A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 547: Xiaoxiao, the most beautiful bride

She doesn't mind having two weddings with Long Sihao. For her, it makes sense to do everything with him, especially the wedding. She feels very meaningful.

She held his hand in a wedding dress symbolizing holiness and stood with him in front of the priest. She just thought about the scene and felt very happy.

"Sister Xiaoman, how are you? The wedding is about to begin."

Jiang Yiyi is the bridesmaid of Li Xiaoman today, and Lowry is the best man.

After entering the break, she walked directly to Li Xiaoman.

And Li Xiaoman just stood up and turned around.


Jiang Yiyi's eyes fell on Li Xiaoman's body, his eyes widened and he exclaimed.

"Sister Xiaoman, you are so beautiful, definitely the most beautiful bride in the world."

Li Xiaoman's wedding dress today is not the one she took the wedding photo last time, because she had to wait until the wedding ceremony with Long Sihao, so she made this one temporarily. Although the cost is not more expensive than that wedding dress, it is also very beautiful.

Li Xiaoman looked at Jiang Yiyi and smiled, and when he lifted his skirt to go out, he came in with two people.

And these two people are Huo Yehong and Huo Yunene.

Huo Yunene raised his eyes to Li Xiaoman in a wedding dress, his eyes flashed, and Suer was stunned.

She was beautiful and beautiful, and she wore a white wedding dress like snow, just like a fairy falling from the heavens, a beautiful beauty, noble, holy, extremely stunning.

Six years ago, when they held a wedding, she also wore a wedding dress for him, but he did not look at her with his eyes, and now he once again regretted his not cherishing.

After losing her, he did not know how many times he regretted it, but every time he regretted it, he became more determined to take her back.

Looking at her wearing a wedding dress for Long Sihao, his hands hanging down beside him squeezed a bit, his eyes flashed with grief.

He didn't say anything, just looked at her with pain.

Li Xiaoman ignored him, but set her eyes on Huo Yehong. Out of politeness, she smiled slightly and asked, "How is Grandpa Huo coming?"

Huo Yehong also looked at Li Xiaoman, and immediately frowned, "Manman, are you really going to have a wedding with Si Hao?"

Lin Momo dislikes Huo Yunene and Huo Yehong very much. Even after five years, she hates them as much.

She stood in front of Li Xiaoman, blocking Huo Yunene's sight, looking at Huo Yunene and Huo Yehong, the tone was not very kind, "Father Huo, Manman's wedding dresses are all put on, isn't it really a wedding? fake?"

Li Xiaoman behind him felt a little embarrassed when he heard Lin Momo's words. It was really fake that she and Long Sihao held the wedding this time.

Huo Yehong listened to Lin Momo's words and looked at Li Xiaoman, who was blocked by her, and said, "Manman, you should know that Grandpa doesn't agree to your wedding."

When Xiao Yanyan heard this, she was no longer happy.

She looked at Huo Yehong, narrowed her eyes and lowered her face, "Grandpa Huo, why don't you agree that my mom and dad are married?"

Lin Momo saw that Huo Yehong spoke out directly, and the impression on him was even worse.

She hooked her lower lip coldly, "Master Huo, are you warning us of Manman or threatening us? Manman and Mr. Long held the wedding is the matter of the two of them, you manage too much? If you say no, will they not hold the wedding?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Thank you for your **, Xuan Xuan speaks words, and has changed 11 chapters! Can Xuan Xuan say that Xuan Xuan hasn’t had a meal today?

Hum... starved to death, Xuan Xuan went to dinner first, thank you very much for your ** and support, you are really so in love, guess what will happen at the wedding tomorrow?

Xuan Xuan would like to especially thank the first-hearted baby who read the palm reading. Thank you for your eight shots for Xuan Xuan, and thank the Chinese babies for the fourteen shots for Xuan Xuan. I really love you so much.



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