When the words fell, Li Xiaoman stood up, her eyes staring at Huo Yehong indifferently, "Grandpa Huo, Si Hao will not come. Can I take Yanyan now?"

Huo Yehong held his crutches tightly and still looked at Li Xiaoman kindly, "Manman, if Si Hao doesn't come, I won't let you take Yan Yan, you can go upstairs to see her."

After finishing speaking, Huo Yehong motioned to the housekeeper Huo Yan to take Li Xiaoman upstairs to meet Xiao Yanyan.

Li Xiaoman's eyes narrowed and Huo Yehong walked upstairs with the housekeeper.

At the stairs, she met Li Xuehe.

She wore a colorful short cheongsam and her body didn't look much like she did five years ago, but although her face had thick makeup, she still couldn't hide the traces left by her years.

Li Xiaoman just glanced at Li Xuehe, ignoring her, and walked past her directly.

"Li Xiaoman..." Li Xuehe was shocked when she suddenly saw Li Xiaoman in surprise.

Li Xiaoman, who heard Li Xuehe's voice, just paused slightly and ignored her, as the housekeeper continued to move forward.

Li Xuehe saw that Li Xiaoman ignored her, and her face was contemptuous. "It has been five years since I did not educate, and I have not learned the most basic manners."

Li Xiaoman still ignored Li Xuehe, she and her self-righteous people had nothing to say.

Xiao Yanyan's room is the same room where she lived in Huo's house five years ago.

Two black bodyguards were standing at the door, standing tall and posing with a zombie face.

Huo Yan took her to the door and looked at her and said, "Miss Li, Miss Yanyan is in this room.

Li Xiaoman looked at Huo Yan and nodded his head and was about to go in. Huo Yan behind him suddenly shouted at her again.

"Miss Li, if you can, I hope you can persuade the young master."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman turned and looked at Huo Yan, raising an eyebrow and asking, "What should I persuade?"

Huo Yan frowned, his face dignified, "Miss Li, I know that the old man sometimes does something wrong, but the young master is after all a descendant of the Huo family. Advise the young master..."

Not waiting for Huo Yan to finish, Li Xiaoman interrupted his words, "I'm sorry, I can't promise you this matter. I will always respect Si Hao's decision and will not dictate his decision."

When the words fell, she reached out and pushed open the door and went in.

And Xiao Yanyan is lying on the soft bed in the room at this time | playing ipad.

She turned her back to Li Xiaoman, and after Li Xiaoman entered, she didn't turn around, playing with ipad, and said, "Mommy, close the door."

"How do you know that Mommy is not someone else?" Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and played games on the bed, and then reached out and closed the door.

Lying on the bed|Xiao Yanyan sat up after hearing the door closing, and then looked up at Li Xiaoman, squinting at her, the voice was tender and sweet, "Who makes mommy make me so smart, I Just guess at random."

Li Xiaoman walked to her and sat down, reaching out and gently touching her small head. "Did you not be scared by the grandpa downstairs?"

Xiao Yanyan looked up at Li Xiaoman and shook her head gently, slightly raised her eyebrows, "What do you think?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at her while playing the game, took the iPad in her hand, and squinted at her. "I still have the mood to play the game. I don't think you are scared."

Xiao Yanyan glanced at the ipad that was taken away by her dear mommy, lifted her small head and watched her wink her small eyes, "Mommy, you won't let me play ipad, then you accompany me to play other games Okay? Nothing to do anyway."

Li Xiaoman gazed at her tenderly, "Say, what game do you want Mommy to play with?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her and smiled, "Playing a quiz game, I asked Mommy to answer, it's started! Mommy, what is the relationship between Dabby and the grandfather downstairs? Why did the grandfather say I was his great-grandson? Female, do you want me to recognize my ancestors? Mummy, don’t you think I’m a kid, just lie to me!"

Li Xiaoman didn't plan to hide Xiao Yanyan now, so she looked at her and said, "He is your grandfather than your dad."

After hearing the words, Xiao Yanyan widened her eyes, opened her mouth, and asked, "What about Dad than Dad?"

Li Xiaoman lowered her eyebrows and said softly to Xiaoyanyan: "Yanyan, your grandfather has passed away, so you must remember that you should not mention your grandfather in front of your dad."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded softly, and she lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Li Xiaoman smiled at her, "Little girl, what are you thinking about?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her childish face and blinked her small eyes. "Just now the old grandfather said that his surname is Huo. I was wondering why Dad is not surnamed Huo."

Li Xiaoman felt that it was time to tell Xiao Yanyan something, and then she said softly, "Yan Yan, your dad is more like your grandmother's surname, and your grandmother's surname is Long, called Long Yaxin."

"Why did Dabi talk to her grandmother's surname?" Xiao Yanyan looked at her mom curiously. "Did Dad Bi also be abandoned by his dad when he was a kid? Dabi is also cared for by his mom, so Dad Bi Cai followed her grandmother's surname?

Li Xiaoman glanced at her and nodded, "Almost."

Xiao Yanyan is like a good baby. She blinked and asked, "Mommy, Xiaona said that I still have a sister. Is it true?"

When Li Xiaoman heard Xiao Yanyan mentioned her and Long Sihao's first daughter, Xiumei raised her eyebrows tightly, and her clear eyes crossed a sorrowful color.

She gave birth prematurely five years ago and lost the first daughter of Long Sihao. This has always been a scar on her heart.

Every time she heard or thought of someone, her heart would suffocate.

She and Long Sihao's first daughter were gone. She felt more than heartache but also regretted it.

And this regret can never be made up, and their eldest daughter cannot come back.

What she can do now is to pull out the mysterious person as soon as possible, to avenge her and Long Sihao's first daughter, to avenge her mother Li Sufang, and to avenge herself.

Xiao Yanyan saw that her dear mommy frowned tightly, and the expression on her face was a little sad. She frowned and asked, "Mommy, what's wrong? Did I ask what I shouldn't ask?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan and shook her head softly, "No, Yanyan did have a sister, but she was born..."

Xiao Yanyan held out her delicate little hand, took Li Xiaoman's hand sensiblely, raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a smile, "Mommy, you and me, I will replace your sister and filial piety compared with your dad."

Li Xiaoman pursed his lips, lowered his head and kissed Xiao Yanyan's forehead, gazing at her tenderly. "Mum knows that Yan Yan is a filial good daughter."

Xiao Yanyan smiled sweetly at Li Xiaoman, then frowned again, "Mommy, I am hungry."

As soon as her voice fell, a knock was heard outside the door, followed by a female voice.

"Miss Li, Miss Yanyan, the master let you go down for dinner."

Upon hearing the sound, Xiao Yanyan immediately got out of bed.

"Mommy, it's time to eat. Let's go to dinner. I'm already hungry."

Xiao Yanyan went straight to the door of the room, and then opened the door.

The maid who just told them to dine was standing outside the door, and the two black bodyguards were still guarding the door like a door god. When they saw Xiao Yanyan and Li Xiaoman coming out, they were still a zombie face, but There is no obstruction.

What Li Xiaoman did not expect was that she took Xiao Yanyan to the hall downstairs, and then came back with Huo Yunene.

"Manman...you..." Huo Yunene saw Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan, and his eyes were thickly surprised. "Why are you here?"


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