A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 531: Xiaoxiao, I don’t feel bad

His half-joking remarks made Li Xiaoman's uncomfortable mood much better. She looked up at him and saw that he was blamed, but her eyes were so gentle and spoiled, and her heart was melted.

"Si Hao, you are really good."

She put a kiss on his lips and looked at him deeply and asked, "She has such a big problem now, are you going to see her? Lott said she was in the hospital."

"Look at her?" Long Si Hao narrowed the confusing eyes, and looked at her with a quiet eyes, "Xiao Xiao, you let your husband go to see other women, are you so generous?"

Li Xiaoman lowered his head and dared not to meet his gaze. "Si Hao, don't you have any sympathy or pity for her?"

Long Sihao told her what happened in Marseilles in the past decade. She knew that Long Sihao had been in the Knox family for ten years, and Sophie was the daughter of Knox. They lived together in a family. For ten years, even if he did not love her, he always had a little affection for her.

Sophie now has such a big deal, he will always have some sympathy or other emotions for her.

Long Sihao lightly stroked the strands of hair in her temples, "Does the daughter-in-law think that I will distress her?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him deeply, "Si Hao, you have known her for ten years and lived in a family for ten years. Even if you don't love her, there is a little brother and sister feeling. Now that she has an accident, you..."

"Xiaoxiao..." Long Sihao interrupted her and stared at her with a deep gaze. "I don't distress her and have no sympathy with her. No matter how big she is, it won't be enough to arouse any emotions in me. I won't I'm happy for her, I won't be sad for her, and I won't hurt for her.

"Do you have any feelings for her brothers and sisters?"

Long Sihao's affectionate eyes fell on Li Xiaoman's face, "Xiao Xiao, my affection for her siblings has long since disappeared when she hurt you time and time again, I will only sympathize Hello people. People who hurt you, I will only let them go to hell."

"Si Hao..."

His words moved her again. Her bright water eyes stared at him deeply, and the mist at the bottom of the eyes rose again.

He always put her in the first place, the person who really treats her well, he will sympathize and care about the people who hurt her, he will let them go to hell.

He loves her so much, his affection really touched her and was very happy.

She hugged him tightly, the infinite movement in her heart, the tears of the movement wet her long eyelashes.

He can always make her want to cry easily.

"Si Hao, thank you for loving me so much and caring for me so much. I'm afraid I will forget to drink Meng Po soup in my next life."

Long Sihao looked at her deeply and asked in a puzzled way: "Why is the daughter-in-law afraid of forgetting to drink Meng Po soup?"

Others are afraid of drinking Meng Po Tang and forgetting each other, his daughter-in-law is afraid of forgetting to drink Meng Po soup.

Li Xiaoman reached out and touched his handsome face, "In case I forgot to drink Meng Po soup, and my husband drank a lot, not only forgot me, but also fell in love with others, what should I do?"

"Silly girl." Long Sihao lowered her head and pecked her lips lightly. "Even if I drink Mengpo soup no matter how much, I will never forget my wife, nor will I fall in love with others."

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were a little bit of a smile, but when she thought of Sophie, she frowned again, "Then you're sure not to look at Soo... Um..."

Long Sihao lowered his head and grabbed her pink lips.

After a deep kiss to her for a while, he left her lips and stared at her soberly, "Xiao Xiao, no more to mention her."

Although he used to treat Sophie as a younger sister, she did so much to hurt Xiaoxiao that he could not sympathize with her.

She took it all for herself.

Li Xiaoman saw that Long Sihao didn't like her mentioning Sophie. She slightly squeezed her pink lips and dropped her eyes for a while.


After receiving a phone call from Lowry, Shen Shiwei rushed to the ward where Sophie was located.

And Lowry was outside Sophie's ward.

When he saw Shen Shiwei coming, he frowned deeply and politely called out, "Madam.

When he called Shen Shiwei, he only said that Sophie was in the hospital, and did not tell her that Sophie was occupied by others, so Shen Shiwei naturally did not know what happened to Sophie.

At this time, her face was not very good. She walked to Lowry and asked worriedly: "How is she, Sophie, Lowry?"

Lorry looked at Shen Shiwei and nodded, "Ma'am, Sophie, she has nothing to do, but she hasn't awakened yet. I believe that she will wake up soon. Madam, don't worry."

When Shen Shiwei heard Luo Rui say this, she was not at ease. She pushed open the door of the ward and walked in, and walked to Sophie's bed.

Seeing her hanging drip, her face pale, her lips cracked, like she was bitten by something, she looked surprised, looked at her carefully, her eyes fell on her neck, and found that her neck had many large and small sizes Small kiss marks and bite marks.

She widened her eyes wide, hurriedly opened the quilt, unbuttoned her coat, and when she saw her body full of kiss marks and bruises, her face was shocked and unbelievable.

Her eyes were a little wet, and she looked at Sophie, who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and shouted distressedly: "Sophie... Sophie, what happened, how could you be like this?"

Then she turned around and looked at Lorry who came in and asked excitedly: "Lorry, Sophie, what happened to her? What happened? How could Sophie become like this? Sophie, was she taken by someone? ..."

Lowry looked at Shen Shiwei and nodded, "Yes."

Shen Shiwei heard the words and took a step back. She looked at Sophie distressedly, stretched her hand to caress her head, and looked a bit cold. "Lorry, who is that person? Who made Sophie look like this?" ?"

Seeing Shen Shiwei's expression chilled, Lori said solemnly: "Ma'am, this matter is a long story, Miss Sophie she will have today, in fact it is blame..."

Before he finished, Sophie shouted suddenly on the hospital bed.

"Don't... don't touch me... don't... beast... don't... mommy save me..."

When Shen Shiwei saw Sophie's eyes closed, she cried and said no, crying for her to save her, she looked at her distressedly and whispered: "Sophie...Sophie..."

"Don't... don't..."

Sophie closed her eyes, cried and said no, her emotions became more and more excited, her hands fluttered, her body twisted in the bed, like a nightmare.

She had been dripping, and this twist naturally pulled the needle out.

Seeing this, Shen Shiwei was so scared that she changed her face and hurriedly held her hands. "Sophie, what's wrong with you? Don't scare mommy, Sophie, wake up, wake up, mommy is here, mommy is here." ..."

Sophie twirling non-stop on the hospital bed heard Shen Shiwei's voice, and then stopped slowly, opening her tearful eyes.

"Sophie, you're finally awake, you're terrified of mommy." Shen Shiwei looked at her with distressed eyes, her eyes slightly wet, and reached out to wipe the tears on her face for her.

Sophie raised her head, a pair of crying light brown eyes looked at Shen Shiwei sadly, and cried out, "Mommy, I have no face to see you, I have no face to see you, I...I...I am going to kill They... I'm going to kill them..."

Sophie spoke incoherently, and suddenly shouted, and her emotions suddenly became very excited.

She sat up from the hospital bed, her eyes full of tears red as blood, shouting with tears: "I will kill them, I will kill them, I will kill them..."

The more she shouted, the more she lost control, as if she was going crazy.

Shen Shiwei saw her emotions starting to get out of control and said worriedly: "Sophie, don't scare mommy, who are they?"

"I'm going to kill them... I'm going to kill them..."

Suddenly, she cried and jumped out of the bed, her eyes full of killing intent, and rushed out of the ward with a frenzy.


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