Li Xiaoman looked at Lowry with a deep smile, then looked down at Long Sihao and stretched out his hand.

Long Sihao glanced at her deeply, then took her little hand, stood up and walked out of the interrogation room with her.

Police officers Lowry and Hong then came out of the interrogation room.

Li Xiaoman, who was standing outside the interrogation, looked at Officer Hong and slightly raised his lips. "Officer Hong, what Liu Biao said just now, you heard it. He said I was on the phone before meeting him, but I Make sure you didn’t talk to him by phone. This matter will be clear as soon as Officer Hong investigates. Also, Officer Hong will check Sophie’s call records the day before yesterday. As a result, Officer Hong, please notify me directly and I will do my best. Cooperate with your investigation."

After watching Officer Hong finish, Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao left the police station.

After sitting in the car, Lori sat in the driver's seat and turned to look at Li Xiaoman sitting in the back seat with Long Sihao, and gave her a thumbs up. "Mrs. President is getting smarter. , Firstly, Liu Biao was introduced in front of Officer Hong to say that he and you were talking on the phone, and then Officer Hong was asked to investigate the conversation between you and him. Mrs. President, you didn’t even talk to Liu Biao by phone, so Officer Hong’s The result of the investigation is naturally that you and Liu Biao did not communicate by phone, which means that Liu Biao is lying."

As Lowry said, Li Xiaoman just deliberately led Liu Biao to admit that he and her were on the phone in front of Officer Hong, and then asked Officer Hong to investigate their call records, as long as the police found out that she and Liu Biao failed The phone can prove that Liu Biao is lying.

And once it proves that Liu Biao is lying, his previous confession can be overturned, and Li Xiaoman will prove much easier to prove her innocence.

Li Xiaoman looked at Lori with a smile, "Lott helped the prize, just to prove that Liu Biao lied, but it can't fully prove my innocence."

Long Sihao sitting next to her took her into her arms, lowered her head and printed a kiss on her lips, and the long narrow eyes looked at her with admiration, "Lorry was right, my daughter-in-law The child is getting smarter, and I believe the daughter-in-law can prove your innocence."

Lorry, who was driving, frowned, looked at Long Sihao and asked, "President, this matter knows that Sophie is playing tricks without checking. How does the president plan to deal with her?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, and did not reply. A flash of violentness flashed at the bottom of his eyes, his expression fascinated.

Then he looked down at Li Xiaoman and said distressedly: "The daughter-in-law was wronged."

Li Xiaoman was indeed wronged today, but she doesn't feel wronged now.

It doesn't matter if people all over the world misunderstand her, as long as he believes her.


Officer Hong investigated Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao, and Lowry as soon as they left the police station and immediately investigated her, Liu Biao, and Sophie's call records.

The result confirmed that Liu Biao was lying. He and Li Xiaoman didn't talk on the phone before 7 pm the day before yesterday, but he and Sophie talked on the phone at more than 8 pm, and he called Sophie many times that day.

The fact that the gangster and the gangster had passed through many phone calls was enough to prove that Liu Biao and Sophie knew each other, and they might have colluded well.

The police interrogated Liu Biao and others again that night. The interrogation continued until midnight, and Liu Biao and others did not resist all confession.

Because Li Xiaoman had said before that if the police investigation notified her of the result, as soon as the next day dawned, Officer Hong called Li Xiaoman.

After learning that Liu Biao and others had confessed, she went to the police station by herself and asked to see Liu Biao alone.

After the police agreed, Liu Biao was handcuffed to the visiting room.

And Li Xiaoman was already sitting in the visiting room, seeing Liu Biao was taken by two policemen, she slightly hooked her lower lip corner.

Except for one table and two chairs in the visiting room, there will be nothing else.

Liu Biao was sitting opposite Li Xiaoman by the two policemen, and then the two policemen stood aside.

Today Liu Biao was a little excited to see Li Xiaoman, and her rounded eyes looked at her with anger, and said fiercely: "It's you again, what are you doing? You dare to yell at Laozi yesterday, wait for Laozi to go out, Laozi Will never let you go."

Li Xiaoman's lips and lips have an unfathomable smile, "Do you think you have slandered me, will I still let you out smoothly? I have seen your new confession, you say it is a mysterious person. Your life threatens you, and promises you to give you a sum of money after you go out in jail before you blame me. I order you to be strong | Sophie’s right?"

Liu Biao sees that Li Xiaoman is gentle and has a smile on his face, but it brings him a bitter chill. His heart can't help feeling a little scared, and the arrogance of his body has dissipated a little.

He hadn't seen Li Xiaoman before. The reason why she could recognize her was because Sophie and the mysterious man had shown him photos of Li Xiaoman before he remembered her.

She was just right. He did frame her because he was threatened by a mysterious person.

And the mysterious man also said that when he got out of jail, he would give him a lot of money.

At that time, the mysterious man had a gun in his hand.

Li Xiaoman saw that he didn't make a noise, and Qi Yan was not as arrogant as before. Her watery and bright eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "Do you want to stay a few years in prison?"

Liu Biao heard that and looked up at her in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes slightly, looked at him deeply, and tickled his lower lip slightly. "I asked the lawyer. Your crime is likely to be sentenced to 10 years in prison. If you want to go to prison for a few years, I have a way to help you."

Liu Biao's eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief. "You really have a way to help me?"

With a deep glance at the surprised Liu Biao, Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows lightly, with a smile on the corner of his lips, "Of course, but I can't help you for no reason, I have something to ask you , Whatever you ask, just answer."

Liu Biao looked at her suspiciously, "It's that simple?"

Li Xiaoman tickled his lower lip, "It's that simple."


An hour later, Li Xiaoman left the police station.

Shortly after she left, a Rolls-Royce drove straight into the police station.

The people in the car were Long Sihao and Lowry.

They also came to see Liu Biao, so Liu Biao was taken to the visiting room again.

Liu Biao didn't dare to be arrogant at the sight of Long Sihao, who had a strong aura and a chilly face.

Yesterday, when Long Sihao accompanied Li Xiaoman to the police station, he didn't say a word, but Liu Biao noticed him, not only because of his appearance, but also because of the extraordinary precipitation that he had deposited all over his body. The temperament makes Liu Biao think he is not an ordinary person.

At this time, Liu Biao and Long Sihao were sitting face to face. He only felt that he was under a lot of pressure, and he didn't even dare to look up at Long Sihao's charming and charming face, but it made people feel chilly.

Lowry was standing next to Liu Biao. He narrowed his eyes and looked at him, "Liu Biao, our president came to you specifically, there are a few words to ask you, you must know everything, you have to say endlessly, you answered well It's good for you."

"Something to ask me again?"

Because Li Xiaoman just asked Liu Biao a lot of words, then Long Sihao came to ask him again. He looked up and looked at Lori with surprise. "Aren't you and Li Xiaoman together?"


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