A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 436: Going to go for routine inspection

Long Junche heard Xiao Yanyan's "mummy" and knew that Li Xiaoman was here.

He narrowed his slender eyes slightly, then turned around with a smile on his face.

Li Xiaoman saw that it was Long Junche who was talking to Xiaoyanyan. She froze a little, and her clear eye swept a bit of surprise. Then she walked to Xiaoyanyan and took her small hand.

"Mr. Long, why are you?"

Although she and Long Junche had only seen exactly two sides, she had a deep impression on him. Even after five years apart, she could recognize him at a glance even if she saw her now.

Long Junche glanced at Li Xiaoman gently, Wen Ya smiled, "Manman, I didn't expect you to remember me."

Li Xiaoman looked at Long Junche deeply, and he was puzzled. "Mr. Dragon, why are you here?"

Xiao Yanyan next to her looked at Long Junche and then to her dear mommy, her voice was immature, "Mommy, he knows my name! Who is he? Mommy knows him well ?"

Li Xiaoman heard Xiao Yanyan saying that Long Junche knew her name. Her clear water eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes crossed a deeper doubt.

Then she looked up and looked at Long Junche with some inquiry, "How does Mr. Long know my daughter's name?"

At this moment, she couldn't help thinking of what happened at Huo Yunene and Charlene's wedding five years ago.

At that time, Long Junche pulled her out of the wedding banquet hall at Huo Yunene's wedding, then she met Huo Yunene, and then she and Huo Yunene appeared inexplicably on the big screen of the wedding banquet hall.

She felt at that time that she seemed to be jumping into some traps step by step. It was just that she was a fan of the authorities and did not think about it.

In addition, after she was taken away by Long Sihao, her mind was put on Long Sihao, and this matter was ignored.

Although Huo Yunene later admitted that the photos that appeared on the large screen of the wedding banquet hall were his actions, she now feels that this is not like Huo Yunene did it alone, and maybe it has something to do with Long Junche.

Five years ago, Long Junche suddenly pulled her out of the wedding banquet hall and entered the elevator before saying that she should sit at him. The reason was very far-fetched.

And she remembered that the elevator was pressed by Long Junche. He seemed to know that Huo Yunene was waiting for her on the twenty-first floor, so she deliberately pressed that floor.

So when the elevator stopped on the first floor, she turned and walked out of the elevator, he did not stop her, and he did not get out of the elevator, but followed the elevator up.

He didn't go to the twenty-first floor, but he deliberately pressed the twenty-first floor, and also made her get out of the elevator on the twenty-first floor.

All of this proves that he was likely to collude with Huo Yunene at the time. Their purpose was to use the camera in the hotel suite to take some photos of her and Huo Yunene on the big screen of the wedding banquet hall. Put it out.

They must have thought that Long Sihao would misunderstand her if they saw those pictures, so they planned all this.

Li Xiaoman thought that Long Junche was likely to collude with Huo Yunene to frame her, and her impression of him was much worse.

Long Junche saw Li Xiaoman looking at him without knowing what he was thinking. He frowned lightly and looked at her gently, "Manman..."

He just called, and Li Xiaoman interrupted him, "Mr. Long, I'm sorry, I should go back."

When the words fell, she took Xiao Yanyan and turned and left.

Long Jun Che looked at the backs of Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan who turned and left, and the brow frowned unconsciously.


After sitting in the car, Xiao Yanyan raised her head and looked at Li Xiaoman, who was indifferent in the driver's seat, and asked curiously: "Mom, who was that person just now? How did your attitude towards him change suddenly? Alright?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's face was a little milder, his eyes were softly gazing at Xiao Yanyan, and he raised his lips and asked, "Am I?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her and nodded. "Yes, it's obvious."

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows flicked, "Mummy suddenly figured out something, and it's also thanks to you, baby, that reminded me of your words."

"Me?" Xiao Yanyan's delicate little fingers pointed at herself, blinking her small eyes and looking at her and asked, "Which of my words reminds Mummy?"

Li Xiaoman gave her a soft smile and reached out to touch her little head. "Go back first, and then Mommy will elaborate with you."

"Okay!" Xiao Yanyan didn't want to see her mom for a while, and she didn't ask more.

After a while, she narrowed her eyes again and pouted her mouth, "Mommy, why are you late?"

"Mommy encountered a traffic jam,"

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan, she suddenly squinted, and the clear water squinted, she didn't notice anything at the beginning of today's traffic jam, but Xiao Yanyan mentioned it again, She suddenly felt that today's traffic jam was also abnormal.

Although the road from her studio to Xiaoyanyan School is in the downtown area, traffic jams are rare.

If you link the traffic jam with Long Junche's appearance at school, the traffic jam may not seem so simple.

Maybe someone deliberately caused a traffic jam, let her be late for school for a while.

And the behind-the-scenes master who deliberately caused the traffic jam made it possible that it was Long Junche again.

In the past, she didn't think much about anyone, and she has always been kind to others, but after these five years, she has grown a lot, and many things will not look at the surface and think about it like before.

Thinking that the traffic jam was probably related to Long Junche, Li Xiaoman's impression of him was a little worse.

Xiao Yanyan saw that her mother-in-law did not know what she was thinking. She blinked her small eyes and asked suspiciously, "Mommy, what are you thinking about? You like to be in a daze today!"

"Mummy is thinking about something very important, go back first." Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and said Xiao Yanyan, and then started the engine.

Xiao Yanyan saw that she started the engine, raised her eyebrows, and said in a naive voice: "Mommy, let's not go back first, let's go to see Dabie."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman gazed at her tenderly with a smile on her lips, "Do you think Dad compares?"

Xiao Yanyan lifted her small arms like a little adult, her lips raised slightly, "Mommy, this is one of them."

Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and smiled at her and asked, "What about the second?"

Xiao Yanyan tilted her head and looked at her, "Mommy, I think you can occasionally go to Dabby's company for a routine check! See if Dabby is carrying Mommy and playing with her beautiful sister."

Li Xiaoman's lips twitched, "Who taught you this?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes, "My little classmates! I heard them say their dad beats other sisters."

Li Xiaoman squinted at her, "If you want Mommy to take you to your dad's company, just say, what routine inspections, rest assured, your dad has more than I believe."

"Respectful?" Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes. "If Mommy sees a woman lying in Dabby's arms, does Mommy believe Dabby?"

If it was five years ago, she might still hesitate, but now she is 100% Xinlong Sihao.


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