A firm color flashed in her eyes, and she must help her husband to recapture the Dragon.

Putting her thoughts back, she looked up at Uncle Cheng's lips and smiled, "Uncle Cheng, thank you for telling me so many things, you can be busy."

Uncle Cheng watched Li Xiaoman nodded respectfully and left the bedroom.

As soon as she went out, Xiao Yanyan, who had finished her bath, walked in with small steps.

"Mommy, what did you just say to Grandpa the butler? It's been a long time!"

Li Xiaoman put away his thoughts and looked at her tenderly, "I didn't say anything, did you finish your homework?"

Xiao Yanyan walked to Li Xiaoman, raised her pink face, nodded with a smile, "It's ok, dad hasn't returned yet?"

Li Xiaoman looked down at her with a light smile, "Why? Miss Dad?"

Xiao Yanyan pursed her mouth and said in a childish voice: "I don't really miss Dad's cooking, I just want Dad's cooking. I haven't eaten Dad's cooking in a long time.

It is said that if a woman wants to keep a man's heart, she must keep a man's stomach.

It seems to keep her daughter's heart and her stomach.

Li Xiaoman actually really wants to eat the food prepared by Long Sihao, because in addition to being very delicious, it is very happy to be able to eat the food prepared by his husband.

However, Long Sihao is so busy in the company every day, it would be too tiring to come back and cook for them.

She didn't want her husband to work so hard.

"Yanyan, Dad is very tired. What do you want to eat, Mommy will make it for you."

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan with a gentle smile and stood up.

Xiao Yanyan took her mummy and sat down, looking at her thoughtfully, "Mommy, I just said that if I want to eat, I don't have to eat it! I'm just expressing to Mommy how much I like Dad, Mommy. It’s too hard to work with dad at work during the day and at night, so mommy won’t go."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words "Make people at night", Li Xiaoman's face sank a bit, "Yan Yan, no man is allowed to be made."

Xiao Yanyan tilted her small head and looked at her, blinking her small eyes and asking, "What do you mean? Is the lineage inherited?"

She still heard Ling Hanye talking about the word in Yu Yan Lou.

Li Xiaoman stared at her with a deep face, "Yanyan, mommy is angry?"

"Sorry mommy, I didn't intentionally make you angry. Dad is not here now. I want to tease mommy for dad!"

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan covered her mouth and chuckled, and the little bad-bellied look looked like her dad Bi Long Sihao.

Li Xiaoman's face softened, and she looked at her with a smile, and said softly, "Your dad is a big bad guy, you are a little bad guy."

"Giggle..." Xiao Yanyan giggled and narrowed her eyes to look at her, "Mommy, I have a question I want to ask you, that was the last time I asked at Grandpa Huo's house, but mommy you still Did not tell me."

"what is the problem?"

Xiao Yanyan's eyes widened and her small chin rested on her small chin. "Mommy, I want to know about my sister."

Every time Xiao Yanyan mentioned "sister", Li Xiaoman's eyes would dim.

If she and Long Sihao's first child were still alive, and more than five years old, she would be as beautiful and lovely as Yanyan.

Seeing her sadness, Xiao Yanyan frowned and raised her slender hands. "Mom, don't be sad, I really want to know about my sister."

Before meeting Long Sihao again, because she didn't want Xiao Yanyan to know her past, she concealed from her that she still has a sister.

When Xiao Yanyan still can't walk and is not sensible, every time she goes to worship Li Sufang, she will visit her and Long Sihao's first child.

After Xiao Yanyan was sensible, every time she sacrificed Li Sufang, she would send Xiao Yanyan to her uncle Li Zhenhua's house before returning to Antai Cemetery to go directly to the tomb of her and Long Sihao's first child.

She stayed for an hour or two.

She would say a lot of things in front of the tomb. Although she had never seen a child since she was born, she would portray a lot of her in her mind.

Her eyes are like her dad, her nose is like herself, her lips are like her dad...

Putting her sad thoughts down, she looked down at Xiao Yanyan and frowned, "Yanyan, your sister hasn't breathed since she was born, it's mommy who didn't treat her..."

"It's not about the daughter-in-law." The sudden low voice interrupted her.

Upon hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman raised his head and saw Long Sihao striding in. She squinted and looked at him tenderly and affectionately.

Xiao Yanyan also turned to look at Long Sihao, raised her small chin, and grunted her small mouth, "Dad, what's that?"

Long Sihao's narrow eyes overflowed with the gentle smile of his father. He walked to Xiao Yanyan and squatted down to kiss him on the small face on the left of Xiao Yanyan.

Xiao Yanyan pointed her finger at her small lips, "Dad, here."

Long Sihao smiled and kissed her on the right small face. "Yanyan, you will marry someone in the future. Dad can't take your first kiss."

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes, "I heard that my daughter is a little lover of my father's previous life, so I think my first kiss was taken away by my father in my previous life."

Hearing the conversation between these two fathers and daughters, Li Xiaoman was somewhat ashamed, and she was defeated by their fathers and daughters.

Then she walked in front of them and looked at Long Sihao tenderly, "What do you want to eat, I'll do it, you take a bath first."

Long Sihao stood straight and looked at her spoiledly. Because Xiaoyanyan was there, he said that he wanted to eat you with his mouth, and his voice was soft and gentle: "Let the chef do it..."

Speaking of which, he looked at her ambiguously, raised her slender hand, and lowered her voice, "accompany me to take a bath."

When the words fell, he looked down at Xiao Yanyan and smiled indulgently, "Baby, go back to the bedroom first, Dad and Mommy will accompany you for dinner for a while."

"Hmm!" Xiao Yanyan obediently watched Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao nodded and walked out of the bedroom obediently.

After Xiao Yanyan went out, Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman deeply, and the expression on Junmei's face was a bit cold. "Xiao Xiao, you will no longer take the death of our first child in your own In her body, her death is not your business. I don’t want you to feel guilty about it again."

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were narrowed, and his eyes reflected guilt. "But I did not protect her. If it wasn't for me, I wasn't careful enough. If I could find out earlier that Li Xue was arranged by mysterious person, Li Xue will not have the opportunity to administer medicine, and our first daughter will not suffocate."

Long Sihao's big white hands caressed her beautiful face, narrow eyes narrowly looked at her, "Xiao Xiao, don't think about it anymore, no one is perfect, even if we are smart and careful, there will be times when we can't be guarded. Everything is gone. If you really feel that we owe our eldest daughter, we will love Aiyan in the future."

"Hmm!" Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, looking at him softly and charmingly, "Go to the bath, I'll give you water."

When the words fell, she walked to the bathroom, and Long Sihao pulled her.

He narrowly looked at her tightly, his eyes were tender and tender, with a happy smile on his lips, "My wife, I still owe you a wedding."

Li Xiaoman's slender hands wrapped around his neck, looked up and smiled at him, "Si Hao, it doesn't matter whether or not the wedding is, I don't care, I only care about you and Yanyan, as long as you are by my side, Yanyan is It’s enough around me."

Long Sihao wrapped her hands around her slim waist, watching her narrow eyes filled with a spoiled smile, a low voice, and a firm and overbearing tone, "Xiao Xiao, our wedding must be held, I want to let the world’s Everyone knows that you Li Xiaoman is my wife of Long Sihao."

Li Xiaoman raised his lips with a soft smile, and the clear water eyes seemed to absorb the light of stars, bright and shining.

"Okay, what the husband said is what, when and where the wedding is held, it is up to the husband to decide, and I listen to the husband."

Long Sihao, who listened to her husband with a sip, was ecstatic and smiled into her heart.

He lowered his head and nibbled at her tempting lips, and the deep, narrow eyes were full of pampering smiles, "This little mouth is so sweet, I will give it a while and give it a try."


Li Xiaoman asked Lowry to investigate, and it took him less than three days to investigate, and sent the materials she requested to her studio in person.

For the safety of Xiao Yanyan, to avoid her being secretly taken away by Huo Yehong again, he called Ling Hanye before going to Li Xiaoman's studio and asked him to go to school to help him "stand guard."

Originally, there were some bodyguards under Long Sihao's hands. He could let those people protect Xiao Yanyan, but he was not at ease, so he let Lowry protect himself.

It is better to go than it is to go. Ling Hanye went to Xiaoyanyan's school and met Lin Momo who had just finished reporting the class to Wei Yubin.

Because Lin Momo and Wei Ziting decided to stay in K City temporarily, in order not to delay Wei Yubin's study, he took Xiao Yubin to Yanyan's school to register.

After signing up, she took Wei Yubin ready to go back, but did not expect to meet Ling Hanye as soon as she left the school.

At this time, the two were standing in front of the school, less than five steps away.

Looking at each other, Lin Momo just gave him a slight glance, then led Wei Yubin to turn and leave.

Ling Hanye looked at her back, her brown eyes narrowed tightly. After seeing her taking Wei Yubin to the roadside and recruiting a car to sit in, he strode forward and pulled it straight away. The car door in the front seat of the taxi was seated.

Lin Momo saw that Ling Hanye even got into the car directly, and asked to go to the hospital. She looked surprised and looked at Ling Hanye disgruntledly, "This car is what we called. What are you doing up here? ."

Ling Hanye didn't mean to get off at all. He looked at the driver and said with the tone of the command: "Go to the hospital."

Lin Momo listened to him letting the driver go to the hospital, and she had a bad hunch in her heart. She gave him a disgruntled look and ignored him, but looked at the driver, "Parking, we are not going to the hospital, we want get off."

Ling Hanye glanced at her, and the evil charm hooked the corner of her lower lip, and took out a muffler gun to meet the driver's eyebrow. "You dare to stop the car, and I dare to crash you with one shot. I’ll drive fast and don’t stop at the hospital."

The driver saw that he suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at his eyebrows. He was pale and scared and said in panic: "Don't...don't shoot...Thousand...don't shoot..."

The driver was so scared with sweat that he was pointed at the eyebrows by the gun, so he dared not stop.

Seeing this, Lin Momo looked displeasedly at the arrogant man who exudes a charm of evil spirit all over his body.

For five years, his arrogant nature has not changed at all.

There was a hint of anger mixed in her voice, "Give me your gun, don't scare my baby son."

Ling Hanye's eyes fell on Wei Yubin's body. When he saw his small body shrunk in Lin Momo's arms, his face was afraid, and he smiled, "How is your baby son's courage so small? This point Not like you, Lin Momo, is this your son?"

Lin Momo was about to reply. Wei Yubin, who was shrunken in Lin Momo's arms, remembered the matter in Yu Yan Lou, looked up at Lin Momo curiously and asked, "Mommy, why does the fierce uncle say you are his woman?"

Lin Momo looked at Wei Yubin with a smirk, and his eyes were surprisingly gentle. "Bin Bin, we only listen to people's words, not what human beings say."

When her words fell, the playful voice of Ling Hanye's evil spirits sounded, "It's not a human thing, you let him sleep you so many times five years ago."

Hearing Ling Hanye's words, Lin Momo almost impulsively burst his head, tearing his mouth, but she swallowed it.

Now she doesn't want to have any intersection with Ling Hanye, so she has been patient.

Ling Hanye saw that Lin Momo had not responded to his words. His brown eyes narrowed slightly, and took out his mobile phone to call Ling Dina.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Lin Momo again with a wicked smile, jokingly raised his lips, "Lin Momo, okay, this can be tolerated, when will it become a ninja turtle?"

When the words fell, he glanced at Wei Yubin in her arms, and his brown eyes flashed a bit of anger, and then looked at her again, "Ask you a question, that aspect is whether I make you feel happy or the kid's father makes you happier?"

Seeing him speak so eloquently, or in front of the child, Lin Momo shot a cold, unpleasant look at Ling Hanye, "Are you naughty if you say such disgusting words in front of the child?"

She knows the character of Ling Hanye, and he can do everything. If it was not for Wei Yubin's safety, she would have gone viral.

"You all said that I am not human anymore, where is the human nature?" Ling Hanye glanced at her, who was not angry, and then turned her head to look forward through the windshield, and the brown eye flashed a bit. Complicated look.

He did not squeeze the gun with his other hand.

Lin Momo saw that Ling Hanye no longer said the words that embarrassed her, and she only endured her anger. She did not want to leave a bad impression in Wei Yubin's heart.

She has always treated Wei Yubin as a pro-son, perhaps because she lost a child five years ago. She likes children very much, so when she first saw Xiao Yubin, she liked him very much.

The car suddenly became quiet, and Xiao Yubin in Lin Momo's arms looked at Ling Hanye holding a gun, and then looked at Lin Momo, frowning his brow, and thought his mummy and that The uncle knew.

Arriving at the hospital, Ling Hanye withdrew his gun, said a stop, and the driver immediately stopped the car.

Ling Hanye, who got off first, didn't wait for Lin Momo to get off and then stretched out the door of the rear seat, violently took Wei Yubin out of Lin Momo's arms, and then strode meteor to the hospital.

Seeing this, Lin Momo hurriedly got out of the car and hurried to Ling Hanye.

Now she can't take care of anything, squinting in anger, shouting: "Ling Hanye, what are you doing? Put Binbin down."


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