A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 479: Say and embrace the truth

Now she is very surprised, she does not believe that her mother Li Sufang will steal other children.

Li Zhenhua looked at her and frowned, "This is what your mom told me."

Li Xiaoman looked up at Li Zhenhua, his emotions complex, "Uncle, how is this possible? My mother...she...she is so good, she never takes other people's things, how could she be taken away from other people's homes?" child?"

"Manman, this is true. Uncle didn't lie to you."

"Then why did she do this?"

Hearing that the good mother in her mind suddenly became a woman who stole another child, she felt both heartache and disbelief.

She has always felt that her mother has a very good character. Although she is reticent, she is hardworking, simple, kind, not envious of the rich, and very down-to-earth and honest.

She could not associate such a woman with a woman who stole a child from someone else's house.

Her clear and bright eyes flashed a trace of disappointment, how could her dear mother...

Li Zhenhua saw her frowning, her eyes full of loss, he bowed his head and said: "Manman, there is a reason why your mother took you away. Don't blame her. As for the reason, I told you last time. ."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhenhua deeply, "Uncle, did Mom just take me away to save President Xia? Is this just the reason?"

She still didn't believe it. She didn't think it was so simple. Her mother couldn't secretly take her back from someone else's home just to save Xia Qingrong. This reason is too far-fetched.

Seeing her unbelief, Li Zhenhua frowned tightly, her eyes flashing a little, "Manman, you also know what character your mother is, she doesn't talk, she hides everything in her heart, she didn't tell me much, only that you are her Taken away from the Shen family, your mother was the sister-in-law of the Shen family at that time."

"Shen family? Yuesao?" Li Xiaoman saw that her uncle Li Zhenhua seemed to have nothing to say. She frowned and said, "Uncle, will you tell me everything? Okay, I want to know why mom Take me away? There must be other reasons, right? I don’t believe Mom just wanted to save that person."

"Manman, if you know another reason why your mother took you away, you will be very disappointed. Uncle will not tell you, this is for your good."

The more Li Zhenhua said, the more she wanted to know why her mother took her away.

Her eyes looked closely at Li Zhenhua, "Uncle, don't hide from me, tell me all, I want to know what is going on?"

Seeing that she insisted on knowing, Li Zhenhua looked dignified, "Manman, don't blame your mother, your mother is selfish, but she took you away to save you."

"Save me?" Li Xiaoman watched Li Zhenhua's eyes flashing a doubt and a puzzle.

Li Zhenhua looked down and then continued: "Your biological mother was born in the famous family Shen, but she was unmarried and gave birth first. Your grandfather thinks that your biological mother is embarrassing and will let her kill her child. Your biological mother will not kill you , And insisted on giving birth to you, but your grandfather still refused to admit you and said that she would strangle you. Your mother was at the Shen family when she took care of her for a month. You and your biological mother Shen Shiwei, she once met Your grandfather was going to strangle you, knowing that you might not be able to live in the Shen family, she took you away from the Shen family. Your mother said she was thinking that she secretly took you away from the Shen family. Save you and save your dad."

Li Zhenhua watched Li Xiaoman finish his speech, lowered his head, his eyes flashed with complexity, and he still felt guilty in his heart, because he still didn't tell her all the truth.

His sister Li Sufang had another reason to take her away from the Shen family, but for this reason his sister did not talk to him positively.

He remembers one time, because he owed a lot of gambling debts, his sister Li Sufang said that when she counted him, she said that she would not be instructed if she did not pay off gambling debts for him...

The sister at the back did not say it, but he guessed that his sister should be talking about taking Li Xiaoman away from the Shen family.

This matter is not certain, it is just his guess, he is not good to tell Li Xiaoman.

After listening to Li Zhenhua's words, Li Xiaoman's heart was cruelly pulled up. It turned out that her grandfather didn't like her very much and even strangled her.

Why is he so cruel?

Her mother is Shen Shiwei, who is her father?

Covering the grief in her heart, she looked up at Li Zhenhua and asked, "Uncle, did you just say that those were all told by your mother? Who is my biological father?"

Li Zhenhua put away his thoughts, watched Li Xiaoman nod, and then sighed again: "Oh, Manman, if your grandfather knew who your biological father was at that time, you would not let your biological mother kill you, I Your mom told me little by little, she never let me tell you, fearing that you would blame her and take you away, or you might feel chills."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, the emotions in Che Liang's eyes became more and more complicated, "Then I..."

She couldn't even call her mother Shen Shiwei. After all, she and she had never been with each other, and there would be a gap in her heart.

After a pause, she continued to ask again: "Does Uncle know what happened to Ms. Shen?"

Li Zhenhua shook his head gently, "Manman, uncle didn't know where your biological mother went. After hearing that you were taken away, she went abroad, and your grandfather emigrated the second year after your biological mother went abroad. Now, it’s dead or alive, uncle will not know."

Going abroad? Immigration?

No one related to her is in K City anymore, her eyes flashed a bit of loss.

After taking a deep breath, she looked up at Li Zhenhua calmly, "Uncle, thank you for telling me so much."

Li Zhenhua felt very ashamed of her in her heart, "Manman, uncle concealed you for so long, uncle felt sorry for you."

Seeing him feel guilty again, Li Xiaoman looked at him and said with ease: "Uncle, I have said it, you don't need to feel ashamed of me, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you haven't said it now late."

Li Zhenhua looked up at her and asked with some doubt: "Manman, what do you know about the truth now? Go find your mother and father?"

The biological father didn't know who it was, and the biological mother also went abroad. When he heard the words "mother and father", Li Xiaoman's heart cramped.

Li Zhenhua looked at Li Xiaoman, who was frowning, and was about to say something. Li Wenbo picked up the pork rib soup he had prepared for him.

When Li Xiaoman saw him coming in, he took the pork rib soup from his hand, and then looked at Li Zhenhua's mild, "Uncle, I will feed you."

"Manman, I'll do it myself. I have inconvenient legs, but not inconvenient hands. I will come by myself."

When Li Zhenhua finished speaking, he was going to get the bowl of pork rib soup in Li Xiaoman's hand.


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