Lowry squinted at him, "That's our President's wife? Why? Is there a problem?"

"She just came and said something to me."

Lorry looked at Long Sihao and looked at him again and asked, "What did our wife's wife ask you? If you tell the truth, it's good for you."

Liu Biao has now completely conquered the arrogance of yesterday, saying truthfully: "She asked all about the thing called Sophie."

Lowry raised his eyebrows slightly, "Our president also asked about Sophie..."

Speaking of which, Lowry narrowed the smile on his face, and his expression calmed down, "That Sophie has slandered our President's wife, do you think we should let her go?"

Liu Biao looked at Lori who was cold, and shook his head. "No."

Lori smiled gorgeously, "Then do you have a way of ruining her reputation?"

"Me?" Liu Biao looked surprised. "I... I can't do anything."

"Our president said you have, then you must have."

Liu Biao looked at Long Sihao, and he just met his cold eyes. He was trembling, and then he thought of something and said, "Yes, I have a way."

Lowry raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Liu Biao vowed, "Yes, absolutely, what are my benefits?"


Two days later, a piece of news appeared on the front page of major media in K City.

The content of this news is about Sophie's occupation, not only that, but also with the **** photos taken by Sophie after the capture.

At this time, Sophie in the hospital also saw the newspaper she made headlines in K City, and the newspaper was given to her by a nurse.

The nurse handed her the newspaper and left the ward.

Sophie, who was sitting on the hospital bed, was shocked when she saw the newspaper. Her face was pale, her eyes flickered for an indecent **** photo of the newspaper.

The key parts of the photos in the newspaper were all mosaic, but her face was very clear.

In addition to these published in the newspaper, there are also a lot of her indecent photos exposed, from all angles.

And the truth of her occupation was restored in the newspaper. The text under the photo made it clear that she wanted to design others. As a result, she was raped by twelve people.

Even Liu Biao's confession appeared in the newspaper, so people who read the newspaper could understand the whole process, including the things she had to say about 200,000 after she said it was done.

And the newspaper also revealed that she was still a virgin before being occupied by a dozen gangsters.

In newspapers, except for Sophie, who is a real name, and the pseudonym used by everyone else, the three words Li Xiaoman are even more unlikely to appear.


Seeing the newspaper, Sophie's eyes widened in horror and shouted, "No..."

She could not accept that her **** photos were exposed, the truth was revealed to let everyone know, and her ugliness could not be accepted for the world to see.

Her dad Knox will surely see the newspaper and will be ashamed of her. Her Si Hao is even more unlikely to love her and to be with her.

In just two days she will lose a lot.

No, she can't accept it, she can't accept it.

Who broke those nude|photos, who?

Suddenly, she jumped off the bed and rushed into the ward like crazy.

Shen Shiwei brought the soup to her and saw her suddenly ran out of the ward. She shouted worriedly: "Sophie, what's wrong with you? Where are you going? Sophie..."

She ran forward crying, and a group of journalists came right in front of her.

Seeing the reporter, she paused and froze in place.

"It's her...it's her..."

The reporter saw her, pointed at her, and walked quickly to her.

Seeing this, Sophie panicked and turned to run. The reporters quickly ran towards her and surrounded her in the middle.

Cameras, camcorders, and microphones were all aimed at her.

"Miss Sophie, there is no harm to the heart, and a heart to the guard is indispensable. You want to harm others and end up eating bad fruit. How do you feel now?"

"Do you regret it?"

"Do you know something wrong?"

"Have you ever wanted to apologize to someone who was almost killed by you? Have you ever confessed?"

"What hatred did the lady have with you, why did you hurt her?"

"You let a dozen **** take over others, and as a result, you are taken over yourself, which makes the wicked have bad rewards."


Questions one after another came to my ears, and Sophie, who was about to collapse, was even more crazy.


She covered her ears and screamed.

Seeing this, the reporter finally quieted down and shot her wildly.

Shen Shiwei rushed into the reporter's encirclement and looked at Sophie worriedly, "Sophie, what happened?"


Sophie just covered her ears and screamed, but didn't return to Shen Shiwei's words. Suddenly, she pushed Shen Shiwei away and ran away in a sick dress.


Shen Shiwei was pushed to the ground by Sophie. When she saw her running, she got up and went after her.

Those reporters followed her.

Sophie went crazy out of the hospital and got into a taxi.

Sitting in, she suddenly strangled the driver's neck with her hand and looked at him with a stern gaze. "Give me the phone, hurry, give me the phone."

The driver strangled by her neck saw her with a stern look and seemed to be murdering. He repeatedly said: "Okay, okay, I will give you, I will give you immediately, little...Miss, you...you don't mess up...I Get it to you ASAP."

The driver then gave Sophie the phone.

Sophie, who got the phone, looked at the driver again and shouted: "Drive, hurry up, otherwise, I will kill you."

The driver saw her with a fierce look, like a crazy maniac, he did not dare to have a slight neglect and drove immediately.

Sophie looked at the back and hurriedly called the mysterious man. After the phone was connected, she hurriedly said, "Go and take away allen, hurry, go and take him to Moon Lake Villa..."


Hanging up the phone with the mysterious man, Sophie stretched out his hands and strangled the driver's neck from behind, ordering him to drive the car faster.

The driver was honest and honest. Although he was a man, he was timid. When he saw Sophie as crazy, he dared not resist and immediately speeded up.

Outside the hospital, when Shen Shiwei chased out, Sophie had already left in a taxi.

In a hurry, she called Long Sihao.

At this time, Long Sihao was in the office of his president, reading the newspaper Lori had given him.

Lowry was standing at his desk to comment.

"President, don't look, this Miss Sophie's figure is still good, the skin is white, tender and smooth, just like white tofu, no wonder those **** will give him that and that, President, I have It's unclear, how do you know that those **** will have Sophie's personal private photos?

When his words fell, Long Sihao's cell phone suddenly rang.

Long Sihao's gaze was now on the words that Sophie was the virgin body before being captured.


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