A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 534: Sophie, twist the facts

Suddenly, she cried into Shen Shiwei's arms, crying, and said sadly: "Mommy, I was destroyed, I was destroyed, my innocence was destroyed, many of them, They took turns taking over me, they are beasts, they are not human... woo... they are not human..."

At first, Shen Shiwei thought that Sophie was occupied by one person. At this moment, when she heard that she was occupied by a lot of people, she was shocked and felt very sad for Sophie.

She looked down at Sophie, who was crying and seeing sore pears in the rain, her eyes were wet, "Sophie, tell Mommy, what happened? How could you be... Mommy won't let go Those people, Mommy will definitely give them the punishment they deserve."

"Mommy..." Sophie looked up at Shen Shiwei, crying sadly and grieved, her tears in her pale brown eyes were raining, biting her lower lip, "Mommy, will you really avenge me?"

Looking at Sophie, who was crying and grieved, Shen Shiwei's heart was sorely hurt, and her eyes were filled with tears. She reached out and wiped Sophie's eyes, her eyes flashed with hatred and coldness, "Sophie , You are Mummy's sweetheart baby, Mummy's baby daughter, you have been so wronged, Mummy will definitely get a fair deal for you."


Sophie cried into Shen Shiwei's arms crying, and said in a crying voice: "Mommy, it's a little **** who dominates me, but do you know who the mastermind is?"

After she said this, she looked up at Shen Shiwei, crying more and more sad.

Shen Shiwei listened to her saying that there was a mastermind, and she hated the mastermind in her heart. While wiping her tears, she asked, "Who is the mastermind?"

Sophie lowered her eyes, letting the tears slide down her eyes, biting her lower lip tightly, and said hoarsely, "I don't believe Mummy when I say it."

Shen Shiwei's tearful eyes looked at her closely, "Sophie, why don't you tell Mommy doesn't believe it, tell Mommy who is the mastermind?"

Sophie shook her head gently, tears gushing out of the Yellow River, biting her lower lip, crying and saying, "It's Li Xiaoman."

"What?" Shen Shiwei looked shocked when she heard her words, and the whole person was stunned. Her eyes looked at her in shock, and her eyes were full of unbelief. "This is impossible, how could it be Xiao Xiao? I don't believe it." "

Sophie looked at her crying grievances and cried out: "I knew Mommy didn't believe it, I knew, well, it wasn't her, it wasn't her, it was me who asked someone to seize me, I was ruined, Mom Mi doesn’t hurt me anymore, and Si Hao doesn’t love me anymore. It doesn’t make any sense to live in this world. I might as well die."

Sophie said sadly, feeling more and more excited, and then she jumped out of bed and hit the wall in the ward.

"Sophie..." Shen Shiwei immediately saw her and reached out to stop her.

"Let me go, let me die, what's the point of me being alive, what's the point of me being alive! Let me die..."

Sophie cried and pushed Shen Shiwei hard, striking hard against the wall.

When Shen Shiwei couldn't hold her, her hands hugged her hard, her eyes wet with tears looked at her emotionally and worriedly, and she cried, "Sophie, you're dead, do you want mom to be sad?" "

"Mommy, I don’t have innocence, I don’t have Si Hao, I am now snatched away by mommy, I have nothing, you tell me, what is the point of me living? You let me die ..."

Sophie finished crying, pushed Shen Shiwei away with all her strength, and ran into the wall.

Seeing this, Shen Shiwei was so scared that she changed her face, and immediately shouted: "Sophie, Mommy believes in you, Mommy believes in you..."

Sophie, who was hitting the wall, heard Shen Shiwei's words, and stopped, not ramming forward.

Shen Shiwei saw her stop, and immediately went forward to hold her, her tearful eyes looked at her closely, her well-maintained face was also covered with tears, and her expression was sad and heartache, "Sophie Mommy begs you, don’t seek death, Mommy believes you, Mommy will get a fair deal for you, you don’t have Si Hao, you still have Mommy, Mommy won’t hurt you, Mommy Will love you forever."

"Mommy..." Sophie cried and embraced Shen Shiwei again, and asked hoarsely, "Do you really believe me?"

Shen Shiwei held Shen Shiwei and nodded, "Letter, letter, mommy believes in you, then tell mommy, what is Xiaoxiao..."

Although she asked in this way, she still didn't believe that Li Xiaoman would do that.

Although she and Li Xiaoman have never been with each other, she can tell from her eyes that she is kind and not like someone who would do such a thing.

Sophie saw Shen Shiwei trust her, so she said in tears: "Mommy, Li Xiaoman just because I went to her studio yesterday and told her a lot of unpleasant things, and because of the photo five years ago. Things are hateful to me, she said she wanted to deal with me long ago."

Shen Shiwei looked at her deeply, "How did she start with you?"

Sophie lowered her head and let her tears fall, "I went to her studio yesterday afternoon after Mummy left, but I didn't go in. I always waited for her to get off work. I wanted to talk to her, but I Unexpectedly, after seeing me, she said to let me sit in her car, and then stunned me with a stun rod when I was not paying attention. When I woke up, she was personally sent to a broken house in the suburban grove. And...and..."

Speaking of this, Sophie cried again, "She also stripped off my clothes. Not only that, she also called more than a dozen scoundrels, Mummy, and more than ten people came to invade me together, they press Holding my hands and feet, I... I can't stop it...I...they are all beasts...they are all beasts..., Li Xiaoman...she...not a human...''

Sophie said half-truths and half-truths, and Shen Shiwei was suspicious after hearing her words.

She saw Sophie crying excitedly again. She was afraid she could not think about it. She clasped her hands tightly and looked at her closely. "Sophie, something has happened. You must try to open up, Mommy. Will not let go of those who defile you."

Sophie raised her head, looked at her dimly, and cried and asked, "What about Li Xiaoman?"

Shen Shiwei frowned, because she was afraid that Sophie would do more drastic things, so she looked at her and said, "Relax, if she treats you like this, Mommy won't forgive her."

When Sophie saw that she mentioned that Li Xiaoman's attitude was much softer, and she was very dissatisfied with her answer, but she did not show it, but she lowered her head and shed tears. The person who hurt me, mommy, I want to sleep."

Shen Shiwei looked at her tenderly, "Okay, when you're tired, you'll go to bed. Mommy will be here with you."

Sophie looked at her and nodded, then lay back on the bed, closed her eyes, and tears continued to flow.

Seeing this, Shen Shiwei felt distressed again.

She had been staying in front of Sophie's bed. In the afternoon, Sophie, who had been sleeping for several hours, said she was hungry and wanted to eat Shen Shiwei's food, so Shen Shiwei called her maid Sara to take care of her.

After Sarah rushed to the hospital, Shen Shiwei went back.

Sophie asked Sarah for a cell phone after Shen Shiwei left, and she spent Sarah's ward. She then used Sara's cell phone to call the mysterious man and asked him to do something for her.

Shen Shiwei asked Li Xiaoman to meet at a western restaurant near the hospital the next day because she wanted to find out what Sophie was doing.

Shen Shiwei had already waited in the restaurant, and Li Xiaoman arrived at the Western restaurant as scheduled and sat straight at her table.

"Madam, what's the matter with you?"


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