A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 363: Daddy, there is a horse butt

"I..." Li Xiaoman bit his pink lip tightly, raised his eyes to tears and glanced at him, then lowered his eyes, "I will give you medicine first."

She did not want to tell him that her runaway today was due to the presence of Ji Yuqing.

Especially when she saw him protecting Ji Yuqing, the kind of anger and heartache was beyond words.

She couldn't accept him protecting other women in front of her.

Even when she thinks he cares about other women, her heart is so painful that she can't breathe.

Five years ago, in her impressions, he never cared about women other than her.

He has always put all his focus on her, centered on her.

He protects, loves, and hurts only her, but now there is one more season of rain, which makes her unacceptable.

Even if he was hurt so badly in the end, even today, she still remembers his pet and love for her, no matter whether it is true or not, she is thinking.

Putting away her complicated thoughts, she took him a good medicine and she said calmly in his tone: "I am a little tired and fell asleep."

When the words fell, she would lie directly on the luxurious round bed|, close her eyes, and ignore Long Sihao.

Now she has a very confused mood and doesn't know how to face Long Sihao, she simply goes to bed first.

Long Sihao saw her lying down, frowned slightly, and lay down beside her, reaching for her and pulling her into his arms, lowering her head and printing a kiss on her forehead Then he said in a low voice: "I'm tired too, and sleep together.

Knowing that Long Sihao had a wound on his chest, Li Xiaoman tried not to touch his chest as much as possible, opened his eyes and looked at him suspiciously, "Don't you need to do anything?"

During the daytime, two people hid in bed and sleep, what's this called?

Long Sihao looked down at her, and the picturesque eyebrows were dyed with a gentle smile, her thin lips bent, "I also want to do it, but we are all injured now, in order to avoid being involved in the wound, still Take another day off and do it tomorrow."

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman blushed, and what he said was something she naturally heard.

She glared at him, and then looked away, "Long Sihao, you know I don't mean that, do you have to misunderstand me like this?"

Does she mean that he doesn’t have to deal with official business, or does he have to do anything else?

He can just say that meaning, is it that only men and women love what he thinks in his head?

Long Sihao gazed at her tenderly, his eyes and eyebrows were all smiles, and only two words spit out from his thin lips, "Sleep."

Seeing that he closed his eyes, Li Xiaoman tried to withdraw from his arms, and just after two movements, his deep voice rang above her head.

"Xiaoxiao, if you move again, I will do it now."

Li Xiaoman wanted to go back and say "Be your head", but she endured it.

When he fell asleep, she tried to find a way out of his arms.

She had been waiting for Long Sihao to fall asleep first, but she had to wait for herself to fall asleep.


h city at real estate group president's office

"Daddy, is there any news about Mummy? Mummy has been missing for several days, won't you run away with someone? Is Daddy not worried?" Xiao Yanyan narrowed her eyes with pure and moving eyes. Asked, looking at the handsome man Han Jinxi who was checking an email.

Han Jinxi, who was sitting on the office chair, heard Xiao Yanyan’s words, and closed his blue eyes slightly, gazing gently at Xiao Yanyan’s small face carved in jade, with a deep smile drawn from the corners of her lips, “As long as you amber Still by my side, I'm not afraid of your mummy running."

Xiao Yanyan gave her thumbs up to Han Jinxi and blinked her eyes, "Daddy, you are really cunning, knowing that I am a mummy's weakness, so I will stay with me as long as I am still with Daddy, Mommy just ran to the end of the world and would come back, but where did Mommy go? I think Mommy."

Han Jinxi glanced down at Xiao Yanyan, her lips and lips outlined a breathtaking smile, and took Xiao Yanyan's little hand away from the president's office.

Xiao Yanyan looked at Han Jinxi with a puzzled look, "Daddy, where are we going?"

"Go to your mum, she is in city k."

Han Jinxi looked at Xiao Yanyan, and then bent over to hug her little.

An hour later, Xiao Yanyan took Han Jinxi's private jet to K City with him.

After getting off the plane and sitting in the extended version of the Lincoln car, Xiao Yanyan asked anxiously again: "Daddy, where is Mummy in K City?"

Seeing Xiao Yanyan's small face carved with jade, she was very anxious. Han Jinxi narrowed her pale blue charmed eyes, reaching out and gently rubbing her head. "Soon amber will know where your mom is. "

Long Sihao did not deliberately block the news that Li Xiaoman was taken away, so it is not difficult for Han Jinxi to find out where Li Xiaoman was, but even if he found out where Li Xiaoman was, it was difficult to get in.

Driving by Missy, the extended version of Lincoln stopped at the head of the bridge that entered Shuilu Lake.

Xiao Yanyan sitting in the car saw Missy stop the car, frowned and looked at the seated Han Jinxi, puzzled and asked: "Daddy, why stopped?"

Missy, who was driving in the driver’s seat, turned to look at Xiao Yanyan, her expression still cold, "Miss Amber, there is someone in front of us, we can't get in without a pass.

Hearing the words, Xiao Yanyan pushed the door open and slowly got out of the car. She narrowed her eyes and looked down at the end of the bridge. There was a huge and magnificent villa like a castle at the end of the bridge.

This huge and spectacular villa is on the only private island in the center of the lake.

The environment around the island is quiet, surrounded by a large area of ​​woods, and the scenery is beautiful.

The huge castle-like villa stands in the woods of the island, under the sunlight, it looks spectacular and mysterious.

Even if you can't see the whole of the villa, it just shows a corner, it also highlights its grandness and sacredness.

The bridge leading to the villa is guarded by cold bodyguards in black clothes and black pants, and these bodyguards like soldiers are equipped with guns. Outsiders without a pass can’t break in at all. A dead end.

Xiao Yanyan's small face wrinkled into a bun, her narrowed eyes stared at the secret island like a military base for a while, and then she took a small step forward.

It was only that she had taken two steps forward and was stopped by two black bodyguards.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yanyan stopped her small steps, raised her pink face, and saw the two uncles in front of her were like zombies, her expression was stiff, she moved her mouth, said nothing, and turned back Sit in the car.

She broke her face and looked up at Han Jinxi who had been sitting in the car. Her voice asked in a childish voice: "Daddy, is Mommy in the villa on that island?"

Han Jinxi raised his eyebrows lightly, his eyes sharply glanced outside the car, and then looked down at Xiao Yanyan, slightly hooked his lips, "Not sure yet."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded and continued to collapse her small face.

Han Jinxi reached out and rubbed her head with a little spoiled, "Although not sure, it doesn't mean your mom is not here, there is a possibility of 90%."

Wen Yan, Xiao Yanyan's small eyes brightened a bit, raised her small face and looked at Han Jinxi with a sweet smile, "Really? But how can we get into that villa?"

Han Jinxi’s enchanted blue eyes gazed at Xiao Yanyan with a deep smile, and her thin lips made a deep smile. “Amber, what we have to do now is to make sure your mum is not in the villa. How to get in depends on amber."

"Look at me?" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, smiled sweetly, and her voice was sweet and soft, "Daddy, have you already thought of a way? I know that everything can't fail Daddy, Daddy The ground is the smartest."

Han Jinxi stretched out his hand and squeezed amber's small face in pink and jade, slightly hooked his lips, "Amber, when did you learn to flatter?"

Xiao Yanyan covered her small mouth and giggled, "Hehe... Daddy, I just learned it. I only know now that it turns out Daddy has a flatter|share."

Hearing her words, Han Jinxi twitched the corner of her lower lip slightly, and Fenghua peerless's face had a gentle smile. "When you are young, you will be horny. Who did you learn from?"

Xiao Yanyan squinted at Han Jinxi, "Daddy, this is born, you can't learn."

The words fell, Xiao Yanyan's delicate little hands held Han Jinxi's slender arms and shook, "Daddy, please tell me quickly, how do you go in to find mommy?"

Han Jinxi raised his eyes and looked at the private island in the center of the lake, squinting the blue eyes slightly, the blue light shining through the bottom of the eyes flashed a touch of imperceptible cold color, the thin lips slightly raised a little, "I take amber See a person, amber thinks."

"Okay!" Xiao Yanyan frowned, "Daddy gave me another problem, but Daddy is assured that I will not let Daddy down."

This is how Han Jinxi educated Xiao Yanyan. In order to make her smarter, develop her intelligence, and let her develop a good habit of using brains, many difficulties, he only gave her half of the tips, and the rest half let her Find a solution by yourself.

For example, Li Xiaoman was "trapped" in the Shuiluhu Island villa. Han Jinxi brought her here to get acquainted with the location, and then took her to see a person. How to enter the villa made her think.

And the person he took with Xiao Yanyan was the big red man beside Long Sihao-Luo Rui.

The extended version of Lincoln stopped in front of the Te Jewelry Building.

Missy got out of the car first, then walked to the back seat and opened the door.

Han Jinxi walked down the car gracefully, and then bent down to hug Xiao Yanyan out.

After putting her gently on the ground, he squinted her lips and said, "Amber, do you remember what I just said to you in the car?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her pure, star-like eyes, smiled sweetly at Han Jinxi, and made an ok gesture with a sweet voice. Ruizui made sure that Mommy was in the villa on the island, and then figured out a way to enter the villa on the island, so we had to smooth out the uncle named Lowry."


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