A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 453: Rivals meet, especially jealous

Attracted by him|Li Xiaoman, who was tempted to roll the sheets for the morning, first called Xiao Yanyan to make sure she was at school and accompanied by Ling Dina, she hung up the phone and prepared to lie down for a while. Just go to Xiao Yanyan's school.

As soon as she closed her eyes, there was a knock on the door outside the bedroom, followed by an unclear voice.

"Young lady, are you going to use the lunch downstairs or bring it up?"

Li Xiaoman opened his eyes and sat up, looking towards the door of the bedroom, "I will go down to eat later."

When the words fell, she lay down again, but she no longer fell asleep.

Now she desperately wants to find the mysterious person who has framed her over and over again. She always feels that the mysterious person is beside her, it seems that she is staring at her all the time, but she just does not know who it is. .

He could even put people in the villa without knowing it, and even her relative, Long Sihao, could not find out who he was. She had to say that the mysterious person was quite patient.

Then she endured the pain in her body and got out of the bed, changed her clothes, and went downstairs.

When the maid in the villa saw her go downstairs, she took the prepared lunch to the restaurant.

Li Xiaoman, who was sitting in the restaurant, glanced at the dishes on the table. The dishes were very normal. There were no dishes that pregnant women should avoid.

After finishing the meal, she was about to get up and leave, maid Li Xue came with a cup of honey citron tea.

After she placed the honey citron tea on the dining table in front of Li Xiaoman, she smiled and looked at her respectfully and said, "Young lady, this is your favorite honey citron tea."

"I love to drink?" Li Xiaoman glanced at the honey tea on the dining table and raised his eyebrows to Li Xue.

Li Xue smiled and nodded, "Yes! Young lady, when you forgot your first child five years ago, you love to drink this."

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, his eyes fell on the honey citron tea again.

She did drink honey grapefruit tea during her pregnancy five years ago, but that was not because she loved to drink, but because honey and grapefruit were good for pregnant women.

But she doesn't drink too much at a time, nor does she drink often.

She raised her eyebrows to Li Xue and pursed her lips slightly, "I didn't expect you to remember what I liked five years ago."

Li Xueying smiled for the first time, "I just happened to remember."

"Coincidentally?" Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and glanced at Li Xue, then slightly ticked.

Lips said: "I have something to find Uncle, please help me call him."

"Yes! I'm going to call now." Li Xue looked at Li Xiaoman's response and left the restaurant.

Li Xiaoman then left the dining room and returned to the bedroom on the third floor.

She didn't wait for a while, and Uncle Cheng came.

"Young lady, do you have anything to do with me?" Uncle Cheng looked at Li Xiaoman and asked respectfully.

Li Xiaoman first asked Uncle Cheng to sit down and closed the bedroom door before approaching him. He looked at him and said, "Uncle Cheng, I want to ask you something."

Uncle Cheng stood up with a respectful face, "Don't ask, Madam Young."

"Uncle Cheng remembers that I went to Antai Cemetery five years ago. Did the driver you arranged? Li Xue also went there at the time. I happened to be born prematurely that day."

Hearing her saying that the day of premature birth, Uncle Cheng was immediately impressed. He looked at Li Xiaoman and said: "Young lady is talking about Jane! He died five years ago."

"What? He died?" Li Xiaoman was surprised when he heard Uncle Cheng.

She had originally planned to investigate the accident of premature delivery from the driver who sent her to the Antai cemetery five years ago, but she did not expect that the driver had already passed away. How could it be such a coincidence?

Uncle Cheng looked at her suspiciously. "Why does Mrs. Young think of asking him?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows at Uncle Cheng and smirked. "I'll just ask, thank you Uncle Cheng."

"Mrs. Madam, you're welcome. If Mrs. Madam has nothing to ask, I'll go out."

Li Xiaoman looked at Uncle Cheng with a smile and nodded, "Okay."

After Uncle Cheng left the bedroom, Li Xiaoman frowned, and the driver passed away. It seemed that she could only check from Li Xue.

Before, she didn't think Li Xue was wrong, but after the incident at the restaurant, she felt that she was a bit wrong.

Because she hadn’t seen Xiao Yanyan for several days, she naturally missed it very much. After she had collected her thoughts, she left the villa and went directly to Xiao Yanyan’s new school.

And these days, Xiao Yanyan went to school with Ling Dina to pick-up and accompany her all-day study, so she naturally met Ling Dina when she went to school.

Rivals meet with a red eye.

"Li Xiaoman, what are you doing here?" Ling Dina today is still Qi Liuhai, soft black straight hair shawl, organza oximian style light blue dress, very little girl next door dress, but her temperament But there was a trace of madness in the sky.

Li Xiaoman is a tight beige white dress with a small black suit with 3/4 sleeves, which not only highlights her elegant and charming temperament, but also demonstrates her capable and latent domineering.

Li Xiaoman, who smiled and changed her dress style, but still had the same personality as before, smiled gently, "Of course I came to thank you."

Ling Dina's brown eyes narrowed, "Thank me for what? Thank me for taking care of your daughter? Li Xiaoman, do you really think that my Ling Dina will be so kind? I took the opportunity to connect with your daughter and wait for your daughter to like me , It’s much easier for me to steal Brother Si Hao."

Hearing Ling Dina’s words, Li Xiaoman had no trace of fear. Five years ago, she admired her straightforward temperament, dared to say dare to do it, and did not hide it.

She still looked at her with a gentle eye, and smiled, "Well, if you can make my daughter like you and still take Si Hao, how about I quit?"

Ling Dina saw her with full of confidence, she was both jealous and unhappy, "Li Xiaoman, don't be proud, I will definitely take Si Hao, you are waiting."

Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows lightly, and looked at her with a smile, "Okay, I'm waiting, you come here."

"You... you are so confident that Brother Si Hao will not be robbed by me?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Ling Dina and nodded, "Yes!"

The simpler her answer was, the more annoying Ling Dina wanted to stomp her feet, the more jealous she was in her heart.

Because a woman would not easily tell another woman that you would come over and grab my man unless she knew that the man loved her very much.

And Li Xiaoman dared to say this confidently, indicating that she believed in Long Sihao and knew that he could not be robbed by anyone.

Her confidence was naturally given by Long Sihao. He gave her enough love and enough confidence.

She Ling Dina also hopes that a man can give her such great confidence, so that she is 100% confident that he will not be robbed by any woman.

Seeing Ling Dina’s rare bowing, she looked sad and sad, Li Xiaoman smiled her lips gently, and said calmly, "Miss Ling, I like your personality very much, dare to say, dare to do, very straightforward, I believe you have One day I will meet someone who really loves you."

"Do you like me?" Ling Dina raised her eyes in amazement and stared at her for a while, then whitened her, "I am affectionate and I don't like you."

Li Xiaoman still looked at her with a gentle smile and raised her eyebrows slightly, "I think you will like me."

Ling Dina gave her a deep glance, and then muttered her mouth unpleasantly, "I don't understand why Brother Si Hao likes you so much, you are not gentler than me, kinder, talented, reserved, Have a little temperament..."

Hearing Ling Dina's words that seemed to be countless but praise-like, Li Xiaoman looked at her with a smile, "Are you boasting me?"

After she said this, Ling Dina noticed that what she had just said was indeed a compliment.

Ling Dina narrowed her eyes and squinted at her, raising her lips. "Who praised you? Li Xiaoman, I didn't expect you to have such a thick skin."

Li Xiaoman smiled at her, "I didn't expect you to have such a good impression on me. I think you actually like me very much."


Ling Dina was a little dumb and stomped by her anger, she stomped her feet, and she found that Li Xiaoman's tone of speech now looked like her brother Si Hao.

Is it true that the two people will look more and more like each other after getting along for a long time?

She ignored Li Xiaoman no longer, and Li Xiaoman ignored her, and the two waited for Xiao Yanyan to leave school.

Therefore, when Xiao Yanyan was surrounded by her little classmates and came out of the classroom, she saw her dear mommy.

She had missed Li Xiaoman quite a few days without seeing Mummy.

"Mommy, why are you here?" She walked to Li Xiaoman in small steps and asked with blinking eyes.

Her small face, carved in jade, was filled with a sweet smile.

Li Xiaoman's eyes looked at Xiao Yanyan with a smile, her eyes were very gentle, "Mommy came to see you, do you miss Mommy?"

Xiao Yanyan smiled sweetly at Li Xiaoman, "think."

The little classmate beside her looked at her, and then looked at Li Xiaoman, the voice was immature: "Wow! Yanyan, you and your mommy look like, your mommy is so beautiful."

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows gently, "Of course my mommy is beautiful."

She smiled and watched her little classmates finish talking, and then looked at her dear mommy Li Xiaoman, "Mommy, they are all my classmates, so cute."

Li Xiaoman gently smiled and greeted the small classmates around Xiao Yanyan, "Hello, my little friend."

"Good auntie."

Hearing all these children's voices, Li Xiaoman's brows were stained with smiles.

She looked down at Xiao Yanyan and smiled, "Yan Yan, your little classmate is indeed very cute."

Ling Dina on the side saw that she was ignored, she frowned, "Little cute, can't you see Xiaona's sister when you have mommy?"

Upon hearing the sound, Xiao Yanyan looked up at Ling Dina, and then took her mother's hand in her left hand, took a small step to walk in front of Ling Dina, and raised her head to smile sweetly at her, "How can I forget Xiao Na's sister?" Sister Xiaona is as important as my mom in my heart!"

"Really?" Ling Dina eyed Xiao Yanyan with a smile on her eyes.

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, "Of course, it's truer than pearls."


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