A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 480: Where to go for wedding photos

Seeing that she had to feed him, Li Zhenhua did not insist on taking the bowl from his hand, but looked at her with more guilt.

He felt that her sister treated her so well after holding her back, and he should be ashamed of her.

He did not know why his sister Li Sufang would alienate her indifferently.

After feeding Li Zhenhua to drink ribs soup, Li Xiaoman said a few words to him, let Li Wenbo accompany Li Sufang first, she was carrying the bowl into the kitchen to wash.

When she finished washing, Li Wenbo also came out of Li Zhenhua's room.

Seeing him come out, Li Xiaoman stepped forward and saw that Li Zhenhua had a rest. She looked up and looked at Li Wenbo, whose face was not very good, "Brother Wenbo, I have something to tell you, let's go outside to the balcony."

Li Wenbo watched her tap her head and followed her to the balcony.

After standing on the balcony, Li Xiaoman turned to look at him, his brow furrowed, "Uncle Wenbo, his uncle is not as good as before, he is not too young, but he has to be busy in the store and at home. , Really tired, he needs someone to take care, and you can’t take care of him every moment, so..."

Li Wenbo interrupted her and looked at her deeply, "Manman, I know what you want to say? Do you want me to get married sooner?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, "Just know it, uncle is now looking forward to you getting married and having children, don't let him be too disappointed, don't miss it if you meet good girls."

Li Wenbo's brow furrowed, his eyes flashed with a thick loss, and the clear voice was mixed with a deep melancholy atmosphere, "Manman, I know what to do."

"I will come to see my uncle again, and I will go back."

When the words fell, she went into the living room and walked straight to the door of the room.

Li Wenbo, who immediately followed, saw her walking towards the door of the room and looked at her and said, "Manman, I'll send you."

Li Xiaoman opened the door and raised his eyebrows to smile at him, "No, you take care of your uncle."

Listening to her saying no, Li Wenbo's expression lost a bit. He stood on the spot and watched her turn out of the door until her figure disappeared at the door. He kept looking at the direction of the door.

Li Xiaoman left the room and received a call from Long Sihao.

"Wife, do you need your husband to pick you up?"

"No, I can just go back by myself. I don't want my husband to be too hard." As soon as she heard Long Sihao's low, familiar voice, she immediately cleared the complex and gloomy mood after knowing about her life experience.

As long as Long Sihao and Yanyan are beside her, she will be satisfied.

"Really not?" Long Sihao's deep, clear voice rang in her ears again.

"Well! No, I will go back by myself."


Hanging up the phone with Long Sihao, she is already on the floor.

When she walked to her car and pulled the door open to sit in, she saw her relative, Long Sihao, sitting in the driving seat in her car.

"Si Hao..." She opened her pupils and looked at him in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Then she looked at the back of the car again, looked at him and asked, "What about Yanyan?"

Long Sihao looked at her tenderly, "Lorry has sent her back to Shuilu Lake."

Li Xiaoman nodded his head and then got into the car.

Long Sihao leaned close to her after she sat in, reaching for her seat belt.

Looking at the meticulous and gentle handsome man, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were stained with a happy smile, "Thank you husband."

Long Sihao raised his eyebrows slightly, narrowed her eyes tightly with her delicate face, her eyes were soft and hot, her thin lips bent, "Xie Husband, just one word? No other expression?"

Li Xiaoman smiled and leaned close to him. His slender hands wrapped around his neck and took the initiative to put his lips together. On his handsome side face, "Bao" kissed him, and then on his right side face." "Baw" kissed.

When she was about to retreat, Long Sihao took her long arms around her slim waist and pulled her into his arms. Slender fingers pointed to his thin cherry-colored lips, "Wife, there is still here. "

Li Xiaoman glanced at him softly and put his lips together again and kissed him.

Long Sihao saw that her Xiaoxiao was getting more and more gentle. His narrow eyes were filled with a thick smile of happiness. His eyes looked at her tenderly and softly, and his voice was low and clear, "How is your uncle?"

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows frowned, "I'm afraid I'll be lying on the bed|for a long time."

Long Sihao reached out his hand and smoothed her wrinkles gently. Her narrow, narrow eyes gazed at her spoiledly, "Xiao Xiao, don't worry too much, your uncle will be fine."

Li Xiaoman looked up at the gentle and affectionate Long Sihao and nodded gently, "Uh."

After a pause, Qingli's face said with concern: "Uncle Uncle is also older. When Wen Bo was away, I was not at ease with him. After all, he was a big man and needed someone to take care of him."

Long Sihaoying's handsome eyebrow lightly looked at her with a smile on her face, her voice low and clear, "So?"

"I want to ask him a babysitter, or..."

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, taking Li Xiaoman's words, "Find him a companion."

"Huh." Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao and nodded with a smile. "My husband, who knows me, is really a great man. My daughter-in-law, I want to love and love."

"Love has never stopped?" Long Sihao's eyes lit up, as if absorbing the light of the stars. The deep eyes were full of thick smiles, and the thin lips drawn a charming and charming arc. The tone was joking, "Okay, We will go back to love and love again and again."

When the words fell, he violently started the car, and rushed out of the Jinlai community like a tiger released from an iron cage, as if he could not wait to go back to love with Li Xiaoman.

What does it mean to love, of course Li Xiaoman knows.

She looked at Long Sihao, who was driving fast, Qingli's face was still a little red, and her husband was really "bad".

The love she said was non-stop, and it was not what he thought, he wanted to understand it intentionally.

It's really a "bad" man, but she loves the bones of the "bad".

It's really not bad for men, women don't love!

Back at the villa, Long Sihao directly held Li Xiaoman | bed love never stopped.

They are like "shaking flute every night", Li Xiaoman is very worried about his body, but Long Sihao is not restrained.

The next day, Long Sihao did not go to the company, but pulled Li Xiaoman up early in the morning and took her to take the wedding photos first.

Although there are still a lot of things left unsolved, the mysterious man hasn't got it out yet, but he doesn't want to wait any longer.

Receive a card, take a wedding photo, hold a wedding, and he will never fall.

The card is now accepted, but if he does not take a wedding photo or hold a wedding, there will be great regrets for him, and he cannot be wronged by his Xiao Xiao.

He is going to give her a wedding in a prosperous world so that people all over the world know that his Xiaoxiao is his wife.

So he wants to have a wedding with her early so as not to have too many nights.

After waking up Li Xiaoman, he took him directly to the bathroom, squeezed the toothpaste for her, washed her face after brushing her teeth, then dressed her and combed her hair. The whole service was very thoughtful.

Less than half an hour later, Li Xiaoman was dressed neatly under his care.

She looked at herself in the glasses and smiled at Long Sihao again, and asked softly, "Si Hao, do you think where are we going to take wedding photos?"

In fact, she had long wanted to take wedding photos with him. Taking wedding photos with a beloved man was a very happy thing.

So he woke her up and said that she was going to take a wedding photo, and she immediately cooperated with him.

Long Sihao narrowly smiled and looked at Li Xiaoman, who was more charming and charming under his skillful hands, and his eyes were indulgent and gentle. , Where are the daughters-in-law of these bridal shops? Or are we going to shoot abroad?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

The mysterious man has never appeared, only a name appeared, and he will officially appear soon. As for the reason, it must be related to Xiao Xiao and Long Shao taking wedding photos, so can they take wedding photos smoothly? The mysterious man will confront Xiao Xiao face to face.


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