The mysterious man coldly raised the corner of one side of the lip, grabbed her wrist, and suddenly hit the back of her neck with a gun handle, trying to stun her.

There was a feeling of pain and numbness behind the neck, Li Xiaoman's eyes closed, and the meter was simply fainted on the ground.

The mysterious man looked at the grinning faintly on the ground, reached out and took off the ghost mask on his face, revealing a face that Li Xiaoman could not be familiar with, and the grin of his lips widened. A few points.

Li Xiaoman, who pretended to be dizzy, was lying on the ground, so she could only see the trousers of the mysterious person, but could not see his face, and she did not know what the mysterious person looked like.

The mysterious man looked at her coldly, turned around, and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"I have taken her to the suburban woods, what do you want to do? She can't die yet, you can torture her, but you can't kill her."

The voice of the mysterious man was cold, with a strong warning.

Li Xiaoman, who was lying on the ground, was guessing who he was calling when he heard the mysterious person. The mysterious person had already hung up the phone, then put on a ghost mask, and walked to Li Xiaoman's side. His eyes were ruthless. After glancing at her, he picked her up again and walked to the front of the woods.

He didn't stop until he walked to a dilapidated hut and threw Li Xiaoman into the dirty and messy ground in the broken house.

The broken house was well ventilated on all four sides, with an area of ​​less than 20 square meters. The walls were peeling off and the bricks and tiles were old. At first glance, it had a history of more than ten years. Presumably it was a temporary house built by the villagers.

There was nothing in the room. It was dark now. Although the silver moonlight shone in, it was not very bright.

Who was the mysterious portrait waiting for, and after throwing Li Xiaoman into the broken house, he stood at the door and stared at his eyes.

Li Xiaoman, who was lying in the broken house, had always been vigilant. She opened her eyes slightly, staring at the mysterious man standing at the door, and her slim hands slowly took her from her bag while he was not paying attention. A lipstick-type electric shock rod that she bought deliberately for self-defense and pervert.

Just press the switch, you can stun people.

Because she wanted to know who the mysterious person was waiting for, she didn't do it for now.

And the mysterious person is waiting for others because of his mind at this time, and he did not realize that Li Xiaoman did not really faint at all.

About ten minutes later, talents such as mysterious people arrived.

In order to avoid being found to be dizzy, Li Xiaoman closed his eyes temporarily.

The voice of a woman familiar to her passed into her ears.

"What about her?"


As soon as she heard the voice, she guessed that the person speaking was Sophie.

It's just that she didn't expect Sophie to be with a mysterious person, which surprised her too much.

Now she doesn't need to ask to know that the mysterious man will bring her here, which must be related to Sophie.

She only ran to her studio today, and let the mysterious man bring her here at night. It seems that she was planning this after leaving her job today.

Damn Sophie, she won't let her go.

"How do you want to deal with her?" At this moment, the mysterious person's cold voice spread into her ears.

And she smelled a familiar perfume smell, it was Sophie's body, it should be Sophie approached her.

As Li Xiaoman thought, Sophie had entered the broken house at this time and stood beside Li Xiaoman, looking at her with a vicious face.

Her light brown eyes narrowed fiercely, and looked at Li Xiaoman with hate, and grinned vehemently, "I'm going to destroy her, I want to see, she has been played by a dozen men in turn, Will Si Hao be interested in her?"

When the mysterious man heard the words, he glanced coldly at Li Xiaoman who was lying on the ground, and then looked at Sophie coldly, and the voice was cold, "I still say that, how do you want to torture her is yours?" Thing, but she can't kill her for the time being, she is still useful."

Sophie looked at the mysterious man impatiently, "I know, I don't want to kill her, and I didn't want to kill her now. I'm going to torture her slowly, so that she might as well die."

"This is the best. I have brought you here, and you will leave the rest to yourself." The mysterious man looked at her coldly, and turned out of the broken house.

Sophie glanced at Li Xiaoman behind him, grinning fiercely, and chased him out.

"Aren't you staying here to watch the show? I called more than a dozen bastards, and they will take turns in a while..."

The mysterious person interrupted her before she finished speaking, "I'm not interested."

When the words fell, he left.

Sophie glanced at the direction of the broken house after the mysterious man walked away, a cold lips, and then called her more than a dozen mixed heads.

"Have you come? Yes, in the suburban woods and broken houses, you must play to your heart's content for a while. You don't need to pity her and cherish the jade. Right, enough play, remember to take a photo of her naked, preferably Take a video of her being turned by you, and I will give you 200,000 after the event."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Today is here, what will happen to Xiaoxiao? Tomorrow Sophie’s tragic fate will come. Tomorrow will be **, and then a big ** in a few days! I will recognize my brother soon.


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