A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 402: Stone crack, popped out

After lying in the shower, he lay beside Li Xiaoman and hugged her into his arms, his thin lips close to her ear, and his voice was low, "Xiao Xiao...Xiao Xiao..."

Li Xiaoman slept a little, he called a few times, and she didn't respond.

Seeing not to wake her, he simply lowered his head and grabbed her seductive lips, biting her lips heavily.

"Um..." Li Xiaoman blew, and began to wake up.

Long Sihao took advantage of her open mouth, protruding her long tongue into her mouth, and forced her to **** her fragrant tongue.


Li Xiaoman ate a painful whisper, and the sudden suffocation caused her to slowly open her eyes, her eyes blurred, and she was kissing her handsome man hard.

She frowned frantically, and asked faintly, "Did you not have enough?"

"Awake?" Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and retreated from her lips, her thin lips lightly biting her earlobe, and asked in a low voice, "Did you sleep enough?"

Li Xiaoman closed his eyes and nodded gently, "Uh."

Long Sihao hugged her tightly, and her finger joints were clear|Troubled by her pink and seductive lips, she bewilderedly asked in her ear: "Xiao Xiao, tell me, how did Yanyan come?"

Li Xiaoman still closed his eyes, and asked lazily, "How come?"

Long Sihao's long fingers slipped from her lips, fanning the flames on her body, her voice was low and hoarse for a while, "How do you get pregnant with Yanyan?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's sleepy insects swept away instantly. She opened her eyes and looked at Long Sihao angrily. Qingli's small face appeared a little unhappy, "Three words, no know."

Looking at her with some displeasure, Long Sihao bent his lower lip with a playful smile in the corner of his lips, "Xiao Xiao, when you don't know how to count, it's clearly six characters, tell me, what is Yan Yan? Coming?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at him, then turned his head away, and the soul was weak. She thought he had remembered it, but he hadn't.

She pursed her lips slightly. "It popped out of the stone."

Suddenly, she raised her eyes and glared at him, "From now on, one day you can't remember how Yanyan came, you will not be allowed to touch me, hug me, kiss me, or even be with me. The bed has a total pillow."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, and as soon as he lifted it, he kicked Long Sihao, kicking him under the bed with all his strength.

Long Sihao was forced to bed by her.

At this moment, he was very regretful. He knew she would be rushed out of bed when he was awakened, and he would not wake her.

Li Xiaoman squinted at Long Sihao, who was rushed out of bed, with a hint of displeasure, "Long Sihao, you better not secretly climb up while I was asleep, otherwise, I will not end with you."


"Don't call me Xiaoxiao." Li Xiaoman glanced at him and then looked away. "I don't want to talk to you now."

When the words fell, she threw the pillow beside her towards Long Sihao, reaching for the bedroom door, "getout!"

Long Sihao, who caught the pillow, glanced at her with pampering eyes, and said, "Okay, I'm going out."

Then he took the pillow and turned out of the bedroom.

After Li Xiaoman went out, he turned off the bedside lamp and slept under the quilt.

Long Sihao sat alone in the living room until dawn.

He thought for a night that he and Li Xiaoman hadn't seen where they had met since they met in the Yu Yan Lou five years ago.

The Yuyanlou's time should be the last time they met, and after that he had no news of her.

When Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan got up, he had prepared a rich breakfast.

Li Xiaoman still cares about him forgetting where they last met five years ago, so he hasn't taken care of him at breakfast.

After breakfast, because Xiao Yanyan said she was going to the amusement park, she put her tableware on the dining table and directly pulled Xiao Yanyan into her bedroom to change her clothes.

As for the bowl, it was naturally washed by Long Sihao.

When changing clothes for Xiao Yanyan, Xiao Yanyan saw that she was not in a good mood today, and raised her eyebrows and looked at her and asked, "Mommy, what's wrong with you today? It looks very unhappy! When you have breakfast Didn’t even say a word to dad, did dad make you angry?"

Li Xiaoman frowned slightly and gazed softly at her, "Are mommy upset?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes, "Yes!"

After a pause, she looked at her mom and asked, "Mommy, will you marry Dad?"

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and asked her, "Yanyan, why did you suddenly ask Mommy this question?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes, "Mommy, tell me first."

Li Xiaoman was about to answer. Long Sihao, who had washed the dishes and changed his clothes, came in.

He walked straight to Li Xiaoman and put her domineering arms into his arms. The domineering one kissed her pink lips, and the smiley eyes glanced softly at him. Baby girl Li Anyan, "Yanyan, your mom will of course marry me, she wants to give you a happy and complete home."

Li Xiaoman glanced at him, "I haven't promised you yet."

Long Sihao glanced at her, and smiled, "Soon, sooner or later, Xiao Xiao, we even have a daughter, and you can't run away."

Xiao Yanyan raised her small face, "That's why Han Dad's gone."

Long Sihao raised her eyebrows lightly and looked at her with a smile, "Baby, of course, the original is good."

Li Xiaoman glanced at him, opened his big hand around her waist, walked to Xiao Yanyan, and pulled her out of the bedroom.

When Long Sihao saw it, Jun Mei frowned, and it seemed that his Xiao Xiao was still angry because he couldn't remember how Yan Yan came about.

Didn't they have been together the night when Lowry took the medicine five years ago, but he forgot?


Children's Paradise

Children's Paradise is the largest amusement park in the city, and there are many items to play in it, including rotating flying chairs, spiral scooters, Century Star scooters, big swing boats, flying towers, carousels and so on.

It happened to be a Sunday. There were many people in the children's paradise and it was very lively. When I entered, I was infected by the joyous atmosphere inside.

Xiao Yanyan was held by Long Sihao when she got off the bus.

For the first time compared with her dad, she was very excited at Tong Paradise, shouting that this project is to be played, and that project is also to be played.

Long Sihao bought a pass, all items can be played, but because it is a holiday, some projects need more people to queue, Long Sihao takes Xiao Yanyan and Li Xiaoman to play with fewer people first.

After playing a few projects, Li Xiaoman, who rarely played these, could not bear the heart, so he sat on the rest chair to rest, and Xiao Yanyan asked Long Sihao to take her to play the flying chair.

Sitting in the lounge chair, she saw their father and daughter having fun and a smile on her beautiful face.

Although it is not the first time for Yanyan to come to this amusement park, she can see that because she is accompanied by Long Sihao, she is the happiest time to play today.

Surrounded by the sounds of laughter and laughter of adults and children, Li Xiaoman was infected by this joyful atmosphere, and his mood became more and more cheerful.

She turned her eyes and looked around with a smile, suddenly, a little boy who was knocked on the ground fell into her sight.


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