A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 478: Family, no overnight hatred

Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, "Notify me when they are about."

Although Lowry was puzzled, he didn't ask any more. He collected the information and looked at her with a smile, "Okay, I will make an appointment with the three of them to the Royal Banquet as soon as possible. If Mrs. President has nothing else, then I will go first."

"Lot helps to walk slowly. This piece is kept secret in advance. Don't tell Si Hao."

Lorry heard the words, took a deep look at Li Xiaoman, and then said with a smile: "Mrs. President, rest assured, you don't want to say, I am absolutely confidential, then I'm gone."

After Lowry left work, Li Xiaoman watched the time and saw that Xiao Yanyan was almost going to school, so she packed up and was about to pick up Yan Yan, and received a call from Li Wenbo.

"Wen Bo, why do you remember calling me?"

"Manman, my dad..."

Li Wenbo's voice sounded dignified and hesitant.

When Li Wenbo heard something wrong, she frowned and asked worriedly: "Brother Wenbo, what's wrong with Uncle?"

"Dad, he accidentally fell at home the other day and his left leg was broken."

"What?" Li Xiaoman was shocked, and his eyes were full of worry and distress. "Wen Bo, why are you talking about it now?"

"Dad didn't let it be said, I'm afraid you are worried."

"I'm going to see my uncle now, no matter what, you are all my relatives."

Although she already knew that Li Sufang was not her mother-in-law, Li Zhenhua was not her uncle, and Li Wenbo was not her cousin, but she still regarded them as relatives in her heart.

So Li Zhenhua fell so badly that she couldn't ignore it.

Then she called Long Sihao and asked him to pick up Xiao Yanyan and told him that her uncle had a broken leg and was going to see it.

After hanging up the phone with Long Sihao, she left the studio and went directly to her uncle's residence in Jinlai Community.

Because Li Zhenhua fell so heavily that he couldn't take care of himself, Li Wenbo didn't go to the company to take care of him.

When Li Xiaoman arrived, Li Wenbo was cooking for Li Zhenhua. She asked Li Wenbo about some of Li Zhenhua's situation and went directly to Li Zhenhua's room.

Li Zhenhua was still cast on the left leg, lying half on the bed|, the whole person looked a lot thinner and his face was haggard.

He was a little surprised to see Li Xiaoman coming.

"Manman, you... why are you here?"

After Li Xiaoman put down the high-level nutritional products he had bought for him, he walked to his side and sat down. The clear water eyes looked at him worriedly and distressedly.

"Uncle, how are you feeling? Why didn't you tell me if you fell so bad? When did you fall? How did you leave the hospital?"

Seeing Li Xiaoman's worried face, Li Zhenhua asked a series of questions. His pale and haggard face was full of smiles. "Manman, I don't want you to worry. Let Wenbo not tell you, don't you. Worry, my uncle is fine, it doesn’t hurt at all, I don’t want to stay in the hospital, it’s better to stay at home."

"Uncle..." Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhenhua, his eyes full of distress.

Although his uncle used to like gambling before, and being a serious man, knowing the mistakes can improve Mo Yan. Over the years, her uncle's changes are all she sees in her eyes.

Now his uncle does not smoke, drink alcohol or gambling, he has completely become a good person, but he is almost fifty, and one person is busy with the store and the family is also very tired. She always tried to persuade him to find another companion, so that someone would take care of him.

After all, a big man is not suitable for housework.

When Li Zhenhua saw that she called out her uncle, she didn't say anything. He smiled and asked: "Manman, whatever you want to say, there is nothing you dare to say to your uncle."

Li Xiaoman Xiumei frowned, "Uncle, I think you need to take care of yourself, you find a companion, I don't think Wen Bo will mind."

Her remarks embarrassed Li Zhenhua, "Manman and uncle are all so old. What kind of company are you looking for? Just pass it."

Li Xiaoman glanced at his plastering legs, looked up at his pale and haggard face with distressed eyes, and his tone hardened, "I can't do it, if my uncle encounters a suitable..."

Li Xiaomanyue said that Li Zhenhuayue was embarrassed, "Manman, what is your child talking about? Uncle is more than 50 years old, where else would anyone..."

Speaking of which, he took Li Xiaoman's hand and smiled and patted the back of her hand, "Manman, uncle knows you are filial, you can rest assured that uncle will pay attention in the future and will not fall again."

Li Xiaoman sighed and looked at him gently, his eyes still uneasy.

She is gone, and she doesn't want to have any surprises with her uncle.

She looked at him with a smile, "Uncle, so, I'll ask a nanny to come back to take care of you. Brother Wen Bo is a man after all, or no woman is attentive."

When she heard that she wanted a babysitter, Li Zhenhua immediately refused: "Manman, you don't need a babysitter anymore. You can rest assured that my leg will rest for a few days."

"Uncle, when did your temper become so stubborn?" Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at him. "Anyway, babysitter, I'm please."

Li Zhenhua saw that Li Xiaoman was very concerned about him. Even if he knew that he was not her uncle, he still regarded him as a uncle. He felt very guilty about the things he had done to her before.

"Manman, uncle did a lot of things that hurt you and sorry for you. You still care about uncle so much, don't you hate uncle?"

Seeing his guilty face, Li Xiaoman held his hand instead, "Uncle, don't mention the past, we are all a family and there will be no overnight enmity."

Li Zhenhua lowered his head, the guilt in his eyes worsened, "Manman, but I'm not your uncle."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and looked at him, with a soft smile on the corner of his lips, "Who said no, in my eyes, you are my uncle."

Li Zhenhua was touched by her words, but felt even more ashamed of her. A few days ago, although he told her that he was not his sister Li Sufang's birth, he still concealed something about her.

She is so filial, he feels that he should not continue to hide, she has the right to know about her biological parents, and the right to know her life experience.

He looked up at her, and the pale and haggard face was a little dignified. "Manman, in fact, Uncle has something to hide from you."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman gazed slightly, and looked at him with a puzzled look, "What is uncle hiding from me?"

Li Zhenhua looked at her for a while, his brow furrowed, his face full of thoughts.

"Manman, actually, you... you were secretly taken away from someone's home by your mother."

"What?" Hearing Li Zhenhua's words, Li Xiaoman raised his clear pupils, and looked at Li Zhenhua with disbelief. "Uncle, what are you talking about? I... I was taken by my mother from someone else Secretly hugged at home?"


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