A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 446: Wife, want to video with you

He didn't need her invitation to take the initiative to speak for her jewelry, which is a big name for him.

When she considered whether to use Ouyang Ruixi to endorse her jewelry, Jiang Yiyi walked in lightly and saw that she was standing on the spot and did not know what she was thinking. She secretly walked behind her and stretched out her hands to cover Her eyes.

"Guess who I am?"

After recovering, Li Xiaoman stretched out Jiang Yiyi's pair of slender jade hands, turned around, and embraced her, narrowed her eyes and looked at her, "Yiyi, naughty again?"

Jiang Yiyi spit her tongue out mischievously, and looked at her with admiration, "Sister Xiaoman, you are great, you are the one who is so difficult to handle that big European brand, you are really great, Xiaoman ."

"If you praise me a few more words, I will fly to the sky." Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and smiled at her, and left the reception room.

Jiang Yiyi followed her and smiled as she continued to boast: "Sister Xiaoman, I didn't boast about you. I'm talking about the facts. You are really great."

Seeing Li Xiaoman entered her office, she also followed in, and then closed the door of her office.

Li Xiaoman, who was sitting in the office, saw her, raised her eyebrows and asked her, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yiyi's pretty little face blushed a little and lowered her head to walk to Li Xiaoman's desk, as if agitating her fingers nervously, "Sister Xiaoman, you haven't returned to your uncle recently Is your cousin...well...okay?"

Li Xiaoman saw that Jiang Yiyi asked her cousin Li Wenbo, her clear water eyes narrowed, her eyes glanced at her with deep meaning, "How come my cousin suddenly asked?"

Jiang Yiyi seemed to be uncomfortable reaching out to pin a strand of her ears behind her ears, smiling at Li Xiaoman, said: "Sister Xiaoman, you are an idol I adore very much, I care about your family It’s a matter of course!"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows slightly and raised his pink lips, "You seem to have only asked my cousin."

Jiang Yiyi blushed a little bit more, "Sister Xiaoman, how can I only ask your cousin, I am not going to ask your uncle how it is."

Li Xiaoman's seemingly clear eyes narrowed her red face, her pink lips slightly raised, "Old and young are orderly, why do you ask the young first and then the old?"

"Sister Xiaoman..." Jiang Yiyi Jiao stomped his feet, "Is there any relationship between who is asked first and who is asked later?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows lightly and raised his lips. "It's a lot. Let me ask who explains who cares more."

The words "care" made Jiang Yiyi's face red again. "Sister Xiaoman, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to do things. I still have a client's case."

When the words fell, she turned and ran out of her office.

Li Xiaoman smiled and looked back after she went out. She saw that Jiang Yiyi liked Li Wenbo. It seemed that she needed to be a matchmaker to help her Wenbo brother and Jiang Yiyi lead the red line.

Her uncle had long wanted her Wenbo brother to get married and have children, but she hasn't even found a girlfriend until now. This is not only her uncle is anxious, but she is also very anxious.

Li Wenbo is her cousin and her only brother, and of course she hopes that he will get married sooner.

Jiang Yiyi is a very nice girl, active and lovely, very motivated, she thinks her Wen Bo brother should like her.

It has been a few days since she moved out of her uncle's house. She said she would go back to see her uncle, but she hasn't been back.

Exactly, she can take Jiang Yiyi to her uncle's house tonight.

Immediately she picked up her phone and was about to call Long Sihao to tell him, it happened that Long Sihao's message was sent.

"My wife, I miss you."

The short five words made Li Xiaoman laugh into her heart. She just picked up the phone Long Sihao's message and came over. She had a quick heart.

She went back immediately.

"Her husband, metoo!"

Within seconds of her sending out, Long Sihao immediately returned.

"Wife-in-law, is it so fast that you are holding your phone and waiting for me to send you a message for a long time?"

Li Xiaoman was about to return to her. Just after she picked up her mobile phone, his message came, and Long Sihao's message came again.

"Wife-in-law, I want to video with you."

Li Xiaoman slightly pulled the corner of his lower lip and turned back.

"I'm working now."

"I like to go to work with my daughter-in-law."

She didn't go back to Long Sihao, and called directly.

The phone rang only once, and Long Sihao answered it.

A low and pleasant voice belonging to him rang in her ears, "Wife, do you want to hear my voice by calling?"

Because the mobile phone is close to the ear, Li Xiaoman feels that Long Sihao is like saying it in her ear. Her clear eyes are full of smiles, "Yes! I want to hear your voice."

After a pause, she continued: "Si Hao, I want to go to my uncle's house tonight."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly over the phone, "Why did you suddenly want to go to your uncle's house?"

"Just visit him."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at ten o'clock."


Because she wanted to match Jiang Yiyi and Li Wenbo, after leaving get off work, she asked Jiang Yiyi to follow her to her uncle's house.

Jiang Yiyi didn't go at first, she was pulled by her.

In the Jinlai Community, Jiang Yiyi felt a little frightened.

She held Li Xiaoman, and looked at her uncomfortably. "Sister Xiaoman, my uncle and you are not familiar with me. I still don't go. I'll be embarrassed if I go."

Li Xiaoman took her hand, raised her eyebrows and smiled at her.

"Sister Xiaoman, I...I...why am I going to get acquainted?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at Jiang Yiyi, who was nervous and uncomfortable, pursed his lips and smiled, "What do you say? Well, just go with me."

What else did Jiang Yiyi want to say? , But Li Xiaoman dragged her to her uncle's house.

After entering the door, Li Xiaoman only introduced Li Zhenhua to Jiang Yiyi as her colleague, and said nothing else.

Li Zhenhua was delighted and surprised to see Li Xiaoman suddenly come back.

He first entertained Li Xiaoman and Jiang Yiyi to sit down, and then looked at her questioningly and asked, "Manman, did Yanyan not come back with you?"

Li Xiaoman smiled at Li Zhenhua with a light smile, "I will bring her back in a few days."

Because she is going to find the mysterious person now, Yanyan will be in some danger around her, but Yanyan will be safer at Linghanye's house, so she didn't pick her up.

Li Zhenhua nodded lightly and asked with some uneasiness: "Manman, then you are here, who will help you look at Yanyan alone?"

When Li Xiaoman saw that her uncle was only concerned about asking Yanyan, she ignored Jiang Yiyi.

She looked at Jiang Yiyi, who was nervous and uncomfortable beside her, raised her eyes and smiled at Li Zhenhua. He will come back early."

"Okay, I'll fight now." Li Zhenhua immediately called Li Wenbo and asked him to come back.


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