Li Xiaoman did not return to Huo Yunene, she now has nothing to say to him.

After seeing Huo Yunene, Xiao Yanyan, who was led by her, also had a trace of surprise in those little eyes, and asked in doubt: "Why is that uncle here?"

"Yanyan, he is your second uncle." Suddenly, Huo Yehong's old voice came.

"Second Uncle?" Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and looked at Huo Yunene. Seeing that his eyes had been on her mum, she brightened her eyes, as if she understood something, and aimed at Huo Yunene. Sweet smile, the voice is tender and sweet, "Second Uncle is good."

Huo Yunene heard her second uncle, Jun eyebrows deep, a sorrow flashed in his eyes.

And the sadness that flashed in his eyes happened to be captured by Xiao Yanyan. She blinked her small eyes, smiled sweetly at Huo Yunene, and stretched out her small hands, "Second Uncle, I I’ve called you second uncle, don’t you say anything? It’s so rude!”

Li Xiaoman saw that Xiao Yanyan stretched her hand towards Huo Yunene. She slightly pulled the corner of her lower lip and whispered to her, "Yan Yan."

Xiao Yanyan squinted at her mom, "Mommy, this is my first time calling Uncle. According to the etiquette, should Uncle give me a red envelope?"

Huo Yunene looked back at Xiao Yanyan when he came back. He didn't expect that she was really Long Sihao's daughter.

Thinking of her being Li Xiaoman and Long Sihaosheng, his heart burst into pain.

However, except that she was Long Sihao's daughter, Huo Yunene saw her sweet and cute smile, but did not hate her, but thought she was a very lovely little princess.

Then he said softly, "should be given."

When the words fell, he took out his wallet and took out a diamond card and handed it to Xiao Yanyan.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yanyan's small star-like eyes widened, "Second Uncle, you are generous!"

Every time she called her second uncle, Huo Yunene's heart hurt. He covered the grief in his heart and smiled and handed the card to Xiao Yanyan. "I didn't have time to prepare a red envelope. Do you like this?"

Xiao Yanyan took the diamond card he handed over and squinted at him, "Not bad, thank you uncle."

Huo Yehong behind Huo Yunene saw that he gave Xiao Yanyan a diamond card, and he frowned lightly. It seemed that his grandson had not forgotten Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman saw that Xiao Yanyan had really taken the card Huo Yunene gave her. She was about to let her go back, and an unpleasant voice rang again.

"Yunene, who is this little girl? Why did she call you second uncle? What did you just give her?"

It was Li Xuehe who was speaking. She came in from outside the hall and saw that Xiao Yanyan was called Uncle Huo Yunene, and what Huo Yunene gave Xiao Yanyan.

What she saw sharply was a diamond card.

Since Huo Yehong took Xiao Yanyan back to Huo Zhai, she took her directly to the room upstairs, so Li Xuehe had not seen her yet.

She looked at Huo Yunene and then looked at Xiao Yanyan.

She was just a little far away, she didn't see Xiao Yanyan's face clearly, it would come closer, and she could see clearly.

Seeing that Xiao Yanyan's young face was very similar to Li Xiaoman, she looked surprised, her eyes widened, and she pointed to Xiao Yanyan, " are Li Xiaoman 'S daughter?"

She didn't expect Li Xiaoman to have a daughter?

Didn’t her daughter die of suffocation five years ago?

Xiao Yanyan narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Xuehe who was looking at her in surprise. Although she had never been with her for this woman with heavy makeup and bright eyes, she didn't like it at first glance.

Little she felt that Li Xuehe was a bit old and unreasonable.

She did not answer Li Xuehe's words, but looked at her curiously and asked, "Who are you then?"

When Li Xuehe saw that Xiao Yanyan did not return to her, she also asked her, with a trace of contempt on her face, "What kind of mother is there, what kind of daughter can be taught, the mother is not upbred, and the daughter is not upbred, even the most I don’t understand basic politeness, don’t you know what to say when you talk to someone?”

Huo Yunene beside her saw her speak a little bit without regard to Li Xiaoman, he sinked his face, "You say a few words."

Nowadays, he talks to Li Xuehe with a cold face, and he is not called Li Xuehe's mother now, very indifferent to her.

Li Xiaoman looked at Li Xuehe with a cold eyes, she said she could, but she would never allow her to say her baby girl.

She was about to speak, and Xiao Yanyan stretched out her hand.

"Mommy, I'm coming." Xiao Yanyan smiled at her, and then lifted her small head to look at Li Xuehe, the voice was sweet and sweet, "Grandma Fire, Hello."

Her violent grandma couldn't help but Li Xiaoman thought of a fat young man in a certain movie|Lou Laobao.

Li Xuehe was like eating stool, smelling a face, looked at Xiao Yanyan very unhappy, and said angrily: "Who are you calling grandma?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes and smiled at Li Xuehe, "You are talking about grandma, you are wearing red and red, and your face is also reddish, which is redder than the little monkey's ass, of course. Call you grandma."

"You..." Li Xuehe's angry crossbrows glared, just about to make a sound, and Xiao Yanyan's childish voice sounded again.

"Grandma Fiery, angry, will be wrinkled. Look at the corners of your eyes. You must be angry often, with lots of crow's feet."

"" Li Xuehe's angry face turned red and looked annoyed at Li Xiaoman. "This is the good daughter you taught? Did you talk to people like that?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled at her, "Of course not talking to people like that."

Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan are more harmful than one.

"Li Xiaoman, you... what do you mean?" Li Xuehe's angry anger was uncontrollable, and he wished to rush over to give Li Xiaoman a slap.

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes, "Grandma Fire, Mommy's words are so clear, you still need to ask what does it mean? Do you really want to hear Mommy say you are not human?"

Li Xuehe was angered and glared again. She calmed down the anger on her face and turned to Huo Yehong who hadn't said anything. "Dad, you see who this is, there is no upbringing. Huo's granddaughter-in-law is gone. What else do you let her enter Huo's door?"

Huo Yehong looked sullenly at Li Xuehe, who was wearing heavy makeup, and sneered coldly: "Huh, my great-granddaughter is not educated. Look at what you look like, disrespectful and shameful."

Huo Yehong watched Li Xuehe finish his speech, and then looked at Xiao Yanyan, his face sympathetic, "Yanyan, come here, go eat with grandpa."

Xiao Yanyan looked at Huo Yehong politely and didn't walk towards him, but took Li Xiaoman's hand, "Mommy, go to dinner."

Huo Yehong saw that Xiao Yanyan had not approached him. He frowned lightly, and he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Although he was prestigious for fame and fortune in his life, he knew very well that he was lonely.


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