A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 477: Live in the past waiting for you

The driver behind her violently started the car quickly after they got off.

Hearing Lin Momo's angry voice behind him, Ling Hanye held Wei Yubin with one hand and turned around. The slightly squinted brown eyes reflected her a bit coldly and looked at her, "Wait."

Lin Momo walked to Ling Hanye and was about to reach out and grab Wei Yubin from him. Ling Hanye moved away quickly.

Lin Momo narrowed his eyes and looked at him disgruntled, "What the **** do you want?"

Ling Hanye's brown eyes squinted at her with an angry look, and the evil charm hooked her lower lip. "Lin Momo, I will ask you, is this kid your son?"

Lin Momo glanced at Wei Yubin, who was held in one hand by him, and the angry eyes in his eyes turned to Ling Hanye with a firm tone, "Of course I was born my son."

Ling Hanye's tight brown eyes looked at her for a while, a cold color flashed at the bottom of her eyes, and the smile of the evil charm was sighing, "Then go to test the DNA, I want to see if this kid is your son. ?"

When the words fell, he took Wei Yubin stride toward the hospital.

Lin Momo flashed a bit of panic in his eyes like autumn, because he said he wanted to test DNA.

Suoer, she trot forward to catch up with Ling Hanye, grabbed his arm, and watched him charmingly smile, "Ling Hanye, you don't have to go to the DNA test, I will tell you the truth."

After hearing this, Ling Hanye raised her eyebrows slightly, and a radiant arc was drawn on her lips. Her brown eyes looked at her obliquely, "Will Ken say?"

"Well!" Lin Momo looked at Ling Hanye and nodded, walked in for a few minutes, his lips pressed to his ear, and he lowered his voice deliberately, "I will tell you the truth, Binbin... "

Speaking of which, Lin Momo's eerie squint made a sudden step on Ling Hanye's instep while Ling Hanye was not prepared.

She was wearing stilettos. This foot was not too hard. Ling Hanye was stomped and stepped on her face. She was beautiful and tightly wrinkled, her eyes narrowed dangerously, and she looked cold in her eyes.

"Dead woman, you..."

Lin Momo didn't wait for him to finish, quickly took Wei Yubin out of his arms and kicked him to his lower abdomen.

Ling Hanye saw this and immediately took a step back to avoid it.

Lin Momo took Wei Yubin and took the opportunity to leave.

She ran to the roadside, hired a car, and sat in and left.

But this time Ling Hanye didn't chase it anymore. His brown eyes looked closely at the direction she left in the car. The general evil expression on Junmei's face was replaced by a deep one, and her eyes crossed the deep and lonely.

There was a bleak smile on the corner of his lips.

Lin Momo, you already have a new life, and I am still living in the past... waiting for you.

He stood there for a long time before he left.

many jewelry design studios

At this time, Lowry was in the office of Li Xiaoman's studio, and the materials he requested had been sent to Li Xiaoman.

Seeing that she was carefully watching the information he sent to her, he asked curiously: "Miss Li, what use are you asking for these?"

After reading the information in his hand, Li Xiaoman looked up at him and smiled slightly, "Lote Zhu, find a way to help me arrange these three people to Yu Yan Lou, and I invite them to dinner."

When the words fell, she took out the materials of the three people she mentioned from the stack and handed them to Lowry.

One of these three people is the sales director, and the other two are designers.

After receiving the information in her hand, Lowry narrowed her eyes and asked her, "Mrs. President offers three of them for dinner?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Xuan Xuan deliberately sent an extra chapter to publish tomorrow, Xuan Xuan wanted to apologize to the babies.

Baby, I'm sorry!

Xuan Xuan's recent family affairs have happened one after another. Xuan Xuan is now busy with a lot of things. His head is about to become a paste. Xuan Xuan has been making low-level mistakes these days.

Either write the wrong English name of your brother, or write grandma as grandma.

Baby: I'm really sorry! Xuan Xuan is really not intentional, please forgive Xuan Xuan, I'm very sorry.

Xuan Xuan will adjust well, and will not commit again in the future, hope the babies can forgive Xuan Xuan.

Xuan Xuan bowed: I'm really sorry!


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