A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 537: Shao Long, arrived in time

Jiang Yiyi saw that they had to take Li Xiaoman to the police station. She glared at the two policemen and looked back at Li Xiaoman, lowering her voice. "Sister Xiaoman, don't worry, I won't let them take you to the police station. , You hold it first."

When the words fell, she squeezed out from the side and took out her phone to call someone.

As soon as the phone was connected, she said in a coquettish tone: "Dad, I have something to ask you for help. You must help me. If you don't help me, I won't go back. I always tell you very much. Sister Xiaoman is very good. She is having a little trouble now. There are two policemen who will take her to the police station. I don’t want Sister Xiaoman to be taken to the police station. Dad, you have to help me get this done... No matter, you are Director Jiang’s boss..."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yiyi smiled with satisfaction, squeezed back, stood beside Li Xiaoman, and glanced at the two policemen, "Please don’t rush to take Sister Xiaoman, take the phone and say, I Director Jiang, who is new to you, should call you personally."

The two policemen heard this and looked at Jiang Yiyi with some surprise.

As Jiang Yiyi said, one of the policemen really received the call, and it was really their new director who called them.

After answering the phone, the two did not say to take Li Xiaoman back to the police station and left.

"Sister Xiaoman, let's go first."

Jiang Yiyi watched Li Xiaoman finish talking, then walked in front of her, and looked at the reporter who was standing in front of her and said, "Give up, if there is anything good to shoot, let go."

The reporters looked at Jiang Yiyi and didn't mean to let go.

At this time, Long Sihao, who knew that Li Xiaoman was besieged by the reporter, also arrived.

The driver was Lorry. As soon as he stopped the car, Long Sihao pushed the door to get off, and strode towards Li Xiaoman surrounded by reporters.

He carried a strong aura around him, and the reporters and the onlookers saw him, and all consciously gave way.


He walked straight to Li Xiaoman, his worried eyes fell on her face, "Are you scared?"

He was like the sun in Li Xiaoman's heart. As soon as he appeared, the grievances in Li Xiaoman's heart were dispelled by the warmth he brought.

Li Xiaoman met his worried eyes and shook his head, "No, how do you know that I was besieged by the reporter?"

Lowry squeezed in. "Mrs. President, of course, this is because the President is watching you every day, so Mrs. President, if you encounter something, the President can come in time."

Li Xiaoman's soft gaze turned to Long Sihao, her pink lips sullen, even if she didn't speak, a look could make Long Sihao understand what she wanted to say.

He took her little hand, "Let's go back."

Li Xiaoman nodded and looked at Jiang Yiyi, "Yiyi, I still have things today, so I will not enter the studio. You have full authority to deal with anything in the studio."

Jiang Yiyi heard the words and changed her eyes between Long Sihao and smiled, "I know, Sister Xiaoman is assured, I will help you manage the studio, then I will go first."

She then squeezed out the reporter's encirclement.

Long Sihao grabbed Li Xiaoman's slim waist and hugged her to turn around. The reporter who was standing in front of them didn't know if it didn't react or what happened.

Lowry glanced at the reporter who was blocking the way, broke his wrist, and smiled very voluptuously, threateningly said, "I haven't moved my bones for a long time, I will give you half a second, and if I don't let it go, I will take it You practice as a live target."

When the words fell, he didn't wait for the reporters to respond. He lifted his long legs and kicked the camera in one of them.

The camera fell naturally from the reporter's hand to the ground with a "bang".

Glancing a glance, Lowry was still waiting for the reporter to make a noise. He took out his wallet aggressively and withdrew more than ten hundred-dollar bills directly to the reporter.

Then he broke his wrist again, squinted at the other reporters, and smiled, "It was just an exercise. There is compensation for kicking something, but the next thing is true, if kicking something important in your hand, Or what important organs in your body, I will not compensate, I am not afraid of your reporters reporting indiscriminately, anyway, I am not a public figure, not to let go?"

The reporter who was in front of him heard the words, and this gave way.

Lowry glanced at the reporter who gave up and turned to Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao, "President, Mrs. President, please."

Li Xiaoman glanced at Lowry. In fact, he didn't even need to deal with the reporters just now, and the reporters would let go, and he kicked the foot to make her angry.

He is a very nice man. Although he is a little wordy sometimes, his people are really good.

There is such a good assistant beside her husband, she is very happy and relieved for him.

She and Long Sihao sat in the back seat of the car under the "watching" of reporters and onlookers.

Lowry then sat in the driver's seat.

"Xiao Xiao, did you cry?" Long Sihao saw that her eyes were red and swollen, and her eyes were distressed, and she even hated Sophie.

Li Xiaoman pursed his lips and smiled, "I'm fine, as long as I see you, I'm fine."

As the words fell, her eyes turned to Lowry, "Lot, go to the police station."

"What's the wife's wife going to the police station?" Lowry turned her head to look at her, her eyes puzzled.

Li Xiaoman Xiu frowned slightly, "Just before you came, two policemen said they would take me to the police station, and later they left without knowing why."

"A policeman wants to take the wife of the president to the police station?"

Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed a bit, his tone was dull, he couldn't hear any sadness and grievances, "They said I planned a **** case, and wanted to take me to the police station to assist in the investigation."

Lowry was not surprised when he heard Li Xiaoman’s words, “You didn’t expect Sophie to arrange those reporters to besiege the President’s wife. You didn’t think it was enough, and the incident was brought to the police.”

Long Sihao looked cold, "I will never let her go."

When the words fell, he looked down at Li Xiaoman and said softly, "I will go with you."

Li Xiaoman looked at him and smiled softly, thinking in his heart how he would go to the police station to tell the twelve people who had captured Sophie to tell the truth.

When the police came to take her to the police station, she did not go because she didn't want to be taken to the police station by the police, so she looked like a prisoner.

Being taken to the police station by the police is different from going to the police station by yourself.

When Long Sihao was there, when she arrived at the police station, she said that she wanted to see the twelve young men who accused her, and the police immediately agreed.

At this time they were sitting in the interrogation room of the police station, and the twelve people were also taken to the interrogation room, all hands were handcuffed.

In charge of this case was a relatively old, approximately fifty-year-old police officer named Hong.


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