A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 454: Crash porcelain, old lady crashed

"Little cute, it seems that I didn't hurt you in vain." Ling Dina smiled and said to Xiao Yanyan, she raised her eyes to Li Xiaoman, a smug lip, "Li Xiaoman, did you hear that, your daughter?" I like me now."

Li Xiaoman smiled at Ling Dina without saying anything, but looked at Xiao Yanyan with a soft voice and asked, "Yan Yan, do you want to go back with Mommy today?"

Before waiting for Xiao Yanyan's answer, Ling Dina first hugged Xiao Yanyan and provoked Li Xiaoman provocatively, raising her chin. "Little cute doesn't go back for a while, she wants to contact me."

Xiao Yanyan looked up at Ling Dina, then looked at her mommy Li Xiaoman, and smiled, "Mommy, I won't go back today, I'm going to Sister Xiaona's house."

Li Xiaoman gave Xiao Yanyan a soft smile, "Well, that mommy will pick you up in a few days."

"Well, that mommy goodbye."

"Yanyan, goodbye."

Li Xiaoman left school after watching Xiao Yanyan sit in Ling Dina's car and leave.

In the car, Ling Dina, who was slowly driving in the driver's seat, turned her head to stare at Xiao Yanyan sitting next to her, "Little cute, why didn't you just go back with your mommy?"

Xiao Yanyan smiled sweetly at Ling Dana, "Of course because I like Sister Sina, and I want to play with Sister Sina!"

As soon as Ling Dina heard this, her brown eyes were full of smiles, "Little cute, your little mouth is so sweet."

Ling Dana just talked to Xiao Yanyan and didn't notice that an old lady rushed over.

Seeing the old lady rushing over, Xiao Yanyan immediately shouted, "Sister Xiaona, someone rushed over in front of you, and stop."

When asked, Ling Dina turned her head and saw that there was an old lady who rushed to her car. She looked surprised and immediately depressed the brakes to stop the car.

No matter how fast she moves, the old lady still seems to be hit, and oops before Ling Dina's car.

Seeing hitting someone, Ling Dina frowned, why did the old lady run over?

She looked down at Xiao Yanyan, "Little cute, you sit in the car first, I'll get off and see."

When the words fell, she got out of the car.

Xiao Yanyan nodded and sat in the car.

"Ouch... hit the dead... hit the dead... unreasonable... even the old lady hit... the heart is too poisonous... Oh, hit the dead..."

The old lady lying on the floor shouted in pain, but she did not see any injuries on her body, and she seemed to deliberately attract all the people around her. Yes, she yelled very loudly, and she was not full of breath. It was a severely injured person.

Xiao Yanyan sitting in the car heard the old lady's painful cry, frowned, and got out of the car.

When she got off, a luxurious Mercedes-Benz business car stopped behind Ling Dina's car.

Because of the old lady's shouts, many people have gathered.

Xiao Yanyan got out of the car and was about to squeeze into the enclosure. Suddenly her delicate little hand was caught by a great force.

Immediately after that, her small mouth was covered by a big hand, and she was picked up and walked towards the luxurious Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle.

Xiao Yanyan, whose small mouth was covered, couldn't make a sound, and everyone around him was watching the old lady "sing", and she didn't notice her much.

Holding her is a sturdy man.

He took Xiao Yanyan in front of a luxury Mercedes-Benz commercial car, opened the door of the rear seat, and plugged her directly into it.

The little Yanyan who was stuffed in had not yet figured out what was going on, and the luxury Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle was launched.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yanyan frowned and looked up to see a familiar old face.

"Grandpa, why are you?"

What Xiao Yanyan saw was Huo Yehong. At this time, he was looking at her lovingly, with a smile on his face, "Little girl, we meet again, come, grandpa pulls you up."

When the words fell, Huo Yehong stretched the pleated old hand towards Xiao Yanyan.

Xiao Yanyan glanced at him and stretched out her hand, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, "I will get up myself.

Then she held up the cushion and sat down directly beside Huo Yehong.

Being taken into the car suddenly, the little face of her small carved jade without any panic and fear, looks calm and indifferent.

She tilted her small head and squinted at Huo Yehong, "Where are you going to take me?"

Huo Yehong saw her calm and indifferent look like the extreme of Long Sihao, and increasingly determined that she was the daughter of Li Xiaoman and Long Sihaosheng, and his great grandson.

He looked at Xiao Yanyan kindly and smiled kindly, "Take you to recognize the ancestors."

"Recognize the ancestors?" Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and looked at the grandfather in front of her. There was a trace of doubt in the pure eyes, but she didn't ask why for a while.


Ling Dina, who was entangled by the old lady, just got out.

She called an ambulance for the old lady and gave her all the money. The old lady didn't make trouble.

After the old lady was carried on the ambulance and left, she returned to her car, only to find that Xiao Yanyan was gone.

She hurriedly searched for it, but she didn't find it, and asked the people around her again, with no result.

Xiao Yanyan will not disappear for no reason, she called Ling Hanye anxiously.

"Brother, little cutie is gone."

"I didn't hear it clearly. I said something again?" Ling Hanye's voice on the other end of the phone was slightly angry.

Losing Xiao Yanyan, Ling Dina was very worried. She frowned, lacking confidence and said, "Yan Yan is gone."

Her voice fell, and Ling Hanye raised a few decibels, and the roar came.

"Dead girl, you have lost Long Shao's baby girl. Do you want to die? Where did you lose it? Haven't you rushed to find it? I'll go right away."


After hanging up the phone with Ling Hanye, Ling Dina trot and asked for someone.

Li Xiaoman has returned to Shuilu Lake at this time. She just received a phone call from Ling Hanye and said that Xiao Yanyan was gone.

After confirming the location of Xiao Yanyan's "missing" with Ling Hanye, she was about to find it, and Xiao Yanyan's phone came over.


Hearing Xiaoyanyan’s childish familiar voice, Dashi in Li Xiaoman’s heart finally fell a bit, “Yanyan, where have you been? Your sister Xiaona said you were gone, where is it now, Mommy will pick you up right away ."

"In Huo Zhai, Grandpa's house."

"What?" Li Xiaoman looked slightly surprised, and the clear water narrowed his eyes. "I'll pick you up immediately."

When the words fell, she was about to hang up, and Huo Yehong's familiar voice came from there.

"Manman, don't worry, Yanyan is safe with me."

"Grandpa Huo, when did you take Yanyan to you?" Li Xiaoman's tone was calm and unpleasant.

Her estranged grandfather Huo Yehong frowned at the phone.


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