A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 525: Sophie is "battered" (climax)

Liu Biao listened to her saying that the wrong person was wrong. He looked at the broken house and looked down at Sophie with a wry smile. "Miss Aisha, you said I was wrong, then you tell me, you say What is the name of Li Xiaoman, where is she? You let Lao Tzu come here at night, and say that there is a big beauty to let Lao Tzu do it, and let Lao Tzu bring a few more people. Lao Tzu now brings all his brothers, you Where's the woman who said? Are you kidding me?"

"She... she ran, I didn't play with you, you should be able to catch up now, as long as you catch up with her, I will give you half a million." Sophie saw Liu Biao looking at her with wrong eyes, in her heart Very afraid that Liu Biao will treat her, if she is defiled by this group of gangsters, she will be crazy.

So she can only keep calm now, let them go first.

She regretted her death now. What Liu Biao does is adultery, she should not provoke them.

This time she lifted a stone and hit her own foot, but she would not let Li Xiaoman go.

Liu Biao listened to Sophie's words to half a million, and was a little emotional, but also hesitant.

He looked at Sophie, who had a beautiful figure, good skin, and white skin, and had a big heart. He felt it would be a pity if she just let her go.

There are quite a few women he has played with, but he is as pretty as Sophie. He hasn’t played it, and it’s tickling just to watch it, not to mention it’s a mixed race, he hasn’t played a mixed race yet.

Seeing Liu Biao still hesitating, Sophie concealed her panic and immediately said: "I will give you one million, as long as you go chasing Li Xiaoman now, no matter whether you catch it or not, I will give you one million."

"Is there such a cheap thing? Give us one million if you can't chase it?" Liu Biao looked at her with bare eyes, seeing her panic and pale, he smiled wryly, "You want to break us away Run away."

Then he looked back at the dozen or so little **** who couldn't wait to rush over and asked with a smile: "You said, I listen to you, do you want that million, or are we brothers enough to talk about it."

The dozen or so punks looked at each other, and then to Sophie, who was lying. The male's inferior root ** determined reason.

One of the little **** said with a smile: "Boss, I haven't played with half-breeds yet. Let's play with her enough. Take a few **** photos of her. I'm not afraid that she won't give money. In some cases, we are cool and cool, and we have money.

Liu Biao's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, "Your boy said it well, and then talk first."

Sophie panicked when she heard Liu Biao's words, staring at him with an angry look: "Don't mess up, if you dare to touch me, I won't let you go."

Liu Biao looked at her with a dizzy eye, and she smiled very timidly, "Miss Aisha, you can rest assured that we will make you drunken and die."

When the words fell, Liu Biao threw the flashlight, undressed and undressed, and looked back at the dozen or so gangsters behind him.

Seeing Liu Biao starting to undress, Sophie hurriedly sat up and backed away, looking at him in horror, "Liu Biao, what are you doing? You dare to mess up, I won't let go..."


Liu Biao didn't wait for Sophie to finish, and she flew to Sophie when she was naked, tearing her clothes off with both hands.

"Ah... no... no..."

Sophie shouted screamingly, but she could do nothing to stop it.

As the voice of "Bao Biao" sounded, the clothes on her body were torn into pieces, and her beautiful body was just like the red fruit in front of more than a dozen little bastards.

Looking at Sophie's naked eyes, the eyes of the dozen or so gangsters were gleaming, and her eyes looked like hungry wolves, hoping to pounce on her and swallow her.

Sophie saw more than ten men looking at her with a languid expression on her face. Her face was pale, her hands hugged her upper body, and she gathered her white legs, shouting angrily: "If you dare to mess up, I will not let you go , Get out... Get out... Get out of me... Um..."

Liu Biao looked at Sophie’s tempting body, and had long been animalistic, before she finished, pressing down on her lips to kiss and bite, and his cumbersome hands were still on her. A frantic touch.

"Ah...help...get off...don't touch me, get away...get off..."

Sophie struggled desperately to avoid Liu Biao's bite and her disgusting kiss, tears in her panic and frightened eyes, crying and crying angrily: "Go away... Get away... Don't touch me... Get away..."

Because Sophie was struggling too hard, Liu Biao was not good at handling things, and he was naturally unhappy.

He snorted at Sophie and said in a rough voice: "Yeah, md, pretend? You call to let Laozi hurry up and lie here straight, not to let Laozi gan you."

Then he turned his head to look at the dozen or so little **** and shouted, "What are you still doing in a daze, come over and hold her hands and feet for Lao Tzu, wait until Lao Tzu is cool enough, you come again."

As soon as Liu Biao's voice fell, the dozen or so punks flew up, holding Sophie's hands and feet so that she could not move.

Sophie, who was desperately struggling, was completely panicked, crying and begging for mercy, "Don't touch me, I beg you not to touch me, as long as you don't touch me, I will give you how much money you want."

Liu Biao and others are now sperm-brained, and her begging for mercy is useless. No matter how much money she said to them, they have not been able to persuade them to stop invading her body.

Liu Biao looked at her frivolously, "When I'm cool enough, take a few **** photos of you, I'm not afraid you won't give money."

Sophie's light brown eyes were filled with tears and shook her head in panic. "No... don't... don't touch me... I beg you... let me go..."

Liu Biao was too lazy to talk to her, and a fierce one stood up...


The pain penetrated so fiercely that Sophie shouted out in horror, and the miserable cry broke through the sky.

Liu Biao's face was excited and surprised.

He didn't expect Sophie to be virgin.

Such a beautiful woman hadn't been opened by someone before. The more he wanted, the more excited, and the more excited, the more he moved.

Sophie cried in pain, "Ah... no... no... woo... go away... beasts, I will not let you go, I will kill you, get away... beasts..."

Her face was full of tears, her face was pale, her expression was painful, her hair was scattered, and her body shivered because of Liu Biao's gentle impact.

She cried and shook her head, her voice was hoarse, and did not stop Liu Biao on her.

Being so innocent by Liu Biao, Sophie is better off dying than living, and wishing to destroy the whole world.


After Liu Biao ended, there was a little fool to fill up.

Make up one by one...


Lake Heron

At this time, Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman had returned to the villa.

Xiao Yanyan didn't sleep because she was worried about Li Xiaoman. She waited in the hall and saw her coming back. Only a little relief in her heart.

"Mommy, you finally came back. Where did you go? Both me and Dad are more worried about you."


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