A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 401: Xiaoxiao, I will accompany you PA

Li Xiaoman's slender hands pushed him, "This is the kitchen."

"Then let's go to bed|." Long Sihao stared at her, not giving her the opportunity to say no, bent over and hugged her, and went out of the kitchen to the bedroom.

Xiao Yanyan, who was originally playing games with ipad in her bedroom, just came out. Seeing Long Sihao holding her dear mommy, she blinked her small eyes and was about to speak out. Her dear father came before her. Step out.

"Yanyan, you and your mom have a business to do, you..."

Xiao Yanyan interrupted her dear dad's words and asked in a childish voice: "What is the right thing to do? Roll the sheets again? Babi, mommy, you need to be more restrained! In case mommy gets pregnant before getting married What to do?"

Xiao Yanyan finished and turned back to her own bedroom. When she was about to close the door, she lifted her pink face and looked at her dad and mum and said, "Bam is smaller than mom and mom for a while. Click, otherwise it will affect my child, I don’t want to hear the popping sound."

When the words fell, she closed the door, and Liu Liuman and Long Sihao were messy in the air, both of them stared at their eyes, and they couldn't believe what they had just said was their four-year-old baby daughter.

Pappa, where did she hear from?

Long Sihao, who had come back from the gods, took Li Xiaoman directly into the bedroom, then he followed his heel and kicked the bedroom door shut.

Li Xiaoman, who was held by him, saw him and squinted at him, "Long Sihao, I have a lot of things to do, and I don't have time to accompany you in the room."

Long Sihao hugged her to the bed|, and gazed at her with eyes burning, "Xiao Xiao, you don't have time, I have, I will accompany you."

"Longji...Hmm...Hao...Hmm...I'm really busy..."

Long Sihao's eyes smiled at her with a smile, and her eyes jumped with a cluster of emotions | The fire of desire, "I'll be busy after I finish it."

Li Xiaoman glared at him, "Crack after you are busy."

Long Sihao's evil charm smiled, "Bucking and busy..."

"Slap you... Umm..."

The coefficient of words that Li Xiaoman didn't finish was engulfed by Long Sihao. She was violently kissed by him and turned dizzy, forced to accompany him for a day.

During this period, Xiao Yanyan's lunch was personally brought to the Royal Banquet by Lowry.

In the evening, when Lori sent Xiaoyanyan back, the two of them had been in the room for a whole day.

Long Sihao cleaned up for Li Xiaoman after she fell asleep before coming out of the bedroom.

After a day of exercise, he was still energetic.

Lori, sitting in the living room with Xiao Yanyan playing games, saw Long Sihao coming out before leaving.

Xiao Yanyan, who played the game, glanced at her dad, frowned, and pursed her cherry-colored mouth, "I'm hungry."

She followed Lowry to Yu Yan Lou for lunch at noon, and then let Lowry play with her until it was dark before returning, so she hadn't eaten dinner yet.

But after she had eaten the food Long Sihao had made, her small mouth became squeamish, and the food in Yuyanlou did not fit her appetite, so she wanted to eat the food that her relatives and dads cooked.

Long Sihao smiled and smiled at Xiao Yanyan who pursed her small mouth. Her voice was low and gentle, "Daddy wants to do something for you."

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, "I want to roll my hands."

"Okay, Dad would do it right away, baby wait a little longer." Long Sihao's eyes gazed at Xiao Yanyan with a soft and indulgent look, and he strode towards the kitchen.

Xiao Yanyan, who is playing the game, put down her ipad, blinked her eyes and looked at Long Sihao and asked, "Daddy, you and Mummy rolled the bed sheets all day, aren't you tired?"

Long Sihao twitched his lips, turned to narrow his eyes, and looked down at her, "Yan Yan, who taught you these words?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes innocently, "Caba is better than you taught!"

As the words fell, she deflated her cherry-colored mouth, "Babi, I'm really hungry."

Seeing Xiao Yanyan frown and sullen her mouth, Long Sihao felt distressed for a while, and immediately turned to enter the kitchen.

Xiao Yanyan also followed into the kitchen and saw Long Sihao kneading her face. She stepped forward and looked at him with a smile, "Baba, I also want to knead the face, can you teach me?"

"Do you want to knead the dough?" Long Sihao looked down at the little man who was just over four years old. He bent his lips and smiled, his voice soft and low. Why don’t you have the strength to go to the living room to watch TV, and Dad calls you better, eh?”

Xiao Yanyan frowned and raised her small mouth, "But I want to learn! Baba, you teach me!"

Seeing Xiao Yanyan insist, Long Sihao glanced at her and asked, "Are you sure you want to learn?"

"Hmm!" Xiao Yanyan nodded twice in a row and smiled sweetly at Long Sihao. "Did that dad promise to teach me?"

When she was happy, she called Long Sihao's father. If she wasn't very happy, she called Baba.

Long Sihao squatted down and smiled at her with a gentle gaze, "Since the baby wants to learn so much, Dad is more willing to teach than he is, good learning is a good child."

Xiao Yanyan looked at Long Sihao blinking her small eyes, feeling that her dad was gentle and loving!

She looked at Long Sihao with anticipation, "Daddy, I want to go to the amusement park tomorrow, can you take me? Other small pot friends have Dabie and Mommy playing with them, me I think they are so happy, but when Han Daddy is busy, only Mommy plays with me. Every time, a small pot friend asks me why my dad didn’t come, Dad compares, I want Dad to play with me..."

At the end, Xiao Yanyan frowned, tears twirling in her eyes.

Seeing this, Long Sihao felt even more distressed. He picked her up and looked at her with sad eyes and guilt. "Yanyan, I'm sorry! It's Dad's fault. Dad will accompany you later than tomorrow. When Yanyan wants to go, she tells Daddy, Daddy will definitely accompany you, and Mommy, our family will never be separated again."

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and looked at Long Sihao, "Dad Bi, this is what you said! Don't regret it. Dad Bi will accompany me and Mummy."

"Don't regret anything when you promise baby." Long Sihao gazed at Xiao Yanyan with eyes, "We pull the hook."

"Good!" Xiao Yanyan smiled sweetly at Long Sihao and extended her little finger.


After dinner, Long Sihao played with Xiao Yanyan for a while. After she fell asleep, he returned to her and Li Xiaoman's bedroom.

After spending time with his daughter and daughter-in-law, this kind of life was what he wanted most, and now he finally got his wish.

He was thankful that he lived to this day, and he was grateful that Xiao Xiao gave him a smart, sensible and lovely daughter.

It is an indisputable fact that Yanyan is his daughter.

But the only thing that puzzled him now is how did Yanyan come from?

In his memory, since he knew that his Xiaoxiao was pregnant with their first daughter, he had not touched her until they were separated. It stands to reason that his Xiaoxiao could not be pregnant with his children.

Unless, as Lowry said, Yanyan was conceived artificially by Xiaoxiao.


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