The little boy named Binbin looked at Li Xiaoman and greeted politely, "Auntie Li is good."

The little boy's voice fell, and Xiao Yanyan beside Li Xiaoman greeted him actively and politely, "Aunt Lin is good, Uncle Wei is good."

"Manman, this is...your daughter?" Lin Momo's eyes fell on Xiao Yanyan's face. Seeing that her small face was very similar to Li Xiaoman, she looked at Li Xiaoman in surprise. .

Li Xiaoman looked at Lin Momo and nodded with a smile, "Well."

Seeing her nod, Lin Momo was very happy for her. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "You and the male god?"

Li Xiaoman looked at her and nodded again, and then looked at Lin Momo's fiance Wei Ziting, and politely extended his hand to him, "Hello, I am Mo Mo's best friend Li Xiaoman."

Wei Ziting Wen Ya smiled, reached out politely and shook hands with Li Xiaoman, "I often listen to Momo ahead of time, hello."

After watching Wei Ziting smile politely, Li Xiaoman withdrew his hand and then greeted Lin Momo and Wei Ziting to sit down first.

Coincidentally, they just sat down at the big round table in the private room, the door in the private room was pushed open again, and three uninvited men came in.

These three men are naturally Long Sihao, Ling Hanye and Lowry.

The little boy named Binbin looked at Li Xiaoman and greeted politely, "Auntie Li is good."

The little boy's voice fell, and Xiao Yanyan beside Li Xiaoman greeted him actively and politely, "Aunt Lin is good, Uncle Wei is good."

"Manman, this is...your daughter?" Lin Momo's eyes fell on Um Xiaoyanyan's face, and she was surprised to see that her small face in pink and jade was very similar to Li Xiaoman's. Looked at Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman looked at Lin Momo and nodded, "Well."

Seeing her nod, Lin Momo was very happy for her. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "You and the male god?"

Li Xiaoman looked at her and nodded again, then looked at Lin Momo's fiance, Wei Ziting, and reached out to him politely, "Hello, I am Mo Mo's best friend Li Xiaoman."

Wei Ziting Wen Ya smiled, reached out politely and shook hands with Li Xiaoman, "I often hear Momo mention you, hello."

After smirking Wei Ziting's polite smile, Li Xiaoman withdrew his hand and then greeted Lin Momo and Wei Ziting to sit down first.

Coincidentally, they just sat down at the big round table in the private room, the door in the private room was pushed open again, and three uninvited men came in.

These three men are naturally Long Sihao, Ling Hanye and Lowry.

In the afternoon, Li Xiaoman called Long Sihao and told him that Lin Momo was back. She was going to gather with her in Yuyan Lou and asked him to go back to Shuilu Lake.

But looking at the current situation, Long Sihao not only did not return to Shuilu Lake, but also told Lin Hanmo about Lin Momo.

Lowry glanced at the situation in the private room, and then looked at Li Xiaoman, "Mrs. President, I heard that you are here tonight, so I am embarrassed to come over and make trouble.

Xiao Yanyan looked at Lowry and pouted, "Uncle Lowe, I think you're so funny."

"It's really not very interesting." Lowry said in his mouth, striding forward to the round table, and the eyes of inquiry circled Lin Momo and Wei Ziting and Wei Yubin several times before being fixed on Lin Momo.

"Miss Lin, would you like to introduce the two **** men beside you?"

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao. After glaring at him, he looked at Lin Momo, who was about to introduce her, and saw Lin Momo pulling Wei Ziting to stand up.

Lin Momo looked at Wei Ziting and introduced to Lowry: "Lot, my fiancé Wei Ziting."

Lowry narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the little boy beside her, smiled and asked, "Miss Lin, what about this little man?"

Lin Momo smiled softly, "We and Yu Ting's son Wei Yubin, Bin Bin, are called Uncle."

Wei Yubin looked at Lowry and shouted politely: "Good uncle."

"Hello Binbin friends, hello." Lorry smiled as Wei Yubin greeted him and turned to look at Ling Hanye.

At this time, Ling Hanye's brown eyes were staring at Lin Momo. His handsome face still had a smile of evil charm, and he could not see a little sadness.

Lin Momo's eyes inadvertently fell on his handsome and evil face, but she just smiled lightly at him, and set her eyes on Long Sihao.

"Mr. Long, congratulations, you and Manman finally have a lover and finally become dependents."

Long Sihao stepped forward and took Li Xiaoman, who was staring at him, and sat down calmly.

After glancing indifferently at Wei Ziting and Wei Yubin beside Lin Momo, he smiled elegantly and spit out two words in his thin lips, "Tongxi."

Li Xiaoman, who was sitting next to him, reached out and pinched his thigh, leaning closer to him, lowering his voice and saying, "How did you bring Ling Hanye also?"

Long Sihao looked at her with a petting smile, her thin lips drawn a charming arc, "Wife-in-law, I didn't bring it with him."

Li Xiaoman glared at him and looked back at Ling Hanye, but he also saw him stride forward and sat directly beside Wei Ziting.

Seeing that Ling Hanye sat down, Li Xiaoman frowned slightly, and looked at Lin Momo, who was lowering his head to tell Wei Yubin what he was saying, as if there was no such thing as Ling Hanye.

Long Sihao sat down at the meeting and asked Lowry to serve.

During the serving, no one spoke. After the last dish was finished, Ling Hanye picked up the wine and stood up, his narrowed brown eyes looked at Wei Ziting.

"Mr. Wei, let me give you a drink first."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman looked at Ling Hanye with some surprise.

Lin Momo, sitting still beside Wei Ziting, remained calm and calm. He heard that he wanted to respect Wei Ziting. There was no slight change in the expression on her face.

Wei Ziting didn't know Ling Hanye and saw him inexplicably honor him. Although he was puzzled, he still politely picked up the wine and stood up.

Ling Hanye's brown eyes glanced at Lin Momo, who was calm and watery, and tightened his hand holding a goblet.

He smiled with evil spirits at the corners of his lips and looked at Wei Ziting again. After clinking with him and drinking, he poured a glass for him personally, and then clashed with him again.

While Wei Ziting was about to drink alcohol, Ling Hanye said with a shocking death: "Mr. Wei, thank you for helping me take care of my woman, not only warming her bed, but also handing down her lineage, I would like to give you another drink ."

Wei Ziting was shocked because of his words. His hands holding a goblet stiffened in the air and looked at Ling Hanye in amazement. "Your woman? Warm bed? Ancestral succession?"

Lin Momo, who was originally calm and watery, heard Ling Hanye's words and narrowed her eyes a bit. According to her personality five years ago, she would directly pick up the glass and hit Ling Hanye on the head.

However, in front of her son, she was elegant, and she was very patient.

At the end of the scene, she also stood up, looked at Wei Ziting, smiled and introduced: "Zi Ting, I forgot to introduce it to you, his name is Ling Hanye, yes..."

"The man who sang with you every night five years ago." Before Lin Momo finished, Ling Hanye interrupted her, and the words popped out of her lips.

Seeing that Ling Hanye said this in front of Wei Ziting, Li Xiaoman was worried that he would cause Wei Ziting to misunderstand Lin Momo. She was about to stand up, and her slim waist was caught by a slender arm.

She glanced down at her big hand, raised her eyes to meet Long Sihao's petting gaze with a smile, and frowned slightly, "Si Hao, you let Ling Hanye stop talking..."

Long Sihao waited for her to finish, her thin lips attached to her ears, and her voice was low, "Xiao Xiao, we don't blend things in people's affairs."

When Wei Ziting heard Ling Hanye's words, he looked down at Lin Momo as if to ask what was going on with his eyes.

Lin Momo now has a more "forbearing" word in her heart. She squeezed her hands a bit, and she resisted the urge to give Ling Hanye a punch, watching Wei Ziting smile softly, "Zi Ting, he likes to joke, he You don’t have to take it seriously."

Ling Hanye squinted at her, his eyes flicking out of anger, but his handsome face still had a wicked smile on his face, and the tone was joking, "Miss Lin Momo, with Xinhuan, I forgot my old love. ? I remember that your body was signed for me, you climbed to another man’s bed with my body belonging to Ling Hanye|"

"Ling Han Ye."

It was Li Xiaoman who interrupted Ling Hanye's words. She stood up and looked at him, frowning slightly. "Momo is my friend. I hope you can watch me stop talking nonsense on my face."

She could understand why Ling Hanye said those words, but Lin Momo was her friend, and her fiance and son were there. He said that he would not give Lin Momo a face.

Ling Hanye looked at Li Xiaoman and thought of being her treat today, she didn't want to sweep her face too much, so she sat down and looked at Wei Ziting with a smile, "Mr. Wei, Miss Lin is right, I like to joke, me and Every woman speaks like this, and what I just said, don’t take it seriously, don’t misunderstand what’s bad."

When the words fell, he looked at Lin Momo again and picked up the wine. "Miss Lin, I was just kidding you. I punished you with three cups."

Immediately he drank three glasses in a row. After setting aside the empty glasses, he said that he had left beforehand and got up and left the private room.

Lin Momo didn't glance at him until he left.

After seeing Ling Hanye leave, Li Xiaoman frowned and looked at Lin Momo, but saw that she was smiling like Wei Jia Ting and Wei Yubin, and told them that the dishes of Yu Yan Lou were notorious Delicious, so they must eat more.

Wei Ziting's eyes and brows also had a gentle smile, and he didn't seem to have taken the episode just to heart.

After dinner, Li Xiaoman looked at her with guilt as she sent Lin Momo away from the Yu Yan Lou.

"Momo, I'm sorry tonight. I don't know that Ling Han Ye will be here. I knew that. I'll tell Si Hao about your return later, so that Ling Han Ye won't know that you are back."

Lin Momo looked at her indifferently, "Manman, you don't have to feel embarrassed. Anyway, Ling Han Ye knows sooner or later, he knows that it makes no difference if he knows later."

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows deepened, "But won't the words he said tonight affect you and Wei Ziting?"

At this time, the two had walked out of the Yu Yan Lou, and Wei Ziting and Wei Yubin were standing not far from her and waiting for her.

Lin Momo glanced at Wei Ziting, raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Xiaoman, "Manman, you can rest assured, Zi Ting is a very good man, very understanding, and very accommodating to me, he will not because of Ling Hanye’s words made me angry or misunderstood me, and I can assure you of this.”


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