Listening to Lin Momo's words, Li Xiaoman felt relieved. She also glanced at the graceful and elegant Wei Ziting, and then looked sharply at Lin Momo and asked, "Momo, tell me the truth. ?Do you really love that Wei Ziting?"

Lin Momo watched her blink, and smiled at Wei Yubin, "I don't love him, can I have a son for him?"

Li Xiaoman looked at her deeply. Although she had doubts in her heart, she did not ask for the time being, because she knew that she would not say even if she asked.

Then she looked up at her and asked, "Do you plan to live in Mayor K?"

"Look." Lin Momo didn't answer with a certainty. After a pause, she said again: "I'll tell you when I've decided, well, it's late, I'm back at the hotel, bye."

When the words fell, Lin Momo turned to Wei Ziting.

Wei Ziting took Wei Yubin's small hand and came to hold Lin Momo's hand.

Looking at the seemingly warm "family of three", Li Xiaoman's frown is tighter. She and Lin Momo have been good friends for so many years, so she knows her very well. She always feels that although she smiles very happy, but Not really happy.

"Xiaoxiao, we should go back."

A low, gentle voice rang behind him, Li Xiaoman turned around and saw Long Sihao standing with Xiao Yanyan behind her.

Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, stepped forward and put the slender hands into his generous hands.

Seeing that, Xiao Yanyan blinked, raised her head and smiled at Li Xiaoman, "Does Mommy want to walk home hand in hand like Aunt Lin and Uncle Wei? But it is far away."

Li Xiaoman feels that a family of three walking hand in hand is very romantic and warm. She and Long Sihao never took Ye Yanyan together, so she really wanted to take a break.

She looked at Xiao Yanyan and nodded her head, looking at Long Sihao, "Why not walk for a while?"

"Good!" Long Sihao responded softly, holding her left hand to embrace her slim waist, holding Xiao Yanyan in the left, and the family of three walked forward slowly.

When Lorry drove over, he drove the car to the side of them, leaned his head out of the window, raised his eyebrows and looked at them and asked, "President, Miss Li, Yanyan is not too small, don't you take the car?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned, "My dad said he would go back for a walk than Mommy, and if she walks far away, my calf will definitely be broken tomorrow."

Lowry squinted, "You can't rest assured, the most important thing for the president is money. If your calf is broken, the president will heal you."

Xiao Yanyan glared at him and ignored him.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yanyan said nothing, and got into the car, and Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao naturally got in.

Back at the Shuiluhu Villa, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan went back to their bedrooms to take a shower. Long Sihao went to the study because Lowry said something to him.

"Speak, what's the matter?" Long Sihao sat down and asked with a deep gaze, looking at Lowry.

Lowry squinted and looked at him, "There are two things, one business and one private business. President, do you want to listen to business or private business first?"

Long Sihao glanced at him indifferently, thin lips lightly, "I want to listen together."

Lori's lips twitched slightly, "President, what's the matter? I only have one mouth, let's talk about business first. Recently, Huo's did not know what conspiracy tricks took away some of our company's major customers. I heard that they Privately, I'm still in contact with several elites of our company and want to dig them away, as well as two jewelry manufacturers who cooperate with us..."

Not waiting for Lowry to finish his speech, Long Sihao stared at him dumbly, "Speaking about private affairs."

Even if Huo moved the entire te, he would not blink, because for him, the most important thing is only Li Xiaoman and their baby daughter Xiao Yanyan.

Lowry saw him letting him talk about private matters, and he looked up at him, then frowned and said, "President, the person who lived on the 19th floor of Honghuayuan last time that you asked me to investigate was responsible for what happened."

Hearing his mention of something related to Xiao Longyi, he frowned lightly, his eyes dark and dark, and a word came out of his thin lips, "say."

"The apartment on the 19th floor was bought by a woman named Aisha from previous tenants at a high price. Aisha has a son, the English name is allen, and the Chinese name is..."

Speaking of which, Lowry paused, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Seeing him stop suddenly, Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, looked at him dumbly and asked, "What is it called?"

Lori hesitated a little before looking up at Long Sihao frowning and said, "That little boy's surname is Long Mingyi and his full name is Long Yi. I have seen the picture of the woman's son. The little boy looks like the president. , It’s like a reduced version of your president, I think I have seen him somewhere..."

Lori thought for a moment, then his eyes lighted up, and he snapped his fingers, "President, I remembered. I saw him at the last New York Jewellery Show. I remember you told the president, but you don't believe it, the president. , You said that the little boy looks so much like you and happens to be Long, will he be your son?"

Long Sihao heard the words and narrowed his narrow eyes, his thin lips squeezed into a firm arc, "It is impossible, except Xiao Xiao, no other woman will have my child."

Lowry frowned, and carefully analyzed, "According to common sense, it is impossible. President, you love Miss Li so much, of course, you will not have children with other women, but in case the woman named Aisha stole the president. Your essence..."

Before Lori finished, Long Sihao's eyes fell, and he looked at him sharply, "Your brain hole can be bigger."

Lorry smiled, reached out and touched the head silly, and Jun's eyes became a line, "Can't open too much, maybe it will bleed into the blood, maybe I will come up with something more unexpected. come out.

When the words fell, he brightened his eyes, and snapped his fingers again, with a smile on his face, "President, I thought, that little boy might have been born by Miss Li, maybe Miss Li was born five years ago , And then I don’t know why, my son is gone..."

Speaking of which, Lowry frowned, "How do I think something is wrong?"

Long Sihao's lips twitched slightly, and he looked at him sternly, and said with a deep voice: "Can the age of the dragon and phoenix be different? A five year old and a four year old?"

Long Sihao said this, and Lori immediately responded, "Yeah! If the age of the dragon and phoenix are different, how can I say something is wrong? It turned out to be the age, that is, the friends of Longyi Xiaopen and Yanyan It’s not a dragon and a phoenix, it means that he may not have been born by Miss Li, that is to say, he is the president of you and others..."

Before he finished speaking, Long Sihao shot him with a cold eye, "Shut up."

Upon receiving his cold eyes, Lowry closed his mouth immediately, but blinked pitifully.

Long Sihaojun frowned slightly and looked at him dullly, "You better keep your mouth closed. It's better not to let Xiao Xiao know if this matter is not clear, if my Xiao Xiao is because of yours These words caused misunderstandings and gaps in my heart, and I will let you die ten thousand times."

Lorry looked at Long Sihao with a smile on his face, "President, can you just let me die 999 times, the rest will be left for me."

Long Sihao glanced at the hippy smiled Lori and stood up, "Continue to investigate their mother and son, but don't let others know, especially Xiao Xiao."

Lowry nodded lightly, "President, in fact, take your hair and the hair of Long Yi Xiaopenyou as a DNA identification result and it will come out, which is quite easy."

After a pause, he frowned again and asked, "President, if Xiaolong Yi is really your son, do you recognize it or not? After all, it's your own flesh and blood, of course, if you recognize the little boy, don't say Miss Li will hack you, and Yan Yan will also play her crying job. The crying president will tear your heart, heart, liver, spleen and stomach."

He has seen the little bit of poisonous tongue skill, and it can definitely make the heart, stomach, and stomach hurt.

Long Sihao's body was slightly stunned, his narrow and narrow eyes narrowed tightly, and the eyes were deep and impenetrable. "First investigate all things related to them, it is best to give their ancestors the tenth and eighth generations. I investigated clearly, especially where the woman named Aisha came from."

When the words fell, he went straight out of the study.

He returned to the bedroom and Li Xiaoman had finished his shower.

Seeing him come in, she took the initiative to meet her, reached out and gently untied his tie, and looked at him softly, "I have already put the water, do you need a concubine to wait for you to bathe?"

Hearing the words, Long Sihao's narrow eyes were full of smiles, lowering his head and grabbing her lips, his voice was low, "whatever he wants for his husband."

Then he stooped to hug her sideways and strode into the bathroom.

The two came out after "satisfied" in the bathroom.

Li Xiaoman was lying in Long Sihao's arms, and Qingli's small face was fascinating because of the blushing of love in the bathroom.

Her eyes are soft and charming, her swollen lips are moistened and charming, but she is more attractive.

"Husband, are you interested in working with many studios?"

Long Sihao's burning eyes fell on her seductive lips, the lines on her beautiful face were soft, and the thin lip angles provoked a charming arc. "Of course, I am interested in cooperating with my wife, but we will talk about the business in the company. , We only do private things at home."

As the words fell, his thin lips bit her ruddy earlobe, and his voice was low and hoarse, "Come to my office tomorrow, we will talk slowly."

"Huh!" Li Xiaoman looked at him and nodded, and lay down, "sleep."

Long Sihao looked at her and thought of the little boy who was very similar to him, frowning fiercely.

Except for his Xiaoxiao, he has never touched any other woman. What is going on with the little boy? What is the problem?

If the little boy was the son of him and Xiaoxiao, it should have been five years ago.

But five years ago, Xiao Xiao gave birth to him as a daughter, not a son.

Was his Xiaoxiao born twins five years ago, his daughter died of suffocation and his son was gone?

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Xuan Xuan recently brainstormed, either writing the wrong chapter number, or making other mistakes, there is one more thing, Xuan Xuan has to say something special to the babies, the babies may be very upset, but Xuan Xuan still has to say something.

Xuan Xuan will be busy recently because something happened to Xuan Xuan's family. Xuan Xuan's grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer, which is still in advanced stages, so Xuan Xuan's mother returned to her hometown to take care of Xuan Xuan's grandmother, so many things at home are Xuan Xuan was doing it. In the past, cooking and laundry were all done by my mother. Now that my mother has gone back to take care of her grandmother, Xuan Xuan is going to take care of the family's affairs. There will still be more, Xuan Xuan promises to burst twice every week, at least seven chapters, eight chapters, and ten chapters each time.

Hope the babies can understand Xuan Xuan.


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