A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 400: No seed, where is Yanyan?

Li Xiaoman was about to say no, and Long Sihao continued: "When the meal is over, I will coax you again."

"I don't need it." Li Xiaoman finished raising his eyebrows and squinted at Long Sihao. He stretched his hand and pinched his thigh.

And Long Sihao, who was pinched, didn't even frown. He narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his lips slightly, and put his big white hands directly on Li Xiaoman's thigh.

Today, Li Xiaoman wears a slim professional suit with a skirt only at the base of the thigh.

Realizing that there was a big scorching palm on his leg, Li Xiaoman Qingli's face was slightly reddened, and he raised the eyes of Long Sihao and lowered his voice, "Take it away and don't touch it."

Long Sihao didn't move as if she didn't hear her. He ate breakfast elegantly, and the big hand under his table swam on Li Xiaoman's white and tender thighs.

Li Xiaoman's whole body shuddered like an electric shock, and the beautiful face became more blushing and charming like cherry blossoms.

Her bright water eyes narrowed, glaring fiercely with one hand holding chopsticks Svenwen for breakfast, while the other hand was playing Liu Liulong, a rogue, admiring his admiration for the five-body cast.

She squinted at Xiao Yanyan, who was sitting opposite, lowering her voice and said, "Long Sihao, your soul is weak, have you touched enough?"

Long Sihao's warm and generous big hand still stayed on her lap, with thin lips attached to her ears, and her voice was low and hoarse, "I just want to touch it, I still want to do it."

Thinking of the intimate scene with him last night, Li Xiaoman's face became hotter, "Long Sihao, you are an unscrupulous gangster."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, gazing at her with hot eyes, and picked out the charming arc of thin lips, "I am a gangster, but only you are a gangster | gangster, I play in front of the beloved woman | gangster, just ."

"Naturally righteous your head." Li Xiaoman looked at him, and then pinched his thigh.

Just as she was about to withdraw her hand, Long Sihao took her small hand on his lap.

The full-fledged Xiao Yanyan saw that her dear mommy and her dear dad must be more intimate, so she stuck together. She blinked her small eyes and asked in a childish voice: "Mommy, dad than you, you Is it enough to touch? Do not think that I am a kid and I don’t know what you are doing! I am full and you eat slowly."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan got up and left the restaurant.

After Xiao Yanyan left, Li Xiaoman came out of Long Sihao's arms and squinted at him, "Long Sihao, you..."

Li Xiaoman wanted to scold him, but he thought about it, no matter what she scolded, he was painless and itchy. She scolded it in vain, and she didn’t scold it. She sat down to eat breakfast. Neither looked up at Long Sihao nor talked to him again.

But Long Sihao saw her silent, her narrow eyes kept looking at her deeply, her eyes smiled, her thin lips raised, and she outlined a beautiful and charming arc.

After breakfast, Li Xiaoman took the initiative to clean up the dishes and go to the kitchen to wash. Long Sihao helped bring the dishes into the kitchen.

Seeing Li Xiaoman seriously washing the dishes and ignoring him, he strode forward, hugged her from behind, buried her head in her neck, and smelled her fragrance, "Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry. "

His sudden apology made Li Xiaoman, who was washing the dishes, move his head and stared at him. "Don't you feel too late to apologize after playing the rogue?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, reaching for a strand of hair that fell on her face to her ears, and her thin lips kissed her white earrings, "Xiao Xiao, I apologize to you, not because This one."

After washing the last bowl, Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows at him, "Then why do you apologize?"

Long Sihao caressed her small face with a big hand, narrow eyes fixed on her, deep eyes filled with guilt and self-blame on her, "Xiao Xiao, I apologize to you because my departure hurt you After five years of grief, Yanyan did not love her father, and the woman who hurt you shouldered the responsibility of taking care of Yanyan..."

Speaking of which, he paused and looked at her affectionately, "Xiao Xiao, I gave you a month, have you considered it?"

"What to consider?" Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him with a trace of doubt.

Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, and the affectionate eyes locked her, "We said last time, have you considered starting with me again?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at him, and then lowered his eyes. Although she hadn't agreed on her mouth, she and he had rolled the sheets so many times. Isn't this a new start with him?

Long Sihao saw that Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes silently, and his distinct fingers gently pinched her jaw, forcing her to raise her head.

"Xiaoxiao, do you still love me?"

Whether she loves him or not, he has an answer in his heart, but he wants to hear her say that she loves him now.

Facing his affectionately looking eyes, Li Xiaoman's heart shivered. She squeezed her pink lips, slightly lowered her eyelids, and her long eyelashes quivered, "I don't love you, you can follow you..."

After biting her lower lip, she said, "Don't you roll the sheets?"

Rumo's long and narrow eyes were full of smiles, Long Sihao lowered his head and kissed her lips, and reached her against the kitchen wall, gazing at her tenderly, "Xiao Xiao, since you love me , I love you too, we still have Yanyan, shall we give Yanyan a complete and happy family?"

"Give Yanyan a complete and happy home?" Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows lightly, and his bright eyes narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

Long Sihao looked at her with a smile, her thin lips bent, "Xiaoxiao, I mean you should understand."

Li Xiaoman looked at him, his eyes filled with complex emotions, "Are you talking about marriage?"

Long Sihao glanced at her deeply, "Xiao Xiao, our Yanyan is almost five years old. She needs a complete family, and we have wasted five years. I don't want to waste it anymore, I don't want to talk to you again. Separated."

Li Xiaoman's heart was touched, and she looked at him tightly, "Long Sihao, I want to give Yanyan a happy and complete home more than you..."

Long Sihao grabbed her by the handle, and the narrow, narrow eyes looked at her with a smile, "So you agreed?"

Li Xiaoman frowned, smirked at him, learned Xiao Yanyan's movements, and raised his index finger to shake left and right, "It's not that easy, Long Sihao, you have been missing for five years, and it hurts me for five whole years. Years, I won't let you catch up so easily."

"So, do you want to keep chasing you? Until you promise to marry me?" Long Sihao also learned Lori's movements, crying with a handsome face.

After a pause, he gazed softly at her, "Xiao Xiao, well, I won't force you to marry me for the time being, but you must promise me one thing."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and asked him, "What's the matter?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, sinking his face, gazing at her with a faint gaze, and his voice was low, with a hint of undeniable taste in his tone, "No more returning to your uncle's house to live."

Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow, "why?"

Long Sihao narrowly stared at her and said in an overbearing tone: "I said no, then no. If you don't agree, I will put you on my bed in Shuilu Lake| so that you will never see you again in your life. Uncle."

Li Xiao glared at him, "Long Sihao, you are too domine..."

Not waiting for Li Xiaoman to finish his speech, Long Sihao narrowed his narrow eyes and interrupted with a deep voice, "I am so overbearing."

"You are kind." Li Xiaoman finished staring at him, and he was ready to leave the kitchen angrily.

Long Sihao grabbed her and looked at her ambiguously, "Xiao Xiao, if I didn't grow, where would I be?"

When the words fell, Long Sihao clasped her back with a big hand, biting her temptation|The lips of her, her eyes glared at her, her deep voice was a bit hoarse, "Xiao Xiao, I want you again Now."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Xuan Xuan was shocked by a baby who was nicknamed [i543***776] today, baby you made Xuan Xuan really shocked and moved, thank you baby you voted 21 photos for Xuan Xuan today Hundred yuan, which cost the baby a lot of money. Xuan Xuan was really shocked when he saw it, and his eyes got wet in a moment. Thank you very much.

And thank you for the baby whose nickname is "Flower is warm", thank you for rewarding Xuan Xuan so much, and also voted for Xuan Xuan eight.

There is no charge for Xuan Xuan's extra words, and the babies are at ease.


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