A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 427: Geek, I like it very much

When the words fell, she reached out and helped Xiaolong Yi up, changed the angry and vicious look just now, and had a mild expression, light brown eyes and a distressed glance at him, "gllen, don't be a mummy again in the future I like what you do, is it okay?"

Her hand touched Xiao Longyi's swollen half of her face, and asked softly, "Does it still hurt?"

Xiaolong Yi pursed her lips slightly, and flicked away the woman's hand without any traces. A pair of narrow eyes narrowly gazed at her indifferently, and slowly spit out the words, "No pain."

The woman saw Xiao Longyi slapped by her, neither screaming pain nor crying, but his indifferent appearance made her a little frightened, some afraid he would leave.

Xiao Longyi is very important to her. Without him, she would have to recapture the man she loved without even a chance. Therefore, Long Yi is her biggest and best bargaining chip.

She also thought about loving Xiaolong Yi well, at least before grabbing the man she loved, she had to hurt him well and be a good mother, but she couldn't.

As soon as she thought of Xiaolong Yi's relationship with that woman, as soon as she saw Xiaolong Yi's frowning look like that woman, she hated itchy.

She was jealous of the woman, crazy jealous, so when facing Long Yi, she couldn't help but want to scold him, because only in this way can relieve the pain in her heart.

But she was afraid that her scolding would make Long Yi leave her, so she would try to coax him, make mistakes with him, and ask for his forgiveness.

The woman looked up at Xiao Longyi again, and the light brown eyes were a little wet, a look of guilt, "gllen, why don't you go back to mommy? Are you mad at mommy, right? Come, you Hit mommy, mommy tells you to call back, don’t be angry with mommy when you hit mommy, okay? Don’t leave mommy.

As the words fell, the woman took Xiao Longyi's little hand and fanned her face.

Xiaolong Yi looked at her indifferently, and withdrew her small hand.

"I'm back to the room."

Throwing this sentence indifferently, Xiaolong Yi returned to his room.

The large room has only one bed, no toys, a pen on the bedside table, and a children's encyclopedia.

Although he is more than five years old, he has not officially gone to school yet.

But although he did not go to school, he knew much better than his peers.

He is small now and speaks English, Russian, and two languages. Although he does not meet in plenary, his daily communication is not a big problem.

He speaks these two languages ​​entirely because his mum has been taking him to walk in these two countries for several years.


Li Xiaoman took Xiao Yanyan to her new school and reported that she then took her to the studio.

Xiao Yanyan is already familiar with everyone in the studio. She smiled and said hello as soon as she entered the studio.

"Hello sisters, brothers..."

Tian Nuo Nuo Nuo's voice, sweet and cute smile, coupled with the small face carved with powder and jade, it is extremely cute, anyone who looks at it will want to hug her and kiss her fiercely.

"Yanyan baby is good, little princess Yanyan is getting more and more cute and beautiful."

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and smiled sweetly at her beautiful sister, "Wow! Sister Twilight, you are so beautiful again, how can you be so beautiful, when my birthday, I want to make a wish , When I grow up, I have to be as pretty as Sister Twilight."

A designer named Twilight was almost smirked by Xiao Yanyan's exaggerated face. She walked to Xiao Yanyan and bent to look at her with a smile, "Did Yanyan just eat honey?" This mouth is really boastful, Yanyan is already beautiful, and when Yanyan grows up, she must be 10,000 times prettier than Muyu."

Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan chatting with the people in the studio, said to her, and went straight to her office.

She just sat down in her office, and Jiang Yiyi walked in.

"Sister Xiaoman, you happened to be here, and I happened to tell you something."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised her eyes to her, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yiyi stepped forward and stopped at her desk, frowned at her and said, "It was the last big European brand. Today his agent came and customized a necklace, but it was the same as last time. I didn’t say clearly the details and requirements of the necklace, and his agent also said that we only have five days, and said that if the European brand that we designed this necklace is not satisfied anymore, let our studio shut down directly. Never mind."

Jiang Yiyi looked at Li Xiaoman and said, after a while, he was slightly angry and tightened his eyebrows, "Sister Xiaoman, did you say that the big European brand is sick? We didn't recruit him or provoke him, why did he always Is it to find fault?"

Compared to Jiang Yiyi, who is angry, Li Xiaoman is very calm. She is not afraid of being troubled. If she can handle that Ouyang Chen, it is also a manifestation of her ability. It is also a kind of expression for her. progress.

The more the client likes to make things difficult, the more challenging it is for her.

She raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "I am personally responsible for Ouyang Chen's case. I will find a way to get him done."

Jiang Yiyi was surprised, "Sister Xiaoman, are you personally responsible for that big European case?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Jiang Yiyi and nodded, with a slight smile on the corner of his lips, "I just like his geeky customer. I will be very fulfilled when I get him done."

Jiang Yiyi saw a confident smile on Li Xiaoman's face. She smiled and said, "Sister Xiaoman, only you can bear the big name of that strange coffee, I like your confidence, Xiaoman, you are me A good example of learning, I will try my best to become a famous designer like Sister Xiaoman."

"Yiyi, the words are too serious. I'm not afraid to be famous."

Jiang Yiyi stared at Li Xiaoman with a playful wink, "Sister Xiaoman was already very successful and well-known! If it wasn't for Sister Xiaoman's reputation, how could the studio take orders and get soft, I I feel like you're getting along with Sister Xiaoman.

Jiang Yiyi's words fell, and a young voice came in.

"Sister Yiyi is right, it's the richest way to follow mommy, so sister Yiyi should never be robbed!"

Jiang Yiyi turned and smiled at Xiao Yanyan who walked in with a small step, "Yanyan rest assured that your mommy Xiaoman is my idol, so I will not leave my idol."

Jiang Yiyi stared at Xiao Yanyan, then turned to stare at Li Xiaoman, and said with a firm voice: "Sister Xiaoman, you can rest assured, I will never leave you, I will always be by your side. abandoned."


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