knew that only Lori and Shen Shiwei, whom they absolutely believed, did not even tell Han Hanye the truth.

The reason why Shen Shiwei knows is that Long Sihao told her that his prospective son-in-law still trusts her as her prospective mother-in-law.

The wedding march has already sounded in the wedding banquet hall. When Li Xiaoman came out of the lounge, the banquet hall was already full of guests.

The wedding site was beautifully decorated. White and pink gauze were combined. Flowers were dotted in the gauze. The long white blanket was sprinkled with fiery red rose petals. The Flower Road sparked a happy light and continued to the wedding table.

Long Sihao dressed in a white double-breasted little tuxedo suit, decorated his handsome posture, standing at the end of a pure white carpet dotted with rose petals.

His noble and extraordinary temperament, beautiful face, lips and lips with a touch of glamorous smile, is even more elegant, like heaven and man, attracting the attention of female guests and male guests.

Li Xiaoman stood in front of the holy scarlet arch and looked at the handsome man standing like a man at the end of the pure white carpet. Although their wedding today is not countless, she still felt as abnormal as he was actually holding a wedding with him. The excitement of those bright and moving eyes was full of happy smiles.

Xia Qingrong also came to the wedding today. As her adoptive father, he was qualified to accompany her to walk the carpet and hand her hands to Long Sihao, but because Li Xiaoman did not invite him, he could only Other guests looked at her likewise.

Shen Shiwei knew that today's wedding was just a guise. She originally sat at the forefront of the banquet table and stood up after Li Xiaoman came out.

Her eyes gazed at Li Xiaoman in a white wedding dress. In fact, she also hoped that she could accompany her on the carpet.

Just because of her injury, her daughter's attitude towards her has always been cold and alienated.

She regretted it and only hoped that she would give her the opportunity to make her a mother to compensate her for her debts.

Some time ago, Li Zhenhua, who had a broken leg, also came. He was in a wheelchair because he had not recovered.

Li Zhenhua in formal attire looked very spiritual. He didn't know that today's wedding was just a guise, so he thought Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao were really going to hold the wedding, and he was very happy.

Li Xiaoman would not let him come, but he would come in a wheelchair.

Li Wenbo stood behind Li Zhenhua's wheelchair and pushed Li Zhenhua. He looked at Li Xiaoman tightly with his lost eyes, but his dark eyes were bleak at the moment.

Three days ago, when Li Xiaoman called to inform them that she was going to have a wedding with Long Sihao, he was ashamed. He didn't expect this day to come so fast.

As the wedding march sounded, Li Xiaoman, with a gentle and charming smile, walked towards Long Sihao step by step.

As she walked towards Long Sihao, Long Sihao also approached her.

His eyes with deep affection fell on her stunning and fascinating face, and the gorgeous and charming smile on the corners of his lips gradually widened. Even if it was not really a wedding, he felt very happy. Because his Xiao Xiao finally put on a wedding dress for him.

She was so beautiful that he couldn't keep his eyes open for a moment. Just the moment she entered the banquet hall, when he saw her, his whole heart was shocked by her.

His Xiaoxiao is the most beautiful bride in the world.

Li Xiaoman saw Long Sihao walking towards her, her eyes filled with happiness and smiles filled with happy tears.

So handsome and noble, he came slowly to her, like a noble prince in the heavens to greet her into a happy paradise.

Although she knew that the wedding was not real, she cried happily when she saw him approaching her.

Si Hao, I love you, I really love you, thank you for making me so happy, even a fake wedding, I also feel happy.

Long Sihao walked to the middle of the pure white carpet and waited for her. The narrow and long eyes filled with happy smiles were also moistened a little.

After seeing Li Xiaoman standing in front of Long Sihao in a wheelchair, Li Zhenhua pushed Li Wenbo forward and stopped beside the two newcomers.


Li Zhenhua's eyes were also wet. He took Li Xiaoman's hand and handed her to Long Sihao in the name of her loved one.

He smiled and looked at Li Xiaoman, and then smiled at Long Sihao, "Si Hao, I gave Manman to you. In the future, no matter whether you are old or sick, you will never leave."

Long Sihao clasped Li Xiaoman's hands tightly, and the black eyes narrowly glanced at Li Xiaoman, and then watched Li Zhenhua nodded, "Uncle, don't worry, I will love Xiao Xiao well and not let her suffer A little wronged..."

"It's hard not to be old, even when I'm old, I will never leave her." When saying this, Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman affectionately, and the deep and deep eyes were firm Li Xiaoman was shocked by the thick and deep affection.


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