A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 524: We are welcome to play with you

After hanging up the phone, Sophie's lips smirked, turned around and entered the broken house, but he did not see Li Xiaoman on the ground.

"What about people?"

She was wondering where to go. Li Xiaoman, who had been hiding behind the door for a long time, hit the switch with the electric bat in her hand and hit her in the back of the neck.


She screamed when she was shocked and fell to the ground, her consciousness gradually becoming unclear.

With blurred vision, she looked at Li Xiaoman who appeared in front of her. Some were unbelievable, "You...you..."

Li Xiaoman crouched down after she fell to the ground, looking at her sharply, with a smile on her lips, "What am I? I didn't faint at all."


Sophie looked at her in panic, trying to get up, but was weak. "You... what do you want..."

Before she finished speaking, she fainted.

Li Xiaoman looked at Sophie who fainted, and Xiumei frowned deeply. She told the mysterious man to destroy her, and slowly tortured her, and she heard it.

She didn't expect her heart to be so malicious.

If she is not pretending to be dizzy, she really does not know what will happen when she wakes up.

What surprised her was that the mysterious man had just left like that. Sophie chased out and told the mysterious man what she didn't hear because she was in the broken house.

After seeing Sophie for a long time, she stood up, and then left quickly before Sophie woke up.

At this time, it was already very dark. The woods at night were the most terrifying.

Li Xiaoman used his mobile phone to take care of the road, and a person walked in the dark woods more and more afraid.

The scene after she was kidnapped again appeared in her mind.

"Little sister, don't be afraid."

"Sister, come here, we won't hurt you."

"Little sister, uncles will love you well."


Two wretched men pounced on her at the same time, and Long Sihao, with his hands and feet tied, used his body to knock the two wretched men away.

Then there was the scene where the two lewd men beat Long Sihao. She rushed up and pushed away the scene of the two lewd men...

At this time, Li Xiaoman held a relatively thick tree with one hand, and held the forehead with the other hand.

Her face was pale, and there was a layer of sweat on her forehead, her mouth murmured, "Si Hao... Si Hao..."

Immediately she called Long Sihao, the phone rang only once, and Long Sihao answered it.

Long Sihao's worried voice came from there, "Xiao Xiao, where is it?"

"I...I'm in the suburbs..."

"I saw you."

Before Li Xiaoman's words were finished, Long Sihao said he saw her.

She was stunned for a while, and she was about to turn around with her mobile phone, and a rapid footstep came, and then a familiar voice came into her ears.


With a look of shock, she turned around immediately and saw Long Sihao, who was also holding a mobile phone, walking towards her.

"Si... Sihao..."

She widened her eyes in shock, and the phone next to her ear almost slipped to the ground.

How could her Si Hao come?

How does he know she is here?

He appeared when she was helpless and scared.

Her heart is very moving, every time she is in danger, he can find it accurately, he really moved her and was surprised and surprised.

"Mrs. President, are you okay."

Lori was also with Long Sihao.

Behind them, there are dozens of bodyguards, all with illuminated flashlights in their hands.

Long Sihao walked quickly to Li Xiaoman, reached out and hugged her into his arms, and looked at her worriedly, "Xiao Xiao, how are you? Did you get hurt? How could you be here?" Who brought you here?"

Long Sihao appeared too suddenly and in time, Li Xiaoman was still in amazement like a dream.

She looked up at him staring stunnedly, flashing bright water eyes, her long eyelashes rippling with her blinking motion, and then her eyes were hot, and the tears of movement suddenly poured out, "Sec... Hao, how do you know that I am here?"

Lorry looked at Li Xiaoman, and when she saw that she was about to cry, he looked at Long Sihao again, "President, take the wife's wife back first. If you have anything, go back and ask."

Long Sihao heard the words, then bent over to pick up Li Xiaoman, and looked at her tenderly, "Xiao Xiao, let's go back and talk."

When the words fell, he took her and left the woods.

Li Xiaoman, who was held in his arms, kept looking at him until he took her into the car, her eyes never left him.

Some time ago Lowry told her about her abduction, a vague picture appeared in her mind, a boy with hands and feet tied to save a little girl was beaten by two indecent men.

Tonight she saw clearly that the little girl about eleven years old was herself, and the boy was Long Sihao, Long Sihao who loved her as destiny.

Her heart is not only moving, but also distressed him, he has been protecting her with life since childhood.

The tears in her eyes flowed more violently, and he felt distressed and grateful to him.

Long Sihao saw Li Xiaoman staring at him stunnedly, and he was crying in tears. When she was scared, he embraced her with her arms tight and let Lori sitting in the driver's seat drive immediately Backwater Luhu Villa.

Just two minutes after they left, the two black cars stopped at their previous position, and more than a dozen gangsters got out of the car.

One of the hairs was dyed with a colorful head, and he was still on the phone with a mobile phone in his hand, but he never got through.


Because the **** didn't get through, he hung up and took the lead into the woods, then went straight to the broken house.

Sophie in the broken house woke up at this time, but her physical strength had not recovered, and she failed to get up after several attempts.

Lying on the ground, she was full of hate for Li Xiaoman, she did not expect Li Xiaoman to be dizzy.

This time she was lucky, and next time she would never let her go.

She was thinking about how to deal with Li Xiaoman next time. There was a footstep outside the house, and then a strange voice came in.

"Boss, what the woman said is this broken house."

Hearing the sound outside the broken house, Sophie struggled to get up, but she hadn't gotten up yet, and the dozen or so gangsters walked in with a flashlight in their hands.

Sophie's body was pretty good, her skin was tender, and she was half-blooded. When the dozen or so people came in to see her, her eyes glowed and whistled.

"Boss, this woman's looks are pretty good, now we are dead, the boss comes first." One of the gangsters smiled and watched his hair dyed colorfully.

The head of the **** named Liu Biao, Sophie met at the bar today after leaving Li Xiaoman's studio.

After understanding Liu Biao, she asked Liu Biao to do something for her, and said that when it was done, she was given 200,000 yuan and Liu Biao agreed immediately.

Liu Biao saw Sophie lying on the ground and stepped forward. The flashlight in her hand was photographed on Sophie’s body, and she looked at her squintingly. How many of our brothers play? It turns out to be yourself! Then we are welcome."

Sophie panicked when she heard this, and quickly said: "You made a mistake, not me, I let you play to kill Li Xiaoman."


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