A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 481: Surprise, sky-high diamond wedding dress

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him, his eyes filled with affection, "If you don't go abroad to shoot, the meaning of these bridal shops is good. Is it selected by her husband? Well, it's really good. Which one is better..."

She paused, watching Long Sihao winking playfully and smiling softly, "It's hard to choose! Let's take each one of them, OK?"

"Hehe..." Long Sihao grinned and looked at her gaze more affectionately, he couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her alluring lips, "Wife, you really let her husband love In my heart, okay, everybody goes, every year on their wedding anniversary, it's best to shoot every bridal shop in this world."

Li Xiaoman stared at the clear water eyes, "Every bridal shop is going to shoot?"

Thinking of him saying that he would take wedding photos every wedding anniversary, she felt so happy and romantic.

Although it may feel greasy to take pictures every year, she is still happy to take wedding photos with her husband once a year.

When they are old, take out all the wedding photos they have taken, and see how happy that feeling will be. She just gets drunk after thinking about it.

Long Sihao looked at her indulgently, and Yingying's handsome eyebrows slightly raised her lips, smiling. "I just wanted to take a lifetime wedding photo with my wife, and I didn't stop until I got old. "

"Her..." She threw herself into his arms, her slender hands clasped his waist tightly, her eyes moved, "It is so happy to marry you as a wife, you are romantic and caring, handsome and golden , Dedicated and affectionate, outside the house, bed|to bed..."

Speaking of "bed|to bed", Li Xiaoman's face quickly burst into red.

Long Sihao looked down at her with a red face, narrow eyes narrowed, and looked at her scorchingly, "Huh? Bed|what's going to bed?"

Li Xiaoman buried his red face deep in his arms, with a happy smile on the corners of his lips, and said three words embarrassedly, "All are great."


Every man likes to be boasted by the beloved woman, especially boasting the bed|Shang, Long Sihao laughed heartily, his arms tightened Li Xiaoman, his narrow eyes full of smiles were affectionate Looking at her, "Xiao Xiao...wife, I love you."

Although the words "I love you" have been heard by him many times, every time he hears it, Li Xiaoman's heart is shocked.

She smiled and replied: "I love you too, very much."

Her voice fell, and a young sweet sweet voice sounded.

"Dad, Mommy, you guys are so wordy, haven't you been ok for a long time?"

As the young voice sounded, Xiao Yanyan, already dressed, came in.

Then she looked up to Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao, and smiled sweetly, her voice was immature, "Daddy, Mommy, good morning."

"Good morning, Yanyan."

Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao spoke at the same time.

Xiao Yanyan walked between Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao, and the little hand held their big hands, "Daddy, Mommy, aren't you going to take wedding photos? Can you go now?"

Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiao Yanyan, then looked up at Long Sihao, "Yanyan is going too?"

Xiao Yanyan looked up with a smile on her tender face, "Of course I am going, but I am the crystallization of the love of Dad than Mommy, the best testimony of the happiness of Dad than Mommy, so I must go, must go ."

Li Xiaoman squinted at her, "I think you want to take the opportunity not to go to school?"

Xiao Yanyan's eyelashes twitched like a fan, her small hand covered her small mouth, and her small eyes blinked, "Oh! Why was it exposed so quickly, Mommy, you guessed that Lun's careful thoughts should be said , How embarrassing the Lun family!"

Li Xiaoman slightly pulled the corner of her lower lip, and did not know where her baby girl went to learn collocations.

After deciding which studio to go to, Long Sihao made a call and arranged some things without knowing Li Xiaoman.

After breakfast, he personally drove Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan to the city's most famous and expensive "Jinshengyuan Wedding Photography Building" to take wedding photos.

When they arrived at the destination, they got off the bus, and the manager of the wedding photography building greeted him with a very polite and respectful smile.

"Mr. Long, Miss Li, and Miss Yanyan, welcome you to come to this life."

At this time, all the shop ladies in the studio stood outside the studio, standing in two rows.

The manager's voice fell, and their voices rang together.

"Welcome President Long, Miss Li, and Miss Yanyan to come to this life."

Li Xiaoman looked at this situation and was startled, looked up at Long Sihao, and concealed a trace of doubt.

The staff of the entire studio were welcomed in line, and the formation extended from outside the studio to the exclusive elevator in the studio leading to the VIP reception area on the tenth floor.

As they walked into the studio to enter the exclusive elevator, their voices were welcomed one after another.

Arriving at the VIP reception area, what Li Xiaoman didn't expect was the dressmaker, makeup artist, photographer, and designer of the studio, who were already waiting in the reception area.

As soon as she appeared with Long Sihao and Xiao Yanyan, the people who had been waiting for a long time said again: "President Long, Miss Li, and Miss Yanyan, welcome to this life."

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman looked up at Long Sihao holding her small hand, and smiled, "Si Hao, have you arranged this for a long time?"

Long Sihao held her small hand tightly, looked at her tenderly and softly, and bent her lips to smile, "My wife and I took wedding photos for the first time, of course, we must prepare in advance."

Li Xiaoman looked at him with a stern look, "When did you get ready?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and looked at her with a spoiled smile. "When you don't notice, try the dress first and close your eyes."

Li Xiaoman looked at him with some surprise, "Why close your eyes in the test dress?"

Xiao Yanyan beside Long Sihao blinked her small eyes and smiled sweetly at her, "Because Dad wants to surprise Mommy more than you."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan looked up at Long Sihao again and smiled sweetly, "Dad, am I right?"

Long Sihao reached out and gently touched Xiao Yanyan's small head, "Baby who knows me, Dad wants to surprise your mommy."

Then he looked up at Li Xiaoman, his eyes narrowed with affection and indulgence, "Xiao Xiao, good boy, close your eyes first, I won't let you open if you don't let you open."

Looking forward to the surprise of Long Sihao, Li Xiaoman's Qingli face smiled and closed her eyes obediently.

Long Sihao saw her close her eyes, held her small hand tightly, took her, and slowly walked to a transparent glass window in the wedding dress area.

After standing still, he looked down at Li Xiaoman, who obediently closed his eyes, and smiled, "Xiao Xiao, you can open your eyes."

Upon hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman's long eyelashes flickered, and slowly opened his charming eyes.

And the moment she opened her eyes, she was shocked. Her stunning and shocking eyes fell directly on the diamond wedding dress with a unique design radiating in the transparent glass window.

The wedding dress is inlaid with a diamond with 504 facets on the chest, and the skirt is filled with pearls, embellished with Italy's top handmade lace and Swarovski crystals. The dazzling crystal lights and diamond wedding dresses complement each other, creating a dreamlike color and light Overflowing.

The wedding dress is a backless extended design with a very long skirt, which symbolizes a long and long marriage, dignified, holy, graceful, sacred, and atmosphere.

Looking at the white wedding dress shining under the crystal chandelier, Li Xiaoman was shocked and shocked.

The studio manager saw Li Xiaoman staring directly at the diamond wedding dress. He smiled and introduced: "Miss Li, this diamond wedding dress was customized for you a month ago by Long Zong. Another eight designers and more than three hundred craftsmen participated in the production. All the silk lace flowers on the wedding dress were made by hand and the cost was more than nine figures."

Long Sihao saw that Li Xiaoman had been staring at the wedding dress for a long time. He stared at her indulgently. "Xiao Xiao, do you like this wedding dress? If you don't like it, I can have someone customize it for you again."

Li Xiaoman withdrew his shocked glance on the wedding dress, his eyes suddenly turned red, tears flashed in the clear eyes, and he looked at the smiling gentle and indulgent Long Sihao in his heart, almost crying Out.

She choked: "Si Hao, I like it very much, I really like it, thank you husband, I really...I like..."

At the end, her moved words were not in a sentence, and the tears of the moving face poured out from the bottom of her eyes.

"Si Hao..."

Suddenly, she rushed into his arms, hugged him tightly, and was moved by a mess.

She did not expect her Si Hao to secretly customize a wedding dress for her, she thought he said that taking a wedding photo today was a temporary decision.

He always thinks about everything so carefully, everything he does makes her impressed no matter what matters.

Long Sihao looked down at her eyes full of tears, he wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, then took her slender hands and put a kiss on her lips, looked at her lovingly, bent her lips and smiled, The tone of the joke, "Xiao Xiao, don't cry first, your eyes will be swollen after a while, and it will not look good. The wedding photos you took this time will be put on our wedding. If you have swollen eyes, it doesn't matter who throws me , Someone who can't throw you away."

Li Xiaoman's eyes were filled with tears, and his lips were lightly smiled, "Si Hao, thank you, you are really good."

Long Sihao lowered his head and printed a kiss on her alluring pink lips, "Go ahead and change dresses."

"Huh!" Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded. As the dressmaker and makeup artist entered the dressing room where the dressing and makeup were integrated, the dressmaker put on the wedding dress for her, and then the makeup artist put on her hair. Makeup.

Putting on that sky-high diamond wedding dress, she was as stunning as the beauty of the Nine Heavens Fairy who fell in the world.

She sat in front of the makeup mirror amidst the admiration from the dressmaker and the makeup artist.

"Wow, Miss Li, you are beautiful, really beautiful, this wedding dress is also beautiful."

"Miss Li, President Long has nothing to say to you, we all envy you."


Listening to the designer who applied her makeup, Li Xiaoman sitting in front of the makeup mirror was full of smiles, and Shui Yingcheliang’s eyes looked at her stunning beauty in a white wedding dress in the mirror, Qingli His face was covered with a happy smile.


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