A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 467: For the sake of your husband

She also told Li Xiaoman that every time the mysterious person contacted her, she called her, but the phone of the mysterious person was never displayed, and she did not know what his number was.

She told Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao all she knew.

The thing that Li Xiaoman would have had a premature birth five years ago was planned by the mysterious person. The voice of Li Sufang would appear in their bedroom, which was also asked by the mysterious person.

All she knows is this, and the rest will not.

After listening, Li Xiaoman looked at the cold and charming Long Sihao, "Si Hao, she is an accomplice who killed our daughter. How do you punish her?"

Long Sihao looked at Li Xue coldly, and walked to Li Xiaoman. He looked at her spoiledly, "whatever the wife wants to punish?"

Li Xiaoman squinted at Li Xue with a smile, his lips lightly hooked, and said deliberately: "Then he will treat his body with his own way of life, and send her to be artificially conceived. In the next month, give her another bowl of fetal medicine and let her taste the taste of the child after nine months of pregnancy."

Long Sihao heard the words, narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman with a deep smile, "Xiao Xiao, this method is good."

When Li Xue heard Li Xiaoman's words, she looked at her in disbelief. "Young lady, didn't you just say you don't blame me? You... don't you say you don't blame me?"

At the end, Li Xue cried again.

Li Xiaoman looked at her indifferently, Qingli's face was cold, and there was a cold smile on her lips, "Did you just hear that? You didn't hear it? You thought I was like Was it the same five years ago? The more I am good with people, the more you bully me. Since you don’t make me feel better, why should I make you better? Don’t cry, it’s not too late to cry when your child is gone.”

Li Xue looked at her crying, her eyes full of anger, "You... why are you so bad?"

"I'm bad?" Li Xiaoman looked at Li Xue coldly. "Why didn't you think you were bad when you gave me medicine? Why didn't you think you were bad when you colluded with the mysterious person to design and frame me?"

Speaking of which, she leaned over and smiled at her and asked, "Do you like money very much? There is a place that makes money. How about I send you?"

Li Xue looked at Li Xiaoman with a cold expression, and her eyes were full of panic and fear. She did not expect that the kind-hearted Li Xiaoman would become so ruthless five years ago.

"Young... Young lady, I already knew it was wrong, why didn't you let me go?"

Li Xiaoman looked at her indifferently, "Sorry, I am not a saint, and I will not forgive you kindly after knowing that you are an accomplice who killed my child. If you do something wrong, you will be responsible for your actions. , Do you think I’m wrong, and I’m sorry? Is the aphrodisiac perfume in my skin care product you poured in? You killed me, one child is not enough, and I want to kill a second child, you Say I might be blameless? You have two choices. First, pregnant with children, drink fetal medicine nine months later, and second, go to a nightclub, and you can’t leave there for a lifetime."

After hearing this, Li Xue looked at Long Sihao crying, and suddenly knelt down again, "Young Master..."

As soon as she made a noise, Long Sihao called the housekeeper and asked her to take her away.

After Li Xue was taken away by the bodyguard brought by the housekeeper, Li Xiaoman sat back in bed with some discouragement.

Long Sihao saw that her eyebrows were deep, and after sitting down beside her, her big white hands gently held her small face, and looked at her tenderly, "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong? Li Xue pulled out Are you still happy?"

Li Xiaoman looked up at Long Sihao, his lips slightly pursed. "But we still haven't been able to find the mysterious man. I really don't know where he is. How can he be so clueless?"

Long Sihaojun frowned, and then looked at her with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, the sky is restored and not leaked, no matter how mysterious he is, there will always be a flaw."

As the words fell, he lowered his head and printed a kiss on her lips, and looked at her sullenly, "My wife is getting smarter and smarter, and Ling Weifu is more and more impressed."

Li Xiaoman's slender hands around his neck, looked up at him softly, "Si Hao, I used to make you worry, I always need you to protect, I really make you worry too much In the future, I will not let people easily hurt me, nor will you hurt you and Yanyan. You are my most important people. Even if I work hard, I want to protect you."

Listening to her words, Long Sihao’s narrow and long eyes were full of smiles, and she looked at her lightly, "Silly girl, I am a man, how can I protect you? Or let me protect you, you As long as you are happy to do what you want to do every day, leave it to me and I will handle it."

Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao and shook his head gently, with a distressed expression, "Si Hao, I don’t want to make you so tired anymore, and I don’t want to be a vase that you hold in your palm, don’t want to worry about anything. Work hard, I want to face everything with you. The husband and wife share the same heart, isn't it the right to lose money?

Long Sihao hugged her, and her white chin rested on her forehead. The deep, gentle voice was mixed with distress, "Xiao Xiao, but I don't want you to be too tired or hurt, I want you to be carefree ."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and watched him blink, "When we get out of that annoying mysterious person, we can be carefree, do you still go to the company?"

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, looking at her with a burning eye, "What do you say?"

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes slightly, "Then don't go."

The smile in Long Sihao's eyes deepened a little.


After Li Xue's "disappearance" in the villa, the villa seemed to return to calm, and the food was normal. There was no such thing as aphrodisiac perfume in skin care products such as Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao's shower gel.

The mysterious man also seemed to "disappear".

The villa was calm, Li Xiaoman went to her studio because she heard Jiang Yiyi said that since the last time Ouyang Rui customized a necklace in the studio, many of his fans have found the studio to place orders.

So now her many studio is very busy, she is thinking about talking with her relative husband Long Sihao about cooperation.

At this time she was in her office, Jiang Yiyi pushed the door and walked in, went straight to her desk.

"Sister Xiaoman, there is a Miss Lin who wants to talk to you about old times."

Hearing Jiang Yiyi's words, Li Xiaoman looked away from the computer screen, looked up at her, and frowned slightly, "Yiyi, do you say there is a Miss Lin who wants to reminisce with me?"

Jiang Yiyi smiled at her and nodded, "Well, it's just outside."

Listening to Jiang Yiyi's saying that he was outside, Li Xiaoman looked at the door of the office. When she saw a hot, **** woman standing at the door, she stood up. The clear water eyes were shocked and a little unbelievable. Looked at the familiar face of the woman at the door.


As soon as her eyes were hot, she was instantly wet.


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