A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 468: Surprise, how old is your son

Standing at the door of her office is Lin Momo, who has "disappeared" for more than five years.

She has a light brown, wavy, curly hair shawl, wearing an orange-red tight skirt, and a black short sleeve slim suit outside, with a calm and **** temperament.

Lin Momo looked at Li Xiaoman, and her eyes were moistened a little. She smiled at the corners of her lips and whitened her. "Manman, don't hurry to come and bear hug, why, don't you know my sister ?"

Li Xiaoman walked up to her and hugged her, "Momo, where did you go? Why did you leave quietly five years ago? Why didn't you tell me?"

Lin Momo hugged Li Xiaoman, and her eyes were filled with tears, and she said with a crying voice, "Isn’t this my return? I will tell you later, come and see if you look pretty?"

When the words fell, she let go of Li Xiaoman, and her eyes looked at her carefully and smiled and said, "Girl, yes, it didn't disappoint me. It's getting more and more beautiful. I'm almost jealous of what I see."

Li Xiaoman was a little embarrassed by her, and was just about to say that she also made her jealous, so Lin Momo stepped out first.

She squinted and looked at her, "Manman, are you married to the male god? Have you any children?"

Li Xiaoman pulled Lin Momo down on the sofa in her office.

Jiang Yiyi saw that Li Xiaoman and Lin Momo seemed to have a very close relationship. She didn't bother with her acquaintance. She said to Li Xiaoman and left the office.

Lin Momo looked at her office and smiled at her, her eyes full of appreciation, "Manman, good look, you finally realized your dream, my question, you have not answered me, you Are you married to the male god?"

Li Xiaoman looked at her with a smile, spit out three words in her pink lips, "I have received the certificate."

After hearing this, Lin Momo raised her hand and looked at her with blessings, "Manman, congratulations, and finally a lover with the male **** will eventually become a family."

Li Xiaoman smiled and took her hand, squinted at her, "What about you? You..."

She wanted to ask why she and Ling Hanye were not together, and then swallowed it to her lips.

After a pause, she looked at her again and asked, "Where have you been in the past five years? Why didn't you contact me?"

Lin Momo frowned lightly and looked at her with guilt, "Manman, I'm sorry."

"Momo..." Li Xiaoman held her hand tightly, Mei Mi looked at her with a smile, "No need to say sorry to me, I know you must have your reason, I did not blame you. "

Lin Momo raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Manman, thank you. You are as understanding as before. It is a blessing for him to be able to marry you."

Listening to her mentioning Long Sihao, Li Xiaoman's eyes were full of happy smiles, "Momo, in fact, it's my blessing to be able to marry him for thousands of years."

Lin Momo saw her happy smile, as her only good girlfriend, she was also happy for her, her family Manman finally married a good man.

She looked at Li Xiaoman and squeezed her eyes with a smile, "Manman, I envy you to death, so good male **** let you go home, beautiful you."

"Don't say me, say you, how have you been in five years?" Li Xiaoman's eyes fell on her hand, seeing her wearing a big pigeon egg diamond ring on her left middle finger, she was tentative Question: "Momo, you..."

Lin Momo's eyes also fell on the diamond ring on her hand. She gently raised her hand, looked at Li Xiaoman with a smile, and raised her eyebrows, "Pretty? My fiance gave me, we got engaged in Italy, at the end of the year Marry, but I am already a mother."

When she heard that she was a mother, Li Xiaoman's pupils widened a bit, and he felt a little stunned.

She was choking for Ling Hanye because she knew that Ling Hanye was always looking for her, and because she was always single.

If he knew that Lin Momo had become a mother and had a fiancé, he seemed to be very happy, he should be disappointed and sad.

She looked at Lin Momo in surprise, "Momo, you... are you really a mother?"

Lin Momo was surprised when she saw her, and she smiled charmingly. "Manman, what do you do with your eyes so big? Are you so surprised? I'm all twenty-six or seven, when my mother is normal! If I were No more children, until 40 years old, I will become a senior woman. My son is very cute, are you interested in seeing him?"

Li Xiaoman didn't recover a little, opened his mouth, "I'm... interested."

Seeing her still in shock, Lin Momo reached out and closed her mouth, glaring at her with a smile, "Manman, don't open your mouth so much, five years, you haven't changed much, or five years ago It’s so cute."

Li Xiaoman was a little embarrassed by what she said, "You haven't changed much, by the way, how did you find my studio?"

Lin Momo looked at her with a raised eyebrow, and looked at her with admiration, "You are now a well-known many designer, which jewelry magazine does not have your name, so of course I want to find your studio is a breeze. ."

"How exaggerated as you say, where do you live now? How old is your son..."

Li Xiaoman still didn't quite believe that Lin Momo had a son and fiance, and she thought she and Ling Han Ye would be together.

She knows her character as a good girlfriend. She is not easy to be tempted by men. The most annoying thing is the scumbag who is unfaithful to love and marriage.

Although Ling Hanye looks evil and unruly in appearance, she doesn't think he looks like a scumbag who is unfaithful to love.

Otherwise, he will not be alone.

Lin Momo saw that she didn't know what she was thinking, frowned, and she patted her shoulder. "What do you want? My son is five years old, and I live in a hotel now."

"Five years old?" Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and glanced at her with a smile on her lips. "Momo, we haven't seen you in five years. I'll treat you tonight. Let's get together at Yu Yan Lou." ."

Lin Momo looked at her cheerfully and said, "Okay."

Seeing her promise, Li Xiaoman was naturally happy, "Then remember to bring your son and your fiance too."

Lin Momo looked at her and nodded, then stood up, "I'll go back to the hotel first, see you at night."

"Well, see you at night."

Lin Momo left the contact information for Li Xiaoman before leaving.

After she left for a while, Li Xiaoman stood at the door of her office in a daze. She still didn't quite believe that Lin Momo had a son and fiance.

At night, Yu Yan Lou.

In the afternoon, Li Xiaoman booked a private room in Yu Yan Lou and went to pick up Xiao Yanyan after get off work. At this time, the two were waiting for Lin Momo in the "Hua Hao Yue Yuan" private room in Yu Yan Lou.

During that time, she called Lin Momo and told her which private room she was in, knowing that she would be there soon, and she hung up.

"Mommy, is the Aunt Lin you're about to come to in the near future the Aunt Lin who is often mentioned to you and has nothing to say to you?"

Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiao Yanyan and nodded, "It's her."

As soon as her words fell, the door of the private room was pushed open by the waiter. Lin Momo held a handsome and elegant man in his left hand and led a little boy of about five years of age in his right hand.

Li Xiaoman's eyes fell on the man held by Lin Momo. Although the man did not look as handsome as Long Sihao and Ling Hanye as handsome and evil, but he was also handsome and handsome, especially him. Yasven's temperament gives people a unique feeling.

The little boy led by Lin Momo is very similar to the man, as if it was carved out of a mold. The discerning person knows that the little boy is the son of a man.

Li Xiaoman's heart giggled again, and Ling Hanye was completely out of play this time.

Lin Momo came in to see Li Xiaoman staring at her in a daze, she let go of the man and watched Li Xiaoman introduce: "Manman, my fiancé Wei Ziting."

When the words fell, Lin Momo looked down at the little boy who was led by her gently, "Bin Bin, say hello to Aunt Li."


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