A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 482: Dangerous, suffocating

Because her eyes have always been on the makeup mirror, she can see clearly the situation behind her.

There is a fitting room in this dressing room, just beside the makeup mirror less than three steps away.

Suddenly, she saw a black figure flash out of the door in the fitting room.

He held two syringes in his two hands, and one flashed forward, plunging into the back of the two makeup artists who were applying makeup for Li Xiaoman.

The two makeup artists closed their eyes and fell directly to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman's pupils widened and immediately stood up. It was too late to scream, and the man in black quickly pushed forward, covering her mouth with one hand and the other hand. There was an extra sharp dagger coming directly to her neck.

"It's better not to call, otherwise, I will kill you immediately."

The man in black wears a long trench coat, a black body, and a ghost mask, his fierce light exposed, and his voice extremely cold.

Li Xiaoman, who was covering her mouth, felt a coolness in her neck. She tried to keep calm, her eyes narrowed, and she looked at him sharply and coldly, and asked who he was with her eyes. What do you want?

The man in black understood her eyes, the lips under the mask were tentatively raised, her eyes were harsh, her voice was cold, "I won't tell you who I am, and you never want to know, as for For my purpose, I specifically warned you that you better not marry Long Sihao. If you dare to marry him, I will kill you. If you don’t believe me, we will try."

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him indifferently.

At this time, her back pressed against the dressing table, and her slender hands were propped on the dressing table.

She glared at the man in black and didn't speak. Both of her slender hands groped on the dressing table to see if she could find something to deal with him.

Now the dagger in his hand rested on her neck. She already felt that there was blood in her neck, so she could not act lightly for the time being.

Suddenly, the man in black let go of her hand covering her lips, but the dagger in his other hand was still against her neck.

He stared at her with a dark look, and said in an orderly tone: "We are not allowed to take wedding photos with him."

Li Xiaoman's slender hand is behind him, and he has been groping for sharp things on the dressing table. When he heard the man in black say this, she looked at him sharply and asked coldly, "Why?"

The man in black saw her look very calm after seeing him come in. Her eyes looked at her more ruthlessly, and her voice was cold, "Are you afraid of me?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him flatly, "Are you afraid that it is useful? Who are you? Why don't you allow me to marry Si Hao?"

In saying this, her slim hands behind her back held the makeup spray.

She fumbled for a long time and found nothing sharp.

In order to distract the man in black and not to irritate him, so even now she can speak, she did not cry for help.

Because the dagger in the hand of the man in black still rested on her neck, if she called for help, the man in black might start.

No matter how fast her mouth is, he can't compare with his knife.

The man in black looked at her coldly and smiled coldly, "Hehe...you have no right to know, remember what I said, if you dare to marry Long Sihao and dare to have a wedding with him, I will kill you , Oh no, I will torture you to death first, and then divide you into corpses."

Li Xiaoman squeezed the makeup spray tightly, pushed his thumb against the lid, and looked at the man in black with a cold look. "You are warning me when you come?"

After a pause, her eyes were cold and the clear water narrowed her eyes, "You killed my mother?"

The black man in front of him is very similar to the black man in the photo that Han Jinxi gave to her last time.

The last two photos, one was taken of the whole body, and the other was a magnified photo, only above the shoulder, but these two photos are the same person.

If he is the person in the picture, the word "si" should be tattooed on the back of his ear.

Looking at the man in black in front of her, she also thought of the third day she gave birth to Yanyan five years ago. The man in black who broke into the ward and wanted to **** Yanyan was also very similar to him. It seems that five years ago It was him who wanted to take Yanyan.

When the man in black saw her asking this question suddenly, he just smiled coldly, "You are a lot smarter."

"That's all you forced it out." Li Xiaoman looked at him with a cold look, then raised his hand suddenly, and the makeup spray in his hand was sprayed towards his eyes.

The man in black did not check for a while and was sprayed into his eyes, while Li Xiaoman took advantage of his instinctive closed eyes, his left hand grabbed the back of his hand holding the dagger, and his right hand grabbed his wrist , Turning outwards backwards, while her head leaned to the left so as not to be stabbed in the neck by the tip of the knife.

After the dagger left her neck, she kicked the undercarriage of the man in a black mask and a ghost mask.

The man in black reacted, and one shone to avoid him, and then his eyes were fierce, saying that you were looking for death, and the dagger in his hand pierced her.

Li Xiaoman saw that he was spurting her, she could not escape, she could only use the makeup spray in her hand to deal with him, but she had not had time to press the spray this time, the man in black stretched out his hand, ruthless She pinched her neck fiercely.

A strong sense of suffocation struck her, frowning but making no sound. She wanted to breathe and opened her mouth hard.

The man in black gradually increased his strength, and the face wearing the ghost mask came close to her ear and smirked coldly, "Fight me, can you fight it? Don't control it."

Li Xiaoman was severely deprived of oxygen, and his eyes began to fade, because the man in black approached her, which happened to be on her side. Her weaker eyes fell on his right ear, which happened to be seen on the back of his right ear. The word "si".

"Sure enough...it's you..."

The man in black is the mysterious person whose design framed her.

Hearing Li Xiaoman's pale and powerless words, the man in black was startled.


At this moment, as the familiar deep voice sounded, Long Sihao, who had been waiting outside for a long time, pushed open the door of the dressing room and walked in.

Hearing Long Sihao's voice, the man in black was surprised again, let go of Li Xiaoman, and quickly flashed into the dressing room of the dressing room and left.

Long Sihao only saw his black, thin back disappear quickly.

And Li Xiaoman had just been suffocated by the pinch. As soon as the black man's hand was released, her body slipped onto the ground weakly.


Long Sihao panicked, too late to chase the man in black, quickly flashed to Li Xiaoman, and caught her before she fell to the ground.


His panic filled his eyes, his beautiful face instantly paled, and his panic and worried eyes fell on her neck.

Seeing a slender blood and pinch marks on her white neck, his deep eyes flashed a bit of violence, and he asked anxiously, "Xiao Xiao, how are you?"


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