A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 364: Uncle, don't do it yourself

Han Jinxi looked at the young and smart Xiao Yanyan and nodded her head, then took her little hand and entered the building directly.

Five years ago, after Long Sihao left K City and went to the United States, te was temporarily managed by a large shareholder within him. When he returned, he took over te again, but he rarely came to te after he took over. Han Ye serves as vice president and manages the company with Lowry.

Han Jinxi did not make an appointment in advance for this visit, but he is a real estate tycoon and he is naturally well-known in the business community. After seeing the business card that Missy handed to her, the receptionist did not stop him and led him and respectfully. Xiao Yanyan took the elevator directly to the 30th floor, and then went straight to the assistant office of the president under the leadership of the assistant secretary.

In the office, Lowry was on the phone, the secretary knocked on the door, and after entering, said respectfully: "Luo Zhu, at the Real Estate Group, Mr. Han has come and said he wants to see you."

"Han at at will want to see me?" Lori, who was on the phone, heard the secretary's words and was puzzled. He didn't say whether to see Han Jinxi or not. When he raised his eyes, he saw that Han Jinxi led Xiao Yanyan into his office.

He hung up the phone, his eyes narrowed into a line, his eyes were surprised, and he stared at Xiao Yanyan held by Han Jinxi for a moment.

After a while, he blinked and stared at Xiao Yanyan straightly, "Small? I'm not mistaken? You... why are you here? What are you doing?"

The appearance of Han Jinxi and Xiao Yanyan is too surprising. He was extremely surprised. He couldn't think of the purpose of coming to te when he broke his head. Is it the wrong place?

After a while, he put away his surprise and doubts and raised his eyebrows to Han Jinxi, "Mr. Han, I remember you seem to be engaged in real estate development. We are a jewelry design company. There should be no between us. The possibility of cooperation, President Han, you suddenly come to te. This is..."

Han Jinxi closed his eyes slightly, his lazy gaze looked at Lori deeply, and his lips still had an inscrutable smile, "Whoever says that we have no possibility of cooperation, maybe one day I want to customize a set of jewelry Jewelry, you will find your company."

After hearing this, Lori narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled at Han Jinxi, "Then the purpose of your visit today is..."

Han Jinxi did not return to Lorry, and reached out to caress Xiaoyanyan's small head. The charming blue eyes gazed at her gently, with a deep meaning, "Amber, let me give you the rest, don't let Daddy Disappointed."

When the words were down, Han Jinxi sat down in the sofa area in Lowry's office, but was lazy yet elegant.

Xiao Yanyan stared at Han Jinxi and blinked her lips. She smiled sweetly. "I won't let Daddy down, Daddy looks at me."

Luo Rui heard Han Jinxi and Xiao Yanyan, it was Zhang Er who was puzzled.

Xiao Yanyan walked in front of Lowry in small steps, looking up at him with a sweet smile on her immature young face, a small cherry-like mouth slightly open, and a sweet and soft voice , "Uncle, Daddy and I came to see you without making an appointment with you. You are strange now, right?"

Lori narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Yanyan, just about to nod, Xiao Yanyan continued: "Uncle, you don't need to be surprised, my mum is gone, and Daddy called on the corridor of the New York Plaza Hotel Surveillance video, before Daddy and I found that Mummy was missing in the surveillance video, you had appeared in front of my Mummy’s hotel room, so Daddy and I specifically asked if you knew my Mummy’s whereabouts of?"

Luo Rui narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Yanyan, and then looked at Han Jinxi who was sitting on the side. The smile on the corner of his lips was unpredictable and joyous. "It turns out that the purpose of President Han came today is to find someone."

When the words fell, he sat down on the seat, raised Erlang's legs, and raised his eyebrows at Xiao Yanyan, "Little, I've appeared in front of your mum's door in the New York Plaza Hotel video. I concluded that I abducted your mum..."

Not waiting for Lowry to finish, Xiao Yanyan interrupted him, her small eyebrows raised lightly, "Uncle, I saw your tq high, you don't want to do it yourself! I didn't say that you abducted my mother Mi, why do you admit it yourself? Uncle, you are so honest, do you want me to award you a medal?"

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Lori slightly lowered the corner of his lip. He had no precautions against the small spots in front of him, and he had never thought of hiding her mommy Li Xiaoman from the water heron to Xiao Yanyan. The matter of the Hudao Villa, so when talking to Xiao Yanyan, he didn't mean to hide it.

And they can easily call the video of Li Xiaoman's "missing" day from the surveillance video of the New York Plaza Hotel, which is actually the clue that their president Long Sihao deliberately left for them.

Otherwise, how could they know that Miss Li was taken away by their president, and they came to te to find someone.

Lowry raised her eyebrows, and Jun smiled into a line, "Little, you are deliberately trying to test me? Do you want to know if your mummy was taken away by us?"

Xiao Yanyan also picked up her small eyebrows as he did, and her pure, star-like eyes narrowed into a line, "Huh! Uncle, you are not stupid at all! Uncle is so smart, you can guess What a kid who is just over four years old is thinking."

Originally, Xiao Yanyan's words of praise were nothing, but when you contacted the following sentence, the words of praise became a little bit different.

I have been in contact with Xiao Yanyan a few times, and if I am used to the thorny words of Xiao Yanyan, Lorry smiles without anger, Jun Zizai carefully looked at Xiao Yanyan, and said with a smile: "Small, I found you are More and more like our president, yes, your mummy was "abducted|run" by our president, but even if you know this, it is useless, because you have no way to enter our president's "exclusive place" "of."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan heard this and smiled sweetly at Lowry. "Uncle, sorry, I have bothered you for so long. My father and I are going back, bye!"

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan smiled sweetly at Lori, and walked to Han Jinxi, who was sitting next to her, bent her lips, "Daddy, let's go back! I'm hungry."

Han Jinxi took a deep look at Xiao Yanyan and said nothing. She stood up and took her little hand and left Lori's office.

When Lorry saw this, he frowned unclearly. His eyes were full of doubts and puzzles. He thought that although his IQ was not very high, it was not too low. Girl! But why he couldn't figure out why Xiao Yanyan came to him specially.

Knowing that her mom was "abducted" by them, why is she so calm at a young age?

Shouldn’t she be crying and asking him for mommy, or should he take her to find her mommy?


After leaving the te building, Xiao Yanyan and Han Jinxi got into the car, and Missy sat in the driver's seat.

He was about to start the engine, and Xiao Yanyan looked at him and said, "Uncle Missy, don't drive."

Missy heard the words and stopped, a puzzling expression on his ruthless face, but he didn't ask why.

Han Jinxi, who was sitting next to Xiao Yanyan, smiled at her, "It seems that Amber thought of a way, tell Daddy to listen to it, what way did he think of?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yanyan raised her pink face and looked at Han Jinxi with a frown, "Daddy, I thought of a very stupid way to secretly hide in that uncle's car, as long as that uncle went to the island I can see mommy in my villa, Daddy, am I smart?"

After listening to what Xiao Yanyan said, Han Jinxi’s dark black eyebrows frowned, her charming blue eyes gently gazing at her, and her face appeared a little dignified. “Amber, this method is not very good for you. Safety."

Xiao Yanyan's delicate little hand held Han Jinxi's arm and shook, "Daddy, I don't think that uncle is bad..."

"No, amber, you can't go." Han Jinxi refused to wait until Xiao Yanyan finished.

The solution is feasible, but he is not assured to let Xiao Yanyan go.

Although it is determined that Li Xiaoman was indeed taken to his private villa by Long Sihao, he is not sure what Long Sihao's purpose is, and he is not sure whether Long Sihao will be harmful to Xiao Yanyan, so This risk cannot be taken.

But the only thing he can be sure of is that Long Sihao will not hurt Li Xiaoman.

The reason for being so sure is that he has investigated the relationship between Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman in the past five years.

In addition, although he does not know Long Sihao very well, he believes that Li Xiaoman, a man who can keep Li Xiaoman in mind for five years, will not be sent there.

He even had some doubts that after Li Xiaoman "disappeared", he could easily find some clues from the surveillance video of the Plaza Hotel in New York. It was Long Sihao who did not deliberately destroy the clues, otherwise, with his wit, Maybe he didn't think he would call the video, so he did it on purpose.

He expected that even if he knew that Li Xiaoman was taken by him, he could not "save" Li Xiaoman.

Xiao Yanyan saw that Han Jinxi said she couldn't go. She frowned, "Daddy, didn't you say that I was thinking of a way? But I thought of a way, why did Daddy not agree with my way?"

Han Jinxi narrowed his eyes slightly, gazing at Xiao Yanyan softly, "Who said I don't agree with Amber's solution, I just don't agree with Amber going in person."

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and asked in a childish voice: "Who does Daddy want to let go?"

Han Jinxi did not reply to Xiao Yanyan, but let Missy drive.

Seeing Xiao Yanyan's sight, a sly color flashed in her pure little eyes, and then she looked up and looked at Han Jinxi, "Daddy, you have to find a way to save Mommy, you take me inconveniently, I think My uncle and uncle watched. Daddy sent me to my uncle."

When the words fell, she blinked at Han Jinxi, "Daddy, Mommy, please come to your rescue! I will wait for you and Mommy at the uncle's house."

Han Jinxi heard the words, the half-squinted blue eyes looked at Xiao Yanyan for a while, and then sent her to Li Wenbo as she said.


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