A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 425: Elevator, meet Long Yi

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and finished his speech, so he wore a shirt and tie for him, taking off a standard virtuous wife.

Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman, who tied his tie, and felt like it was back to their happiest time five years ago.

Five years ago, he learned that his body had become cancerous because of poisonous mustard gas. After a year of life, he also complained of despair and hopelessness. No one knew how painful his heart was.

After being separated from her, in the five years of treatment in the United States, he had no hope at all. He thought he would not be lucky to survive, but God let him survive, and let his Xiao Xiao accept and Forgive him.

Not only did he have her, they also had lovely and sensible daughters, and he was really happy at the moment.

"Xiaoxiao, thank you for making me so happy."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to look at him tenderly and affectionately, put his lips on the lips and kissed him, and smiled, "I want to thank you for loving me so much and making me so happy, Secretary Hao, I love you."

Long Sihao embraced her in his arms, closed his arms, hugged her tightly, and his heart was infinitely moving, "Xiao Xiao, your "I love you" three words are the most beautiful three I have heard in my life. Words."

With a happy smile on her lips, Li Xiaoman leaned tightly in his arms. At this moment, she was very happy, even happier than five years ago.

There are so many things happening between them, it is really not easy to be together after five years of separation.

No matter how many unhappy things happened to them five years ago, they are now gone.

She firmly believes that as long as their hearts are closely interrelated, they can always be happy, and any obstacles can no longer stop them together.

At this moment, she has never been firm to his heart.

She raised her eyes to Long Sihao, raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Si Hao, I have something to discuss with you."

Long Sihao gazed at her gently, "What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoman hugged his neck tightly and said firmly, "I want to go back to Shuilu Lake to live."

"Do you want to go back to Shuilu Lake?" Hearing Li Xiaoman's initiative to return to Shuilu Lake Villa, Long Sihao was very surprised and surprised. A pair of long narrow eyes looked at her tightly, "Xiao Xiao, Why did you suddenly decide this way?"

He doesn't want her to go back to Shuilu Lake now.

If the reason is asked, it is not very safe in Shuiluhu villa now. Before he could find the mysterious man behind the scene, he was not assured to let her go back to Shuiluhu villa to live.

When Li Xiaoman was surprised when he saw Long Sihao, he raised his eyebrows and smiled at him, "Why are you so surprised? Are you not the same as our birth and death? Isn't it the husband and wife?" So of course I have to adapt again."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly and stared at her dully, "Xiao Xiao, what the **** happened? What did Lowry tell you yesterday?"

"Si Hao..." Li Xiaoman smiled at him, "You go to the company, we will move back to Shuilu Lake in a few days, I will tell you why I want to live there."

Li Xiaoman saw Long Sihao staring at her, she reached out and pushed him out of the door, "Go to the company! I'll wait for you to come back."

She just pushed Long Sihao out of the door. After watching him enter the elevator, she returned and then directly entered Xiao Yanyan's bedroom.

Seeing that she was playing games again, she walked in and confiscated her iPad.

"Mommy..." Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman pitifully.

Li Xiaoman squatted down, raised her eyebrows at the pitiful little Yanyan, and smiled softly, "Yanyan, your move is useless to Mommy, change clothes, Mommy takes you to get acquainted with your new school, Then Mommy has to go to the studio and then come back to make dinner for your dad, ok?"

"Ok!" Xiao Yanyan was discouraged this time. She collapsed her small shoulders and went to her special wardrobe to find a white princess dress.

Then stared at her dear mommy: "Mommy, you are a tiger mom, dad is better than cat dad."

Her pitiful appearance is more useful for her relatives and dads, but not for her relatives and moms.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a smile, "Yes! I'm a tiger mom, your dad is a cat dad, you are a rabbit girl."

Xiao Yanyan also raised her eyebrows, "Mommy, I'm much more sensible and smarter than the bunny girl in "Mom and Dad", and I don't have princess disease."

"Tiger Mom and Dad" is a popular TV series some time ago.

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan seriously and nodded, "Well, if you don't have a princess disease, it means that I have successfully taught you and left."

When the words fell, she took her little hand and walked outside the apartment.

Xiao Yanyan looked up at her, "Mommy, I suddenly felt you changed a lot."

Li Xiaoman gazed at her and smiled softly, "Mom is the one who loves you the most even if she changes."

Xiao Yanyan took her words and said in a childish voice: "It is also the mommy who loves Dad the most."

Li Xiaoman Qingli's face was slightly reddish, and she looked down at Xiao Yanyan and said, "Just know it."

"Mommy, you really changed."

Li Xiaoman gazed at her tenderly, pursed her lips and smiled, "Yanyan, Mummy didn't change, but she understood a lot of things, and cherishing the talents in front of her is the most important thing."

Xiao Yanyan narrowed her eyes, "Uncle Lowry's mouth is so powerful that she can understand Mommy."

Li Xiaoman smiled at her and led her into the elevator.

On the first floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan saw Xiao Longyi standing outside the elevator.

Looking at the handsome little face very similar to Long Sihao, Li Xiaoman frowned slightly, and there was a trace of doubt in the clear eye, and Xiao Longyi asked: "allen, why are you here?"

This is the second time that Xiao Yanyan has seen Xiao Longyi. Before she saw Xiao Longyi at her dear mommy's personal jewelry show, she hadn't seen Long Sihao, except that he looked good and handsome. There was no other impression. Now that she has seen Long Sihao, she will see Xiao Longyi again at this time. His small face, similar to that of his dear dad, surprised her with staring eyes.

Her delicate little finger pointed at him, "You...you...why are you so much like my dad?"

She hadn't seen her dad before, so she didn't find it. Now when she sees it again, she finds that he is so much like her relative.

Then she pulled her small hand out of Li Xiaoman's hand and stood in front of Xiao Longyi. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Xiao Longyi, who was about a head taller than her. Her voice asked innocently, "You won't Is it my illegitimate child?"


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