"Manman, you are getting rusty with my grandpa."

Li Xiaoman frowned, still unable to hear the mood, "Grandpa Huo, it's not easy to say on the phone, I will go right away."

When the words fell, she hung up the phone and immediately called Long Sihao while rushing to Huo Zhai.

Long Sihao knew that Huo Yehong had picked up Yanyan, so he asked Li Xiaoman to wait for him for a while, and he went to Huo Zhai with her. Li Xiaoman asked him not to go in a hurry first, if she could not pick up Yan, Yan, let him pick them up again.

Today, Huo Zhai is guarded like a military base. Just outside Huo Zhai is more than a dozen bodyguards like door gods, all of them are zombie faces, unsmiling.

Li Xiaoman's car failed to drive into Huo Zhai.

She got out of Huo's house and walked straight to the hall. All the bodyguards in black were on the way, but they didn't stop her. Don't guess that Huo Yehong had ordered it.

Huo Yan, the old housekeeper who had been in the Huo family for decades, stood outside the hall and saw her and immediately greeted her, watching her nod her head.

"Master is waiting for you in the lobby."

Then he took Li Xiaoman into the hall.

After a lapse of five years, stepping in here again, Li Xiaoman had a feeling of being alienated, the decoration of the hall and the like were the same as five years ago, but at this time her mood was different.

She stepped in here five years ago and she still has a touch of intimacy because of a grandpa who loves her.

But now, the grandpa who loves her has long been "absent".

She felt that she was really stupid five years ago. She was always led by Huo Yehong. She always regarded him as a grandfather, but he might not treat her as a granddaughter.

Five years ago, she was really too simple and too easy to be used by others, but now, she will not be used by others, nor will she be easily hurt by others.

Huo Yehong, who was sitting on the sofa in the hall, was wearing a tunic and had silver hair, but he still shone and his eyes were sharp.

Li Xiaoman walked up to him, and Shui Xiao glanced beside him. When he was alone, she narrowed her eyes slightly, "Grandpa Huo, what about Yan Yan?"

Huo Yehong raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman kindly, holding a cane and smiling and pointed to the position opposite him, "Manman, sit first, sit down and talk."

Li Xiaoman glanced at the position where he pointed and sat down.

Although she didn't see Yanyan, her Qingli's face did not show any worries because she knew that Xiaoyanyan would be fine for the time being.

Huo Yehong has brought her here for some purpose.

Huo Yehong saw her sitting calmly, without a trace of panic on his face. He smiled gently, and his tone was kind, "Manman, you have changed."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Huo Yehong indifferently. "Everyone will change."

Huo Yehong looked at her with kind eyes and nodded and said, "Yeah, everyone will change, Yunene has changed, and Si Hao has changed. By the way, why didn't Si Hao come with you? Didn't you inform him? "

"Grandpa Huo..." Li Xiaoman called out politely, gazing at Huo Yehong calmly, his lips lightly pursed, "Can I take Yanyan away?"

Huo Yehong saw her look a bit cold, he narrowed his elder old eyes slightly, still kind, "Manman, Yanyan she is playing upstairs, I have something to ask you, I will let you up again later Look at her."

Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at him indifferently, his lips slightly tickled, and a thin voice was mixed with a touch of indifference. "You ask."

Huo Yehong did not turn around and asked directly: "Is Yanyan the daughter of you and Si Haosheng?"

"Yes!" It is no secret that Xiao Yanyan is Long Sihao's daughter, so Li Xiaoman also admitted directly.

Seeing her pleasant answer, Huo Yehong glanced at her deeply and asked with a smile: "Manman, have you gone with Si Hao in the past five years? Why has Grandpa never found you?"

Li Xiaoman gazed at him calmly, "Grandpa Huo, I'm not here to tell you this, please tell me directly, why did you bring Yanyan here?"

"Ah!" Huo Yehong looked at Li Xiaoman with a deep sigh, and his white eyebrows were frowned. "Manman, you treat grandpa..., alas! Do you hate grandpa now? You were not so alienated to grandpa before. of……"

After a pause, Huo Yehong continued to look at Li Xiaoman and said: "Manman, I took Yanyan here without malicious intention, I just want to make Yanyan recognize his ancestors."

"Recognize the ancestors?" Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, squinting his eyes with a hint of sharpness, "Grandpa Huo, what do you mean?"

Huo Yehong looked at her kindly, "Manman, since Yanyan is from you and Si Haosheng, and is Si Hao's daughter, then she is my great granddaughter of Huo Yehong, so naturally I have to go back to Huo's home to recognize my ancestors, I Will not let my Huo family's grandchildren surname, of course, Si Hao is the same."

"So Grandpa Huo, without the consent of me and Si Hao, created an incident where the old lady touched the porcelain and secretly brought Yanyan here..."

Speaking of which, Li Xiaoman raised his lips with an inscrutable smile, and continued: "Grandpa Huo, your real purpose is probably not to make Yanyan recognize her ancestor, but to let Si Hao recognize Zu Guizong?"

Huo Yehong saw her in a broken voice, and also said his thoughts. The kind smile on his old face converged a bit, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes were fixed on Li Xiaoman. "Manman is getting smarter. Your grandpa’s thoughts have been seen through by you."

"People will change. Didn't Grandpa Huo just say that?" Li Xiaoman looked at Huo Yehong deeply, and Qingli's face could not see any expression.

After a long meal, she doesn’t just look at things unilaterally when she thinks about things. Just when Ling Hanye called to tell her what happened before and after Yan Yan disappeared, she felt that the old lady appeared strange. .

After she received a phone call from Huo Yehong to let Xiao Yanyan call her, she determined that the old lady had deliberately made trouble, and the purpose was to allow Huo Yehong to take Xiao Yanyan away when Ling Dana was not paying attention.

She thought that the old lady must be arranged by Huo Yehong.

Huo Yehong looked at Li Xiaoman deeply for a while, and then he regained a kind smile on his old face. He has always refused to surname Huo and has always refused to return to Huo's house. Grandpa really has no way to take him, so Grandpa has no choice..."

Li Xiaoman interrupted him, "So Grandpa Huo wanted to threaten Si Hao with Yan Yan. You know that Si Hao's weakness is me and Yan Yan. Use this to achieve your purpose. Grandpa Huo, Si Hao is an adult. The person is not a three-year-old child. Who wants his surname to be his own business? Why do you want him to be Huo? The relationship between your grandfather and grandson is not harmonious. If you use Yanyan to threaten him, it will only continue to deteriorate. Your grandparents relationship."


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