Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoman's hand pushed the door, and Xiumei frowned, and the more puzzled gaze looked at the two people sitting in the living room without noticing her.

"Even if Manman is not your pro cousin, but your aunt's adopted daughter, you can't like her. Manman already has Yanyan, and she has always regarded you as a cousin, you are impossible, five years ago I I told you that you should not put your mind on Manman, you just don’t listen."

At this time, Li Zhenhua had a trace of anger on his face. He regarded Li Xiaoman as a pro-nephew, even if they were not related by blood, he would not agree with them.

What's more, he can see that his niece has only brother and sister love for his son, but no love for men and women.

Li Zhenhua's words "not a pro-cousin, but your aunt's adopted daughter" surprised Li Xiaoman who was standing outside the door. He opened the door and looked at Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo. "Uncle, Wen Bo, you just said What? Why am I not Wenbo’s cousin? Why am I my mother’s adopted daughter?"

At the moment, her face was pale, and the clear water eyes looked at Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo in disbelief.

She had never suspected that she was not Li Sufang’s birth. She always thought that Li Sufang was a mother, Li Zhenhua was her uncle, and Li Wenbo was her cousin, but they now said she was Li Sufang’s adopted daughter, who Is it her mother? Who is her relative?

She thought she had loved ones. Did she also be an orphan? The relatives she had always treated as relatives had nothing to do with her.

When Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo heard Li Xiaoman's voice suddenly sound, both were startled and stood up at the same time.

"Manman, have you heard?" Li Wenbo looked at Li Xiaoman closely, and Jun Mei's eyebrows deepened.

Li Xiaoman didn't return to Li Wenbo, his red eyes turned to Li Zhenhua, "Uncle, are you all talking about the truth? I... am I really not my mother's biological daughter? I am really Hug...Hugged?"

Li Xiaoman suddenly realized that she was not Li Sufang's birth, and some could not accept it. After she asked this sentence in her heart, her tears came out of her eyes.

Li Zhenhua saw that Li Xiaoman was crying, and he guilt on his forehead. "Manman, don't be sad, you blame your uncle. It is the uncle's mouth that said nonsense, it should be fight..."

When the words fell, Li Zhenhua reached out and hit his own mouth.

Upon seeing this, the tears in Li Xiaoman's eyes were even more turbulent. "Uncle, I want to hear the truth. Could you tell me the truth?"

"Manman..." Li Zhenhua looked at Li Xiaoman frowning, not knowing whether to tell her the truth.

Li Wenbo took a tissue and walked to Li Xiaoman, handed the tissue to her, and looked at her with worried eyes, "Manman..."

Li Xiaoman did not receive the tissue, but raised his eyes and looked at him and asked, "Brother Wenbo, uncle, don't you say, you tell me what the **** is going on? Why am I suddenly not my mother? ?"

Li Zhenhua stepped forward, took her hand, and patted the back of her hand, "Manman, whether you are a sister or not, you are my pro-nephew. I am your relative, like Wenbo, do you have blood? The relationship is not important, don't worry about it too much."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's tearful eyes looked at Li Zhenhua, "Uncle, can you tell me everything? I am where my mother was adopted? Are my biological parents still?"

Li Zhenhua's expression was solemn, and a complex look flashed in his eyes, "Manman, where did your sister go to adopt you? Actually, I don't know, but suddenly one day, my sister took you back, and as for your biological parents, I would I don’t know if I’m here anymore."

After hearing what he said, Li Xiaoman's expression became more and more sad. She looked at Li Zhenhua tentatively and asked, "Then... Then I... President Xia, did he already know that I am not his biological daughter?"

The general Xia in her mouth is naturally Xia Qingrong.

Li Zhenhua looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded gently, "Yes, Manman, your father Xia Qingrong, he always knew that you were not his biological daughter. Your mother and your father had no children after they were married for a few years. Your mother is afraid of you. My father rejected her and divorced her, so I took you back and raised..."

Speaking of which, Li Zhenhua sighed deeply, "But I didn't expect that even if your mother took you back, she still couldn't keep your father's heart. He still divorced your mother and married that Liu Ruhua."

Li Xiaoman's clear water eyes tightly looked at Li Zhenhua, "Uncle really doesn't know where my mother is holding me up?"

Li Zhenhua was deep in the forehead, and just about to say that he didn't know, the doorbell rang.

"Manman, uncle went to open the door first." Li Zhenhua watched Li Xiaoman finish, and hurried to the door of the room.

When he opened the door, he was shocked when he saw the person standing outside the door. "Dragon... Dragon General."

Li Zhenhua has not seen Long Sihao in five years. It is very surprised to see him at this moment.

Long Sihao looked at Li Zhenhua in surprise, and smiled slightly politely, "Uncle, they are all a family. You don't have to be so polite, just call me Sihao, this is my heart."

Li Zhenhua's surprised eyes fell on the advanced nutrition and supplements in his hand, some were flattered, and some were embarrassed.

"Mr. Long, you can just come, how to give gifts, you... you are so polite, I... I am embarrassed."

Long Sihao's lips and lips smiled elegantly, "Uncle need not feel embarrassed, I said, we are a family, please take it to your uncle."

When the words fell, he handed the gift to Li Zhenhua.

Li Zhenhua smiled embarrassedly. Some of them received the gift from his hand with some kindness, and then looked at him with a smile and said, "Long President, please sit inside."

"Uncle, you still call me Si Hao to be kind." Long Si Hao narrowed his eyes, smirked at Li Zhenhua, and strode into the room.

When Li Wenbo saw that the person turned out to be Long Sihao, his handsome eyebrows were deep, his eyes flashed a bit of loss, and he looked at Li Xiaoman.

The tears on Li Xiaoman's face and eyes were not dry yet. She knew that Long Sihao was coming, so she was not surprised to see him.

When Long Sihao came in, he saw that Li Xiaoman seemed to cry. He frowned slightly, and walked in front of her with an arrow. His knuckle fingers wiped the corners of his eyes, his narrow, tight eyes narrowed. Holding her, "Why are you crying, daughter-in-law? Just go back to your mother's house, not just married, don't be sad."

Both Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo were shocked to hear that Long Sihao called Li Xiaoman's wife.

Li Xiaoman lifted his eyes and smiled at the gentle Long Sihao. He felt uncomfortable in his heart because of the joke he had just made. He always made her happy with ease.

She has a husband in this life.


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