A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 483: Without you, I might as well die

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at the worrying Long Sihao. He smiled weakly, "Si... Sihao, I... I'm fine, fortunately you... you came in time."

Long Sihao’s dark, ink-like narrow eyes were filled with worry, and she looked at her with guilt and distress, "If I come in time, your neck will not be injured and bleeding, and there will be no pinching. ."

Now he is still in panic, he dare not imagine that if he came in a little later, he and his Xiao Xiao would be separated from Yin and Yang.

He will not let go of the person just now, if you let him find out who he is, he will definitely smash him.

He hugged her tightly into his arms, as if tightly rubbing into his bone blood, his tall, tall body was trembling because he was afraid, afraid of losing her.

He said with a lot of guilt and self-blame, "Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry, I didn't come in timely enough. I should accompany you. How can I let you in alone? It's my fault, sorry."

Li Xiaoman was in his arms, his eyes were a little helpless, "Si Hao, it doesn't matter... your business, I'm useless..."

Then Xiao Yanyan came in and saw two people lying on the floor, she opened her mouth wide, "Mommy, what happened? How are these two sisters...Mommy..."

Xiao Yanyan said that she looked at her mum, and when she saw her mum in her dad’s arms, she looked very bad. She trot forward worriedly, and her eyes turned red immediately, crying and asking: "Mommy, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Hearing Xiaoyanyan's crying, Li Xiaoman looked at her and squeezed a smile, "Yanyan, mommy... it's okay, it's really okay."

Long Sihao saw that Li Xiaoman was very weak. He worriedly hugged her sideways and took Yanyan away from the studio.

On the way back to Lushui Lake, he called Lowry and asked him to investigate who the masked man in black appeared in the studio today.

As soon as he returned to Shuiluhu Villa, he immediately asked the doctor who had been waiting for him to come to check for Li Xiaoman. After he repeatedly confirmed to the doctor that her neck was not fractured, it was all right, and he gradually relaxed.

The blood mouth drawn by Li Xiaoman's neck with a dagger was handled by Long Sihao himself.

After the wound was healed, she always lay on the round bed at the strong request of Long Sihao, but she was thinking about the mysterious man in black.

What is the real reason why he did not let her and Long Sihao hold a wedding?

Why is the word "si" tattooed behind his ear?

How did he enter her dressing room? Or did he wait there early in the morning?

How did he know that she was going to take a wedding photo with Si Hao today?

Xiao Yanyan was beside her, and she frowned and didn't know what she was thinking, and her worried and distressed eyes fell on her neck.

Her small eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, her eyes were red, and her eyes were full of pain, and her voice was immature. "Mommy, does your neck still hurt?"

Li Xiaoman put away his thoughts and met Xiao Yanyan's distressed eyes. With a warm smile on her face, she shook her head gently, "Yanyan rest assured, mommy is all right."

After taking a break, she looked much better, and her speech was not intermittent.

Xiao Yanyan's brows were still tight, and her breath did not relax, "Mommy, you haven't told me, how did the wound on your neck come? What happened to Mommy in the dressing room? Why? Why did the two sisters lie on the ground motionless?"

Li Xiaoman looked softly at Xiaoyanyan who was very worried about her, "Yanyan, mommy met... bad guys, luckily your dad was just in time than when he came in. Mommy just got a little bit of injury, Yan Don’t worry too much."

Xiao Yanyan nodded her head, looked at her and kept worrying about looking at Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao, who was silent, said in a sensible way: "Daddy, Mommy was scared by bad guys, Dad better calm down Mommy. Oh! I won’t disturb Daddy and Mummy anymore."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan walked out of the bedroom obediently, and pulled the bedroom door closed intimately.

Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman feel so relieved to have such a cute and sensible daughter.

Long Sihao clasped Li Xiaoman's small hand tightly, her distressed eyes fell on her neck, and her deep eyes were once again filled with thick guilt, "Xiao Xiao, I blame me, I didn't protect it well you."

Facing his guilty and distressed gaze, Li Xiaoman's slender jade hand caressed his handsome face, and his eyebrows scowled, "Si Hao, it's none of your business. Don't take responsibility on you every time. Also, I’m not a child anymore, I always have to learn to protect myself, I can’t let you protect me by my side all the time. Rest assured, eat a pad and grow wisdom, I won’t let that next time People hurt me again."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and looked at him closely, "I will not have this next time, I will not let you have the opportunity to be close to you again. From now on, I will stay close to you."

"Si Hao..."

Li Xiaoman looked up at him, his eyes overflowed with distress, "You don't have to be like this, so you will be very tired, I don't want you to be too tired, too worried about me, you always have to give me a chance to let me grow, you believe me, I won’t let him hurt me anymore, don’t forget, I will be self-defense."

Long Sihao still looked at her worriedly, "Xiao Xiao, you are a woman after all..."

"Si Hao..." Li Xiaoman interrupted him, and Qingli's face was filled with loss. "Do you look down on women?"

Looking at her lost, Long Sihao hugged her into her arms, lowered her head and kissed her forehead, and looked at her tenderly and affectionately, "Xiao Xiao, I definitely did not look down on women, but Women are naturally less powerful than men, and it is difficult to beat men. I am afraid that you are in danger again, stupid girl. Do you know how important you are to me? Without you, I might as well die. "

The man in the black dress in the dressing room of the studio today looked agile and trained at first sight.

Even if his Xiao Xiao is capable of self-defense, he will inevitably suffer.

Because he didn't see the man's face, he didn't know what he looked like, but he felt a bit familiar with the man's back and figure.

Of course, Li Xiaoman knew that Long Sihao had just said that she was afraid that she was in danger. She hugged him tightly and said with guilt, "Si Hao, I'm sorry to worry you."

A cold color flashed across her eyes, and she had determined in her heart that the man in black was the mysterious person who repeatedly framed her.

Her mother Li Sufang was killed by him. She and Long Sihao's first daughter were killed by him. Chen Lan, Li Xue and Zhang Hong were all his people.

The mysterious man can hide in the dressing room of the studio without knowing it, and can escape smoothly, indicating that his ability is really not small, she will not let him go, even if she is not capable, she must be Revenge for her mother Li Sufang, for her and Long Sihao's daughter, and for herself.


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