Hearing Xiaoyanyan's childlike words, Li Xiaoman's heart twitched, and she frowned and walked to Xiaoyanyan, staring at her, "Yanyan, don't talk nonsense, you don't believe it Does your dad compare to others?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned and blinked her small eyes, "Mommy, he looks so much like dad, do you not doubt his relationship with dad?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at Xiaoyanyan, and at Xiaolongyi again, Xiumei's eyebrows clenched tightly, not because she didn't doubt his relationship with Long Sihao, but she was afraid to doubt.

She gave Long Sihao two daughters, but never gave him a son. If Allen wants to be Long Sihao's son, then another woman must have helped him.

If so, how did she accept it?

She can't accept Long Sihao and other women having children anyway, so she would rather feel that this is a coincidence, rather than delving into the real reason.

In fact, she was covering her ears and stealing the bell, and lied to herself, but she and Long Sihao finally started again, and finally they were happy, and she didn't want to ruin their happiness.

What's more, she now believes in Long Sihao more than five years ago, he will never betray her, so how could he have children with other women.

This may be just a coincidence.

Xiao Longyi, who had been silent for a while, was also a little surprised when she saw Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan coming out of the elevator. His narrow and narrow eyes kept looking at Li Xiaoman, his temperament was very cold, very Few people are close, even his own mummy, he is rarely close to her.

But every time he saw Li Xiaoman, he wanted to be close to her, always hoping that she could talk to him.

Li Xiaoman also noticed that Xiao Longyi's eyes were on her. She took a deep breath before looking down at his small face similar to Long Sihao, and asked gently: "allen, do you live here?"

Xiaolong squinted Li Xiaoman with a faint smile, and his little temperament was graceful and extraordinary, "Auntie, Mommy and I just moved here."

Hearing that he had just moved here, Li Xiaoman frowned deeply and asked him, "Why are you alone? What about your mummy?"

Every time she saw him, he seemed to be alone.

Xiao Long's flamboyant little sword frowned slightly, "Mommy is a little uncomfortable. I will come down and buy Mommy medicine."

He heard that Li Xiaoman's eyes fell on a bag he was carrying in his small hand, and then said mildly: "Then go up quickly, don't let your mommy wait for a long time, yes, you live on a few floors ?"

Xiao Longyi looked at her, her voice tender and clear, "19th floor."

On the 19th floor, it didn't happen to live downstairs. Is it a coincidence or something else?

Li Xiaoman glanced at Xiaolong for a while, then smiled and nodded, "Go up!"

When the words fell, she picked up Xiao Yanyan who was looking at Xiao Longyi with doubtful expression, turned around and walked out.

And Xiao Longyi turned to Xiao Yanyan after Li Xiaoman turned and left, and then turned to stare at Li Xiaoman's back.

His bristle-eyed little sword's eyebrows were tightly curled, and a narrow, narrow eye flashed a trace of loss. The beautiful and handsome little face looked lonely.

It looks like a poor orphan abandoned by mom and dad.

Little he didn't know why, every time he saw Li Xiaoman left like that, his heart was uncomfortable, and there was an urge to cry.

His small eyes were a little bit red, but his narrow, narrow eyes just kept staring at Li Xiaoman's direction of holding Xiao Yanyan away, and did not cry.

Although he is only over five years old, he has rarely cried since he was sensible.

He stood outside the elevator for a long time before he recovered his lost eyes and turned to enter the elevator.

Back in the apartment, the little he closed the door and walked towards the living room sofa.

There is no furniture in the apartment, it looks like it has just moved in, and I haven't bought furniture yet.

The living room has nothing but sofas and coffee tables. It looks very empty, but it also gives a sense of loneliness.

A woman in a long white dress lay halfway on the sofa, and her brows were slightly frowned at the moment, as if a bit comfortable.

Xiao Longyi walked in front of her and saw that her face was worse than he had when he went out. His wicked little sword frowned, and his narrow eyes narrowed the woman on the sofa, "Mom Mi, I have bought the medicine. You will wait a while and I will pour you a glass of water."

The woman on the sofa nodded her head as if she couldn't bear it. Before Xiaolong Yi brought the water to her, she took the medicine Xiaolong Yi put on the coffee table and prepared to eat.

Xiaolong, holding a glass of boiled water, saw that his mum was ready to take the medicine. The little he quickly stepped forward, placed the boiled water on the coffee table, and then gave her the medicine according to the instructions.

The woman saw Xiao Longyi so sensible, but after a moment of joy, she was abnormally jealous and resentful.

She looked at the medicine Xiaolong Yi handed her apathetically, with an unpleasant tone, "Gllen, who asked you to help me divide the medicine? I am not blind, I will read the instructions myself, and I should take a few pills. Look, put down the medicine, did you just come back from the outside to wash your hands? Take the medicine that is dirty, how would you let me eat it?"

Xiao Longyi heard the woman's words, and the small sword eyebrow flicked down and put the medicine on the coffee table. Although feeling aggrieved in his beautiful and handsome little face, he couldn't see any expression and was unhappy.

Since he was sensible, his mum's attitude towards her has been good and bad. No matter how sensible and filial he is, his mum doesn't like it.

It seems that the more sensible and filial he is, the more annoying his mommy is.

He had seen the deep jealousy in his mom’s eyes more than once. He didn’t know what his mom was jealous about and why she was jealous.

Not only that, his mummy always irritated him inexplicably, and even beat him.

On another occasion, his mum said he didn't want to see his face, almost disfiguring him.

But sometimes, his mom would cry and admit to him wrong, let him forgive her, and don't leave her anyway.

The woman on the sofa finished the medicine herself and saw Xiao Longyi standing there without saying a word. The displeasure on her face disappeared at once, and she put on a gentle smile.

Her tone was very gentle, and she pulled Xiao Longyi’s little hand, "Gllen, are you angry with mommy? You forgive mommy, mommy is because her body is a little uncomfortable and her mood is not very good, so she will ..."

Talking about the woman’s eyes became wet, reached out and hugged Xiaolong into her arms, and said with a crying cry: "Gllen, you know, mommy has been living in pain for the past few years, so mommy has It’s a bit of a mental disorder, but you have to believe that mommy loves you, baby, don’t be angry with mommy?”

Xiao Longyi's narrow and narrow eyes gazed at the woman holding her indifferently, stretched out her small hands and wiped her tears. The beautiful and handsome face still couldn't see any expression, and the small cherry-colored little lips Suck, said slowly: "I didn't blame mommy."

The woman listened to him and immediately smiled, "Gllen, you are really Mummy's good son, Mummy knows that you are the most generous."

Xiao Longyi still stared at the woman who was immediately smiling, and gently scowled at Xiaojian's eyebrow. The woman in front of him was clearly his mummy, but he couldn't feel a touch of intimacy.

The woman saw that Xiao Longyi had not changed her emotions because of her apology and praise. Her light brown eyes narrowed slightly, and a slight displeasure flashed at the bottom of her eyes.

Then he smiled and smiled at Xiaolong Yi, his tone was very gentle, "gllen, did you see Daddy today?"

Xiaolong glared at the woman indifferently, and spit out two words lightly in her tiny cherry-colored lips, "No."

Hearing no, the woman's light brown eyes flashed a touch of loss, but soon she concealed the loss.

She narrowed her eyes sternly, raised her head and smiled at Xiao Longyi, with a deep meaning, "Gllen, you can rest assured that it won't take long for you to recognize your father, as for the woman who took your father... …"

The woman smiled coldly and looked at Xiao Longyi and asked, "Gllen, do you hate that woman?"

Xiaolong Yi frowned slightly, and looked up at the woman and asked, "Mom, why should I hate her?"

The woman squeezed her hands together, her face resented, "Gllen, if it wasn’t for the woman who snatched your daddy, you wouldn’t become a single child without daddy, and you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the love of your father. of."

Xiao Long Yi saw that his mommy tickled the teeth that the aunt hated every time, and there was a vicious expression on his face. His little sword eyebrows were tighter, and his eyebrows frowned with love. Li Xiaoman is very similar.

The woman sitting on the sofa saw his little frown, his eyes narrowed, a glance of hatred flashed across his eyes, and he stood up and raised a slap in his hand, and slapped Xiaolong Yi's beautiful and handsome face.

She was originally trained, and her slap was not too hard, and Xiao Longyi was just over five years old, and she fell on the ground with her slap.

The childish white face was swollen and swollen, and the five finger prints were clearly visible.

This fingerprint completely occupied his half of the fan's face.

He was lying on the ground, his eyes narrow and long, and his handsome little face had no expression.

The little one kept crying, making people see what he was thinking.

Since he was sensible, he has been slapped inexplicably like this for more than once, and he can't remember how many times he has been slapped.

The woman looked at the red and swollen Xiaolong Yi who was lying on the ground with a small face fanned out, and a pleasant smile was drawn on the corner of her lips, as if cursing Xiao Longyi made her happy and very vengeful.

She looked at Xiao Longyi lying on the ground and said indifferently: "Gllen, Mommy has told you many times, no frowning is allowed, but you just don't listen, since you are so naughty, then don't blame mom Mimi hit you hard, and I will see you frown next time, it's more than just a slap."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

To tell the babies a good and a half good news. Didn’t the babies say yesterday that they wanted "wrong marriage" to make a TV show? Our station happened to be engaged in film and television adaptation. Our editor asked Xuan Xuan to vote for two articles. Xuan Xuan voted for "Wrong Married Marriage" last night. The other article is an ancient article, but the vote is for the vote. Yes, so Xuan Xuan said it was half good news.

Thank you baby for the reward and **, kiss


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