A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 533: In the midst, it was already destined

Long Sihao didn't want to visit Sophie. He just came with Li Xiaoman. He didn't return to Shen Shiwei. Li Xiaoman, who was standing beside him, looked at Sophie on the eye bed and saw her face was extremely poor. She Xiumei raised her eyebrows tightly, and then handed over the advanced nutritional products to Shen Shiwei.

"Madam, we heard that your daughter had an accident, so let's take a look."

She would come to see Sophie completely because of her guilt.

If it were not for her to stun her, she would not be ruined by others.

Shen Shiwei took the high-level nutritional products she handed aside, and then looked at her as she was about to make a sound. Suddenly Xiao Yanyan's childish voice sounded, attracting her attention.

"Mummy, who is she? Why is Mummy so much like her?"

Xiao Yanyan has been looking at Shen Shiwei from the time she entered the ward. The more she looked at her, the more she felt like she and her mum's eyebrows, especially the eyes were the most similar.

When she was surprised, she couldn't help asking.

At this moment, she widened her stary eyes, her delicate little fingers pointed at Shen Shiwei, and her pink and tender face was full of surprises and doubts.

Shen Shiwei, who was originally about to say something to Li Xiaoman, looked at her small face after hearing Xiao Yanyan's voice.

When she saw her like a reduced version of Li Xiaoman, she was also shocked.

After looking at Xiao Yanyan for a while, she looked up at Li Xiaoman and asked in surprise: "Xiao Xiao, this is you...your daughter?"

Looking at the surprised Shen Shiwei, Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiao Yanyan and nodded politely, "Uh."

Seeing her nod, Shen Shiwei looked at Xiao Yanyan, then looked up at her and Long Sihao, and asked, "You and Si Hao's daughter?"

Xiao Yanyan looked up at Shen Shiwei who was surprised, and asked curiously: "What is your relationship with my mommy?"

Shen Shiwei set her eyes on Xiao Yanyan's face again, and her eyes were a little wet. "What's your name? I'm your mum's mum."

"Mommy's mom?" Xiao Yanyan looked at her sideways, and then her eyes lighted up, and she said in surprise: "You are my mommy's mommy, aren't you my grandmother?"

Shen Shiwei looked at her and crouched down, with a gentle smile on her face, "Yes, I am your grandmother."

Xiao Yanyan looked at her full of intimacy. Although it was the first time to meet, she liked her very much.

She suddenly remembered that her grandmother had already gone to heaven, how come another grandmother?

She frowned, looked at her mummy, and asked doubtfully: "Mum, didn't your grandmother go to heaven? How come another grandmother?"

When Shen Shiwei heard her words, she looked at Li Xiaoman in amazement and puzzlement.

At this time, Lori, who had been standing outside the ward, came in. He looked down at Xiao Yanyan and explained: "Little, the grandmother you went to heaven is not your grandmother, she is your grandmother. , Is your mother's mother."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan, who understood, looked at Shen Shiwei and smiled sweetly at her, "Good grandma."

Shen Shiwei, who was called "Grandma", immediately got wet again. She looked at Xiao Yanyan with a moving face and nodded with a smile. "Well, tell Grandma, what is your name?"

Xiao Yanyan saw Shen Shiwei looking at her with tears in her eyes. The little one was infected and her eyes were red.

Her voice is sweet, "Grandma, my name is Yanyan, full name Long Anyan, English name amber."

Because she felt that Shen Shiwei was so kind, she said her name very carefully.

Long Sihao beside her had never known that she had an English name called amber, and he was also surprised when he heard her talk.

His dark eyes looked closely at Xiao Yanyan, his eyes overflowing with shock, "Yan Yan, your English name is amber?"

He never asked Yanyan’s English name, so he didn’t know.

After he reconciled with Li Xiaoman, Yanyan's name was changed to Long Anyan, and the English name has never been mentioned.

Xiao Yanyan raised her head, "Yeah, dad doesn't know? I thought dad knew."

Long Si Hao Junmei's surprised expression on his face had not gone, and his eyes turned to Li Xiaoman, "Xiao Xiao, Yanyan's English name is amber?"

I don’t understand why Long Sihao was so surprised to hear that Yanyan’s English name was amber. Li Xiaoman gave him a puzzled look and nodded, “Yanyan’s English name was taken by Han Jinxi.”

Seeing Li Xiaoman ascertained that Xiao Yanyan was called amber, Long Sihao's heart was excited and rejoicing. It turned out that he was destined for a long time. He didn't expect that the little girl chatting with him on msn turned out to be his baby daughter.

No wonder he met her at the airport for the first time. When he heard her, he thought her voice was familiar.

Xiao Yanyan blinked doubtfully, "Dad, is it strange that my English name is amber?"

Long Sihao looked at her with a smirk, "Not surprising, amber is very nice."

He didn't tell her that he was the uncle g, he didn't say that there was his reason naturally.

Li Xiaoman took a deep look at Long Sihao, concealed his doubts, and looked at Shen Shiwei, "Madam, she..."

She had just asked Shen Shiwei and Sophie, and Long Sihao interrupted her.

He looked at Shen Shiwei with a deep expression, "aunt, we should go back."

Li Xiaoman heard him say he was going back, she whispered, "Si Hao."

"We should go back after seeing it." Long Sihao didn't sympathize with Sophie, and he didn't sympathize at all. If it weren't for his Xiaoxiao wit, it might be his Xiaoxiao who is lying here now.

If this were the case, he would be crazy, he would break Sophie's body, and he would destroy the world.

He reached out to Xiao Yanyan and said softly, "Yanyan, compare with Dad."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan looked at Shen Shiwei, and then put her little hand in Long Sihao's hand, and turned to Shen Shiwei with a smile and waved her hand, "Grandma, we're gone, goodbye."

Shen Shiwei saw Xiao Yanyan also said goodbye to her, her wet eyes smiled as she nodded, "Yanyan bye."

Lowry was the last to get out of the ward. After he went out, he closed the door of the ward intimately.

Shen Shiwei was standing on the spot after seeing them leave. The wet eyes kept looking at the door. She didn't expect her Xiaoxiao to have a daughter.

Thinking of Xiao Yanyan, a smile appeared on her face. She imagined that Li Xiaoman must have been as cute and lovely as Yan Yan when she was a child.

It's a pity that when she was a child, her mommy couldn't stay with her, didn't watch her grow up, gave her care and love, and she felt very guilty.

Because her thoughts were on Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan, she didn't realize that Sophie had woke up and got out of bed. She was standing beside her and looked carefully at the expression on her face.

At the moment, Sophie squeezed her hands tightly, her eyes full of hatred and jealousy, and the expression on her face was gruesome and weird, like a ghost, a bit creepy.


She suddenly made a sound, the voice was faint, like a ghost, giving a strange feeling.

After hearing the sound, Shen Shiwei returned to see that Sophie was standing beside her, and her eyes were red as blood. She was startled and immediately took a step back.

"Ah... Sophie..."

Sophie stepped back when she saw her mummy, staring up at her, "Mummy, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Shiwei stabilized her mind, took a deep look at her, and stepped forward to help her sit down on the bed.

Immediately she also sat down next to her, and gently stroked her scattered hair while reaching out and asked with concern: "Sophie, when did you wake up? How did you come down by yourself?"

Sophie looked up at her, her red eyes were getting wet, and tears burst out.



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