A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 532: Don't like it, just don't like it


Seeing this, Shen Shiwei panicked and immediately chased him out.

Lowry also followed.

"Ah... I'm going to kill them... I'm going to kill them..."

Sophie's eyes were red and her eyes were full of hate, waving her hands and yelling to kill them while running.

Her move called "lunatic" attracted the attention of the patients in the corridor outside the ward and the patients' families, and all of them put their curious eyes on her.

Sophie ran crazy in the hallway, saw a male patient in the hallway, shouted that I killed you, rushed forward and pinched the man's neck.

"Beast, you ruined me, I will kill you, I will kill you..."

Her eyes flashed fiercely, her hands pinched the man's neck fiercely, shouting to kill him.


Seeing this, Shen Shiwei immediately ran forward and grabbed Sophie's hands, her eyes looked at her with a distressed look, worried and panicked, "Sophie, please let go, let go!"

The male patient who had been strangled by his neck was originally walking in the corridor of the hospital, and suddenly he was strangled by his neck.

Upon seeing this, his family immediately came to La Sophie.

Then Lori followed with the doctors and nurses, united with Shen Shiwei to pull away the out of control Sophie, and forced her back to the ward.

Still shouting to kill them, she was pushed down on the bed by several nurses.

After struggling, she was calmed down by the doctor who had a calming needle.

After she closed her eyes and finally became quiet, the nurse holding her hands and feet released her.

Shen Shiwei looked at Sophie, who seemed to be going crazy, and felt so sad that her daughter would become like this. It was all the same person who ruined her innocence. She Shen Shiwei would never let that person go.

She approached Sophie's hospital bed, reached out to squeeze her messy hair, and then straightened up to look at the doctor, frowning and asking, "Doctor, my daughter, how is she doing?"

The doctor looked at Shen Shiwei solemnly, "The patient is not only hurt by the body, the trauma of the mind is even greater, and the emotion is out of control. I am afraid you need to take her to see a psychologist.

The doctor looked at her and left the ward.

Standing naturally outside the ward, Lowry naturally heard the doctor's words, frowned, and then called Li Xiaoman again.

"Mrs. President, Sophie has been hit hard this time, and like Xia Lin at the time, she is a bit mentally disturbed."

Li Xiaoman over the phone heard this and immediately asked, "Which hospital are you in?"

"Mrs. President, do you want to come to the hospital?"


Lowry told Li Xiaoman's address and hung up.

He did not walk into the ward, but kept waiting outside the ward.

After the nurse left, Shen Shiwei sat in front of Sophie's bed and took her cold hand. A pair of wet eyes looked at her tightly, her eyes full of distress and worry.

"Sophie, Mommy won't let go of the person who hurt you. Mommy will definitely give him the punishment he deserves. My poor daughter, such a thing happened. Mommy knows that you can't accept it. You can rest assured, Mom. Mimi won’t look down on you, Mummy will love you more than before, Sophie, you must cheer up.”

Shen Shiwei said more and more sad and sad, covering her mouth and crying in a low voice.

Why did her two daughters suffer so much, why?

Lori at the door of the ward looked at Shen Shiwei, who was crying with tears in her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel touched.

He also spent some time in the Knox family. In his impression, Shen Shiwei is an unsmiling, noble woman.

And she always carried the majesty of being a hostess of the Knox family, which made people feel a little afraid of her heart.

At this moment, she faded the noble and majestic appearance. It was completely a mother who loved and grieved her daughter.

He always thought she was very harsh and cold, but did not expect her to be so sad because of his daughter.

He has been standing outside the ward, and Li Xiaoman, who hung up with him, went to the closet to get his clothes out and change them.

Long Sihao, who came out of the study and entered the bedroom, saw that she was changing clothes. He strode forward, took her clothes, looked at her deeply, and asked, "Go out?"

Li Xiaoman took the clothes back from his hands and nodded while wearing them. "Well."

Long Sihao narrowed his charming black eyes, "Where to go."

"Go..." Li Xiaoman looked up and looked at Longyan Hao, then lowered his eyes, "Go to the hospital."

When she heard that she was going to the hospital, Long Sihao knew what she was doing.

He took her slender hands and looked at her tightly, her tone with an irresistible taste: "No, she is not worth your visit."

Li Xiaoman's voice is soft and charming, "Si Hao, I have to go anyway, she is indirectly because of me... I will be uneasy if I don't go to my conscience, I will just come back to see it."

Seeing her insist on going, Long Sihao will not stop her anymore. Even if his Xiaoxiao changes again, her kind heart will never change.

He couldn't stand her, he only promised her.

He said helplessly: "Okay, you are going, I will go with you."

Seeing him agree, Li Xiaoman smiled and plunged into his arms, squeezing his hands tightly around her waist, "Si Hao, you will always be so good."

Long Sihao lowered his head and stretched his hand to gently flick her forehead. "You, always be so kind."

Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow and smiled at him, "Does that husband like it?"

Long Sihao shook his head, his thin lips spit out three words, "I don't like it."

Hearing this answer, Li Xiaoman froze, raised his head, frowned, and crying with a beautiful face. "Her husband really doesn't like it?"

Long Sihao nodded and raised his thin lips, "I really don't like it."

Li Xiaoman bit the lower lip lightly and looked up at him with a face of grievance, "Why don't you like it?"

Long Sihao raised his eyebrows, "I don't like it, I don't like it, there is no reason why."

Li Xiaoman glared at him and ignored him, he liked to joke with her, she would not take it seriously.

She sorted out her clothes and walked out of the bedroom, Long Sihao followed.

Seeing that they were going out, Xiao Yanyan stepped forward. One small hand held Li Xiaoman, and the other small hand held Long Sihao. The voice was tender, "Daddy, Mommy, where are you going? I will go too, you are not allowed to leave me."

Because Xiao Yanyan insisted on following, Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao had to take her to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Sophie was still awake. Shen Shiwei, who was standing in front of Sophie's bed, was naturally surprised when she saw them.

"Xiaoxiao, Si Hao, why are you here?"


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