A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 538: Xiaoxiao, find the flaws

The two policemen who had just brought Li Xiaoman to the police station were the officers of Officer Hong.

Officer Hong saw that Li Xiaoman had come to the police station by himself, first recorded her confession, and then at the request of Li Xiaoman, he brought the twelve gangsters who occupied Sophie into the interrogation room.

On the way to the police station, Li Xiaoman said to Long Sihao in advance, this time she wanted to prove her own innocence, so that Long Sihao did not need to help her.

At this time, she and Long Sihao were watching Sophie and the twelve confessions.

Sophie's statement was taken by the police to the hospital.

And, her confession said that she was planned by Li Xiaoman.

And the dozen or so confessions also agreed, saying that Li Xiaoman ordered them to take Sophie.

After reading the confession, she glanced at the twelve people flatly, and turned to Officer Hong who was in charge of the case. "Trouble Officer Officer Hong Kong to interrogate them again. Who instructed them to commit the crime?"

When her words fell, Liu Biao, the head of the twelve people, stared at her and said: "Miss Li Xiaoman, it is not what you instructed us. After you say that, you will be given us half a million. More than ten brothers of Lao Tzu, don't you want to admit it? We have done it, what about the money you gave?

As soon as Lorry heard Liu Biao's words, he stood up in a "whish", and Jun looked at Liu Biao with a trace of anger, "Who are you, you, dare to frame our president's wife, say quickly, Who made you frame our wife's wife? Is it Sophie who was forced by you?"

Liu Biao looked at Lorry with discomfort, "Who are you, you, I asked Lao Tzu, do I have to say? What are you."

Immediately, he looked at Officer Hong with a very impatient look, "Sergeant Hong, we have all said what we have said, and all the tricks have been recruited. What else do you bring us to the interrogation room? I want to interrogate again Once, I said the same thing a hundred times. We are accomplices. The one named Li Xiaoman is the principal. She ordered us to commit crimes."

Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at Liu Biao indifferently, then at other people.

Several other people did not say anything, so he pulled the sky upside down.

Originally sitting, she stood up and took two steps forward, staring straight at him, "You said I instructed you, when and where did I instruct you?"

Liu Biao glanced at her and said with disdain: "You are not a police officer, why should I tell you."

Li Xiaoman stared at the disdainful, stubborn, slightly tickled the corner of his lower lip, "You slander me, I have the right to confront you with you, if you don't say it, you prove that you are lying."

Liu Biao stared at her fiercely in her eyes. "Laozi made it very clear when he recorded his confession. You don't have the right to let Laozi tell you."

Li Xiaoman turned his gaze to Lowry, "Lot, I have something to tell you."

Lorry heard this and walked to Li Xiaoman, "What does the wife of the president say?"

Li Xiaoman looked up at him and said a few words to him in a voice he could hear.

After listening, Lowry came to Officer Hong and directly leaned down, speaking "whisper" in Officer Hong's ear.

When they "bitten their ears", the dozen or so little **** and Liu Biao looked at Lorry and Officer Hong with puzzled faces.

After watching Officer Hong finish, Luo Rui amplified his voice and said, "Officer Hong, just do it."

Officer Hong looked at him and nodded, and then asked several policemen to take all the **** except Liu Biao out of the interrogation room.

After Li Xiaoman was taken out of the interrogation room, he walked straight to Long Sihao and sat down.

Because Li Xiaoman said before that she had to deal with this matter by herself, he had not intervened.

His narrow narrow eyes looked at her closely, his thin lips slightly raised, "Wife, are you sure you don't need a husband to help you?"

Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at him with a smile, soft tone, "You have helped me a lot, and I will take care of the rest."

He accompanied her to the police station to help her a lot. If it were not for him, how could she easily see the twelve people who captured Sophie so easily, that Hong police officer could not listen to her if.

When Liu Biao saw the others were taken away, he was left in the interrogation room, and his face became more displeased, a look of furry.

He stared at Officer Hong, his face angry, "Officer Hong, what do you mean, what do you mean to let Lao Tzu stay here alone?"

This Liu Biao had been dragging himself up to the police station since he ran to the police station yesterday with the dozen or so gangsters. Officer Hong also looked at him very uncomfortably.

After glancing at him, he asked two policemen to press him into the interrogation chair in front of the interrogation table.

Liu Biao struggled twice and shouted angrily: "Why? Why do I sit here again?"

Officer Hong sat down at the interrogation table opposite him. "Liu Biao, you said that Miss Li ordered you to commit the crime. When and where did she order you to commit the crime? How did you meet?"

"Sergeant Hong, the confession of Lao Tzu has been recorded..."

Officer Hong interrupted him with a cold face, "We suspect that your confession is false, Liu Biao, if you don't tell the truth, don't blame our police for using violence against you."

Liu Biao gritted his teeth and looked at Li Xiaoman with a hateful look, then looked at Officer Hong impatiently and said, "At 7 o'clock in the evening the day before yesterday, I and Li Xiaoman touched my head in the suburban grove, Officer Hong. , Are you demented? I have said all this, do you have to ask it again and again? You don’t feel annoyed, I’m annoying.

Hearing Liu Biao's words, Li Xiaoman looked at him and asked, "What method did I use to arrange you to the suburban grove?"

She had just carefully read Liu Biao's confession, which he did not mention, and the police did not ask for such details.

Liu Biao did not expect that Li Xiaoman would ask this question. She was irritated and stared at her unpleasantly, saying: "This question still needs to be asked. Who is not using a mobile phone to contact me this year? Transmission."

Seeing him clarify the key point, Li Xiaoman's watery cheery eyes flashed a cunning color and immediately asked: "Do you mean that I called you before I met you, right?" "

Liu Biao listened to her and asked him back, and he felt something was wrong, but he didn't react and stared at her fiercely. "Nonsense, you don't call me. How do I know where you are and how to know where to meet you?" "

Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at him deeply, "So I called you before 7:00 pm the day before yesterday and asked you to go to the broken house in the suburban grove?"

Liu Biao was more and more dumbfounded by her, and looked at her in a silly look. For a long time, he said: "Aren't you asking nonsense?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at Liu Biao, then stood up.

"Si Hao, let's go back."

Lorry looked at Li Xiaoman with some incomprehension, "Mrs. President, just went back? Then Liu Biao hasn't told the truth, Mrs. President doesn't prove your innocence?"


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