She gazed softly at Xiao Yanyan, with a firm tone, and he responded without hesitation: "I believe, even if I really see a woman lying in your dad's arms, I also believe that I believe he is better than Trust me."

"Wow!" Xiao Yanyan's small starry eyes widened, "Mommy, I think you are more fond of loving Dad."

Li Xiaoman didn't answer Xiao Yanyan's words, the direction of the car was the te jewelry group building, her bright eyes were full of tenderness.

She has vowed secretly in her heart that from now on, she will no longer believe in Long Sihao, no matter what happens, no matter what misunderstandings between them, she believes in him, unconditionally.

Similarly, no matter what happens in the future, she will not leave him again.

This life, she has followed him.

Like him, unless she dies, she will never give up Long Sihao.

At the te jewelry group building, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan had just entered, and the lady at the front desk on the first floor greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, Mrs. President and Ms. Yanyan."

Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan looked at the young lady at the front desk with a smile and a very respectful attitude. Both the big and the small were surprised.

Xiao Yanyan looked at the respectful lady at the front desk, and then looked at her dear mommy, the voice was childish and asked: "Mommy, did you notify Dad in advance than we will come! How does this sister know Your identity?"

Regarding this, Li Xiaoman was also very puzzled. She brought Xiaoyanyan here for the first time, and she and Long Sihao were not married yet. It stands to reason that the lady at the front desk here could not know her, nor could she Call her the wife of the president, unless Long Sihao specifically explained it.

Xiao Yanyan next to her looked up and looked at the lady at the front desk and asked, "Sister, how do you know the relationship between my mom and your president? How do you know my name is Yanyan?"

The lady at the front desk asked Xiao Yanyan and respectfully explained to her why she was called Mrs. Li Xiaoman's President and why she could recognize them.

As Li Xiaoman thought, this matter was related to Long Sihao, and he specifically explained it.

Long Sihao had already explained the lady at the front desk here. When he saw Li Xiaoman, he must call the wife of the president, because he was afraid that they would not recognize Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan, he asked Lowry to send a copy of Li Xiao to the lady at the front desk. The photos of Man and Xiao Yanyan make them remember the appearance of Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan.

After knowing, Li Xiaoman was again moved.

She and Xiao Yanyan took the exclusive elevator of Long Sihao up to the 30th floor.

Out of the elevator, she took Xiao Yanyan straight to Long Sihao's office.

At this time, Long Sihao's office is not only him, but also Lori, Ling Hanye, Su Yi, and Ling Dina who has just returned from traveling around the world.

She took the hot route five years ago and now takes the small fresh route.

A large brownish wavy curly hair turned into long black straight hair, which was softly scattered on the shoulders, and a bohemian light blue tunic skirt wrapped her uneven body, and a round neck design belt With the sweet taste, coupled with the big brown eyes, it is more and more charming.

At this time, she was standing at the desk of Long Sihao's rosewood wood, slightly bowing her head, smiling with brows, the face of the unpollinated goose egg was embarrassed and charming, and her light red lips exuded a lustrous luster, very attractive.

She is generously accepting the "review" of Long Sihao, Lowry, Ling Hanye and Su Yi.

Except that Long Sihao's gaze fell on her, Ling Hanye, Lowry, and Su Yi's gaze fell on her with deep surprise and disbelief.

The first to speak out was Lowry. His handsome eyes narrowed into a line, and he looked at Ling Dina in surprise, "Miss, who are you?"

Ling Dina raised her head slightly, her brown eyes smirked at Lori, and slowly spit out three words in her red lips, "Ling Dina."

"No!" Lorry looked at her in shock, and looked at her up and down. "Miss, who is not good for you, why do you pretend to be the first shame in that world?"

When the words fell, he raised his eyebrows to Ling Hanye again, "Lin Shao, are you sure this is your sister with a thicker face than the wall? I think you still have to take her to do a DNA test with your parents, She may be pretending to be a ghost upper body."

Ling Hanye heard the words, his brown eyes narrowed slightly, and looked at Ling Dina up and down like Lowry, and asked her lips, "Are you really my sister?"

Ling Dina raised her eyebrows to Ling Hanye and smiled softly, "It's like a fake replacement."

Lori saw her smile so gentle and sly, Jun narrowed her eyes, raised her eyebrows to Ling Hanye, "Ling Shao, hurry, drag her to the DNA test, make sure it is your sister and drag her back."

Ling Dina ignored Lori and Ling Hanye and Su Yi, but looked at Long Sihao sitting on the office chair and smiled charmingly, "Brother Si Hao, haven't you seen me for so long? Do you miss me?" I want to die you, I miss you when I eat, sleep and dream, so you betrayed me and Li Xiaoman five years ago, I won’t care about you, so I’ll come back Come to see you in your office, are you moved? And, do you like my change?"

As soon as her words came out, Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Su Yi no longer doubted her identity and determined that she was Ling Dina.

It's really easy for Jiang Shan to change her nature. Although her dress style has changed, her temperament is still the same as it was five years ago.

Lowry twitched her lower lip slightly and narrowed her eyes to Ling Dina, "Miss Ling Dinah, you think the president can, but don't think of the president as dead, and when will the president betray you and Miss Li?"

Speaking of the incident five years ago, Ling Dina frowned, then she raised her eyes to Long Sihao, and smiled generously and said, "Brother Si Hao, I already figured out the matter five years ago, man. Well! There is always a physical need. I don’t care about your going to bed with Li Xiaoman and other women."

Her voice fell, and a young voice with surprise came in.

"Dad, you're so dead that you are carrying the mummy and other women rolling sheets."

It was Xiao Yanyan who was speaking, and what Ling Dina had just said, she and her dear mommy Xiaoman Li heard.

Two people, one, one and one, had entered the office long ago, but just now that Long Sihao, Ling Hanye, Lorry, and Su Yi all had their sights on Ling Dina, they didn't notice the incoming Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan.

It was Xiao Yanyan's idea that the door of the office was concealed and entered quietly.

Li Xiaoman had originally entered Long Sihao's office, and someone wanted to wait outside, but Xiao Yanyan dragged her secretly and walked in, trying to surprise her relative.

But the surprise hadn't been given yet, but I heard something that surprised her.

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Baby: With the promotion of the plot, all the truths are revealed, so don’t worry, baby, the exposed truth will be exposed, and the acquaintances will be recognized, if the babies don’t see what they want to see And in a bad mood, don't scold Xuan Xuanha, Xuan Xuan is a glass heart, woo... Xuan Xuan will cry when she sees...really

Xuan Xuan loves the babies, the babies must also love Xuan Xuan, group?


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