A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 438: President, clean body and mind

Several people in the office, including Long Sihao, heard this young and surprised voice, all raised their heads or turned to look at Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan who did not know when they came in.

Lowry looked at them in surprise, "Miss Li, little one, when did you come?"

Li Xiaoman gazed at Lori calmly, with a smile on the corner of his lips, "just arrived."

Turning around, Ling Dina saw Li Xiaoman stunned for a few seconds, and her eyes fell on Xiao Yanyan.

Seeing Xiao Yanyan's young face is just a scaled-down version of Li Xiaoman. She widened her brown pupils and pointed at Xiao Yanyan. She looked at Li Xiaoman in shock and couldn't believe it. Question: "Is this your daughter? Do you have any daughters?"

It was only five years since she left, and Li Xiaoman had a daughter.

Looking at the shocked and unbelievable Ling Dina, Li Xiaoman slightly pursed her lips, and looked down at Xiao Yanyan, with a gentle voice, "Yan Yan, called Sister Dina."

Xiao Yanyan nodded her head, looked up at Ling Dina, and smiled at her sweetly, "Sister Dina is good, I am Mum's daughter.

Ling Dina's brown eyes stared tightly at the little girl who was smiling at her. The little face with pink carvings and jade was so cute that she wanted to rush to kiss.

Recalling that she just called her Sihao Gebi, she frowned slightly, pointed at Long Sihao, and looked at Xiao Yanyan, pouted and asked, "Little cute, you just called Sihao Gebi ?

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes and looked at Ling Dina who pouted her eyes, and squinted, "Yes! Sister Dina, your brother Si Hao in my mouth is my fake dad! Oh, my sister does not I can think about my dad again! Dad can only think of mommy."

Ling Dina frowned and looked at Xiao Yanyan, and then looked at Long Sihao, crying and asked, "Brother Si Hao, is that little cute really your daughter and Li Xiaoman? Are you and Li Xiaoman already separated? Didn’t you blame her for killing your daughter? Why did another daughter emerge?"

Xiao Yanyan didn't know that her dear mommy had a baby before her. Ling Dina's words revealed some information.

At a young age, she was very keen, she looked at Ling Dina suspiciously and asked, "Sister Dina, why do you say my mom killed my dad's daughter? Am I not good?"

When Luo Rui asked Xiao Yanyan, she looked at her and said, "Little, don't you know you still have a sister?"


Xiao Yanyan looked up at her dear mommy and asked doubtfully: "Mommy, do I still have a sister? Why don't I know? Did you make it with your dad?"

Hearing the word "made" by her, Ling Hanye, who had been silent for a long time, smiled and said, "Oh, Long Shao, your daughter is so cute."

Long Sihao's eyes were on Li Xiaoman at this time. What he feared most now was that Li Xiaoman would misunderstand him because he had just betrayed him just because of what Ling Dina said.

"Of course my daughter is lovely." He finished his eyes and looked at Ling Hanye, and then strode to Li Xiaoman, gazing at her tenderly, "Xiao Xiao, how come today?"

Xiao Yanyan's childish voice rang behind him.

"My mom and I came to the raid to see if Dad was carrying your mom and playing with her pretty sister."

Her voice fell, and Lowry and Ling Hanye fluttered at the same time.

Lori blinked as she learned Xiao Yanyan's movements. "You're so cute, you're so cute."

Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman with a calm expression, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Xiao, do you really come to see if I am playing with other women?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him gently, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you think?"

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, "I don't think so."

The words fell, but he did not exist. Others took Li Xiaoman into his arms, gazing at her affectionately, "You must miss me."

Ling Dina saw that Long Sihao became tender and tender as soon as she saw Li Xiaoman. She frowned and red lips, whispered, "Si Hao..."

Seeing Long Sihao's eyes is only Li Xiaoman, as if the whole world no longer exists, she stomped her feet, "Brother Si Hao, you really hate to die, people just came back, you don't know to look at others a few more times, I knew to see that Li Xiaoman."

Immediately she looked down at Xiao Yanyan and grumbled, "Little girl, I want to chat with you privately, dare you?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and walked to Ling Dina in small steps. She took her slender hands and lifted her small head to look at her with a smile. "Sister Dina, I want to chat with you privately, you Dare?"

Ling Dina narrowed her eyes, "I'm not afraid of anything. I'm still afraid that your little girl can't succeed."

Xiao Yanyan's small eyebrow gave a domineering look, "I'm not afraid of you."

Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan and Ling Dina holding hands, you stared at me, I stared at you out of the office, she was about to shout Xiao Yanyan, and Long Sihao stopped her.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry, Ling Hanye is here, she doesn't dare to treat Yanyan."

Long Sihao's eyes looked softly at Li Xiaoman, and then he turned to Ling Hanye, beckoning him to follow.

"Mrs. Long, you can rest assured, even if I don't follow, Dina will not hurt you and Long Shao's baby daughter. I can see that she likes your daughter very much."

Ling Hanye raised her eyebrows and finished talking about Li Xiaoman, then turned and left the office.

When Lorry saw that Ling Hanye was going out, he and Su Yi were left. He raised his eyebrows to Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman. "President, Miss Li, you talk slowly, we also went out."

When the words fell, he glanced at Su Yi and motioned him to go out with him.

Su Yi looked at the eyes of Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman lightly before Lori stepped outside the office.

When Lorry walked to the door of the office, he thought of something, and then stopped and turned to look at Li Xiaoman, "Miss Li, those words that Miss Ling Dinah said just now, don't worry about it, the president is very clean."

When the words fell, he went out of the office and very close the door of the office for Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman.

Long Sihao saw that all those who should go out went out. He held Li Xiaoman's slender hand tightly and took her to sit on the sofa in the office reception area.

"Xiaoxiao." His long narrow eyes stared tightly at her beautiful and moving face, took her small hand and put it on his lips and kissed it gently, the voice was low, "What do you want to ask, just ask ."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows slightly, gazing at him softly, "Ask what?"

"You just heard what Ling Dina said, what are you talking about?"

Long Sihao held her small hand hard, and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at his beautiful and confusing face. His thin fingers squeezed lightly on his tie and raised his eyebrows slightly. "Are you asking if you have betrayed me with other women?"

Long Sihao's eyes narrowed, her tender and affectionate eyes locked on her always calm little face, and her lower lip bent, "What do you say?"


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