A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 447: Surprised, cousin loves her

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenhua asked Li Xiaoman to accompany Jiang Yiyi, and he went to the kitchen.

Li Xiaoman asked him to stay with Li Wenbo for a while after returning, and she went to the kitchen to help Li Zhenhua.

As soon as she entered, she smiled at Li Zhenhua and asked, "Uncle, what do you think of Yiyi?"

Li Zhenhua, who was chopping vegetables, looked at the direction outside the kitchen, and then said: "It looks okay, how old is that girl?"

Li Xiaoman walked to Li Zhenhua with a smile, and raised his eyebrows as he watched, "The first time someone came, why did Uncle ask how old they are?"

Li Zhenhua put down the kitchen knife in his hand and looked up at Li Xiaoman with a sigh, "Ah! Manman, uncle, this is anxious for your cousin! Your cousin is all 29 people running fast If I don’t find a girlfriend, I’m afraid I won’t see my grandson until I die..."

"Uncle..." Li Xiaoman interrupted him, sinking his face and staring at him, "You can't say death, Wen Bo will definitely get married sooner, you can rest assured, then Wen Bo will hold two of them for three years and give you a bunch of them. 'S grandson can't bring you with you."

Since Li Sufang's death, she is now very afraid of her relatives leaving. Apart from Long Sihao and Xiao Yanyan, she has only two relatives, Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo.

Li Zhenhua frowned tightly, and said with a sigh: "Manman, don't comfort me, if that happens, I can wake up laughing with asleep."

"Uncle, I haven't comforted you." Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhenhua and gently raised his eyebrows, "Miss Yiyi outside may be your future daughter-in-law."

Li Zhenhua listened to Li Xiaoman's words, first of all, he immediately frowned and said, "Impossible, your Wenbo brother doesn't like her and won't marry her."

Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhenhua in surprise. "How can Uncle Wenbo like dislike Yiyi? I think Yiyi is pretty good. Wenbo should like it."

Li Zhenhua shook his head negatively, "Manman, you like Wenbo, he likes..."

Halfway through, Li Zhenhua stopped again, smiled and looked at Li Xiaoman, said: "Manman, don't say this anymore, you go out to accompany Yiyi, uncle is here, busy coming."

When Li Xiaoman saw that her uncle was about to stop talking, she felt more surprised and asked curiously: "Uncle, what did you just want to say? Do you know who Wenbo likes?"

Li Zhenhua started chopping vegetables and said with a smile: "Manman, who do you like Wenbo brother, where do I know? You also know the man of your Wenbo brother, he has nothing to do with anything, I do not Know what he is thinking."

Li Xiaoman's eyes flickered when she saw her uncle talking, and it was obvious that something was hiding from her.

Seeing him not to say anything, she asked no more, but smiled at him, "Uncle, Wen Bo is accompanying Yiyi outside. I'm still here to help you."

After hearing this, Li Zhenhua looked up at Li Xiaoman, "Wenbo is back?"

Li Xiaoman nodded with a smile, "Well! Come back for a while, uncle, I will help you wash the vegetables."

In the living room outside the kitchen, Jiang Yiyi and Li Wenbo sat on the side of each other, and the two seemed to divide the Chu River boundary.

Jiang Yiyi lowered her head, her fingers twitched a little restlessly, her pretty cute face flushed slightly, and she looked coy and uncomfortable.

Li Wenbo did not speak, and she did not speak.

Li Wenbojun, who was sitting on the other side, slightly twisted his eyebrows, and there was no expression on that Jun's face, neither cold nor indifferent, but with a touch of alienation.

Since Li Xiaoman entered the kitchen, he and Jiang Yiyi never said a word.

The atmosphere is too stiff and dull, Jiang Yiyi's temperament is more active, and she can't do anything to make her sit there motionless and pretend to be a good girl.

She took a deep breath secretly, then summoned the courage to look at Li Wenbo, and asked with a smile: "Wen Bo, why don't you talk? Is... is it not welcome to me?"

There was a smile on her pretty face, and there was a hint of joking in her words.

Li Wenbo gazed at her blandly, and returned a few words in a stiff tone, "No."

His blunt answer made Jiang Yiyi frown, and still smiled at him, "That Wen Bo brother you..."

Before Jiang Yiyi finished talking, Li Wenbo suddenly said, "I'm sorry, I went in to help, you sit down for a while."

When the words fell, Li Wenbo stood up and looked at Jiang Yiyi with a polite smile and entered the kitchen.

After Jiang Yiyi saw him go in, she lost a trace in her eyes, and she bulged her cheeks, her expression somewhat depressed.

She could see that Li Wenbo didn't like her, but did not like her at all.

Her love was strangled in the cradle before it started.

She was sitting alone on the sofa in the living room, and some of them were uneasy and uncomfortable.

After a while, she stood up and was about to go into the kitchen and told Li Xiaoman to go back, Li Xiaoman came out with a dish.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled at Jiang Yiyi, "Yiyi, sorry, let you wait for a long time, you can eat."

Jiang Yiyi saw that the meal was ready, and was embarrassed to say that he wanted to go at this juncture, so he smiled at Li Xiaoman, "Sister Xiaoman, I went in to help serve the food."

"No, the visitor is a guest, you just sit."

Li Xiaoman's words fell, and Li Zhenhua holding the tableware just came out, "Yes, the visitor is a guest, Yiyi, you sit first, no need to help."

After watching Jiang Yiyi finish talking, he looked at Li Xiaoman again, "Manman, don't help me, sit with Yiyi first."

Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhenhua and nodded. Before taking the dish, he took Jiang Yiyi and sat down at the dining table.

After the dishes were served, Li Xiaoman and Li Zhenhua sat on the side, and Li Wenbo sat with Jiang Yiyi.

During the meal, Li Xiaoman saw that Jiang Yiyi had unreachable dishes, so he asked Li Wenbo to help her with the chopsticks.

The meal was very harmonious, but Li Wenbo and Jiang Yiyi never said a word.

After the meal, Jiang Yiyi sat for a while and said he was going back, Li Xiaoman asked Li Wenbo to send him.

Like last time, Li Wenbo sent her downstairs to her house and returned again, and the two did not say anything on the way.

Because it was less than ten o'clock, Li Xiaoman had to wait for Long Sihao to pick her up, but he did not leave for the time being.

After Li Wenbo sent Jiang Yiyi back and saw that Li Xiaoman was still there, a smile appeared on the cold face, "Manman, are you staying tonight or..."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and smiled at Li Wenbo, "I will go back soon."

After hearing this, Li Wenbo frowned slightly and looked at her with a smile, "Then I will send you."

"Wen Bo, no need."

Li Xiaoman smiled as Li Wenbo finished, the phone in her bag rang.

"Uncle, Brother Wenbo, I answered the phone." She raised her eyes again and finished speaking to Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua, and then stood up with her mobile phone to pick up the balcony outside the living room.

Because the phone call was from Long Sihao, she must say something blushing with Long Sihao's character. She was afraid to hear Long Sihao's words and blush again before going to the balcony outside the living room.

After seeing Li Xiaoman go out, Li Zhenhua sat on the sofa and looked at Li Wenbo.

Seeing his gaze has been following the direction of Li Xiaoman going out, he sighed with a frown, "Wen Bo, you... what do you think of Jiang Yiyi?"

Hearing Li Zhenhua's words, Li Wenbo only withdrew his gaze, and looked at him and asked, "Dad, if you ask this, you will not think again..."

He knew that his dad had been urging him to find a girlfriend and get married early, so when his dad asked, he knew what his dad wanted to do.

He paused for a moment, frowned at his father Li Zhenhua and said, "Dad, I told you many times, I don't want to get married yet."

"You don't want to marry, you don't want to marry someone you don't like." Li Zhenhua looked at Li Wenbo and said in a broken voice.

Because of his words, Li Wenbo frowned more tightly, and a complex emotion flashed in his eyes.

He was about to speak out, and Li Zhenhua looked at him with a frown, "Wenbo, you know, Dad's biggest wish in his life is to watch you get married and have children early, but you... you just like it, alas! Manman is Your sister!"

After answering the phone, Li Xiaoman was about to hear Li Zhenhua's words when he was about to walk in.

She looked slightly shocked, and her clear eyes flashed with surprise. Does her Wen Bo like her? how can that be? They are pro-cousins.

She was about to push open the heavy glass door and Li Wenbo's voice rang again.

"Dad, Manman, she is not my sister."


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