A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 365: Oh!, can't bear birds

Because she was not at ease, after getting off the car, Han Jinxi and Missy sent Xiao Yanyan to the door of the room. After watching Xiao Yanyan go in, she left.

Xiao Yanyan saw Han Jinxi and Missy leave on the balcony, turned around and entered the living room, walked lightly to the door and opened the door to prepare to go out.

Despite her light movements, she was alarmed because she came to Li Zhenhua who washes her fruits in the kitchen.

Hearing the movement, he walked out carrying the washed fruit.

Xiao Yanyan saw him come out carrying the fruit, and turned back to smile sweetly at him, "Uncle, my mom is coming. I'll pick up my mom. I'll go out and come back soon."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan opened the door and ran out.

"Yanyan, wait for Uncle Master, Uncle Master will go with you." Li Zhenhua was not at ease and immediately put the washed fruits on the coffee table and chased them out.

When he chased out, Xiao Yanyan had entered the elevator.

"Yanyan, what are you doing so fast?"

Li Zhenhua stood at the door of the elevator and waited, but he waited for a while without waiting for Xiao Yanyan to return.

Uncomfortable, he turned and entered the room, called Li Xiaoman directly with his mobile phone, but he didn't get through, and then he called Xiao Yanyan's cell phone, which was also turned off.

When Xiaoyanyan just came, he felt a little strange when he saw that she was alone. Now Xiaoyanyan ran away and didn't come back for a long time. He felt more strange and worried, so he called Li Wenbo. , Immediately went downstairs to find.

At this time, Xiao Yanyan had already left the Jinlai Community, hired a taxi outside the community, and went directly to te.

Don’t look at her being more than four years old. Her courage is several times bigger than her peers of this age. Sitting in a taxi is a small thing for her.

When she arrived at te, she asked how much the taxi driver paid, and took out a hundred-dollar bill from the small backpack she was carrying and handed it to the driver. She raised her eyebrows, with a sweet smile on her immature young face. The voice is sweet and sweet, "Uncle, I will know that you are a good person at first glance, you won't lie to children, I won't do arithmetic, uncle don't give me more money!"

The taxi driver saw that she was very cute, and she couldn't bear to lie to her.

And Xiao Yanyan was so small that he was alone in the car. He was really surprised. He stared at her for a while. After confirming that it was a little girl more than four years old sitting in his car, he looked for eight. Fifteen yuan to Xiao Yanyan, and told her to put the money away, don't drop it, and then said a lot of words to make Xiao Yanyan pay attention before driving away.

After the taxi driver left, Xiao Yanyan took a small step into the te building and walked directly to the front desk.

Since she and Han Jinxi came to TE shortly before and left, and she was very beautiful and lovely, she was very impressed. The lady at the front desk recognized her at a glance, just wanting her to ask her who she was looking for, she would leave first Sounded.

She raised her small face and squinted, her voice was immature, "Pretty sister, can I ask you a question?"

Elegant, with a smile on her face, the receptionist looked at her and nodded. "Yes, what do you want to ask me?"

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes, "I want to know that your company's uncle called Lowry is off work?"

The lady at the front desk smiled and looked at her, "Little sister, Luo Tezhuo has not yet finished get off work, you want to find Luo Teshu?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at the lady at the front desk and shook her head, "Thank you pretty sister, I won't disturb your work anymore."

When the words fell, she went out of the te building.

At a young age, she had been waiting outside the building until it was dark, te's employees were all gone, and she did not see Lowry appear.

Because she hadn't eaten for a day, her little tummy groaned, her small face wrinkled into small buns, a pair of pure star-like eyes kept staring at the direction of te building.

Nearly ten o'clock, she saw Lowry in blue casual clothes coming out of the building.

Her eyes lit up, quietly following behind Lowry, and all the way to the underground garage.

Then he followed Lowry to his silver Maybach, saw that he opened the door and sat in to prepare to start the engine, and then she reached out her small hand and knocked **** the back cover of his car.

Lori, who was about to start the engine, heard a sound from the rear of the car. His eyes narrowed into a line, ignoring him, and continued to start the engine. There was a louder sound at the rear, like someone was kicking his car. .

Lori, who heard the sound, frowned, then got out of the car and walked towards the rear.

When he slowly reached the end of the car, he didn't find anyone.

I wonder if it was intentional or unintentional, he also walked a few steps in front of the rear of the car.

Xiao Yanyan, who was hiding on the other side of the body, saw Lowry walking towards the front of the car. She frowned at her small eyebrow with some doubt. Even without much thought, the cat leaned on the body and slowly pulled the car door. Crawled in and hid under the back seat, and stretched out the small hand to pull the door closed.

After a while, Lowry came back and sat directly in the driver's seat. When he started the engine, he turned his head back and looked at the back seat, seemingly unintentionally, slightly hooked the corner of his lower lip before starting. The car left.

He drove very slowly, and sang along the way, and he sang the celebrity "Little Apple", a very popular chopstick brother.

You are my little baby

I don’t love you too much

The red face warms my heart

The fire that lights up my life

You are my little baby


He sang this "Little Apple" along the way, and he sang the ** part, and the "good" song was repeated n times by him, which would also make people irritated.

His car drove very slowly, and Xiao Yanyan lying under the back seat was already very irritable. He still sang the ** part of "Little Apple" with his throat and sang it many times, listening to Xiao Yanyan thought I jumped and shouted that I couldn't stand birds, and then knocked him out, and glued his tongue to the teeth with ten thousand years of glue, so that he could not speak and sing songs all his life.

She covered her small ears with her delicate little hands, rolled her eyes constantly, and shouted in her heart, ah... can't bear birds! The earth is dead, the earth is dead, uncle, you are dead, "Little Apple" is outdated, you still sing, you are as earth as this song.

Xiao Yanyan, with her small face in powder and jade carving, sang n times and sang "pain" in her heart. Lori, who sang the song ** part of "Little Apple" suddenly changed a brisk song.

Pleasant sheep, beautiful sheep, lazy sheep, boiling sheep, slow sheep...

Don't look at me as a sheep

Green grass becomes more fragrant because of me

The sky becomes bluer because of me


oh!mygod! Can't stand birds!

A "Xiao Yang Yang" burst out of Lowry's mouth, and Xiao Yanyan's tiny lips under the back seat were extremely squeezed, rolling her small white eyes, delicate little hand held her forehead, and asked the sky without words.

She meditation in the bottom of my heart, God! Come take away this uncle! In the next life, let him be a microphone and let him sing enough.


Along the way, Xiao Yanyan was "tortured" by Lori's persevering singing, just wanting to escape.

It wasn't until the car drove on the bridge over Lake Heron that Lori's singing gradually became smaller.

Lori was not singing, and Xiao Yanyan, who covered her ears with her delicate little hands, was relieved. She kept listening to the movements carefully, until after the car stopped, she heard Lori seem to deliberately amplify the sound. Came.

"Come butler, the president and Miss Li have slept? Which room do they sleep tonight? Oh! Or the third floor master bedroom in the main building of the front yard! Oh! I know, by the way of the steward, you have all the main building Maid, bodyguards and everything called me to the backyard, I have a few words to explain to them, um, well, just like that, I hung up, became a housekeeper, and acted with agility."

After getting out of the car, Lowry called Uncle Cheng, but after a while, he hummed and walked to the backyard of the villa.

Xiao Yanyan, who was lying under the back seat, heard Lori's voice getting smaller and smaller. Until she could not hear his voice, she crawled out from under the back seat and lifted her small head to the position of the driver's seat. Without seeing Lowry, she looked out of the car window again, and saw that she was no longer outside the te building, but in a very beautiful garden.

The environment is beautiful, and the fragrance of flowers is filled in the air under the night. Even at night, the garden is not real, but you can feel that the garden is not only large but also beautiful and magnificent.

"Wow!" Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes and opened her mouth. After she was surprised, she pushed the car door and slowly got out of the car.

She just heard what Lori said just now, and when she got out of the car, she looked around, and by the silvery moonlight and the orange light from the European-style outdoor lights in the villa garden, she walked He walked towards the main building, which was clearly visible in front of the garden.

Since Lowry asked the housekeeper Cheng Uncle to call the servants and bodyguards in the main building to the backyard of the villa, Xiao Yanyan went all the way.

She entered the magnificent hall very smoothly, just like the palace hall.

"Wow wow..." Open mouth and wide eyes, small Yanyan, in her own burst of exclamation, stopped and walked to the main bedroom on the third floor.

At this time, Long Sihao was scalded during the day, and he had a high fever. At this time, he had burned to 39 degrees.

Although he had a high fever, he kept awake. Li Xiaoman found that he had a high fever, he brought warm water, and was using a wet towel to cool him physically.

Long Sihao, who was lying sideways, saw Li Xiaoman wipe his forehead and palms with a towel to cool him over and over again, and his long narrow eyes were filled with a smile.

His eyes were soft and gazed at her with a bit of heat, and he raised his hand to caress her beautiful and moving face. His white and slender fingers traced the shape of her pink lips, and his voice was low and beautiful. "Aren't you tired? Even if you come down, you can’t die anyway."

Li Xiaoman glanced at him and put the wet towel into the basin, just about to leave, but Long Sihao took her by the wrist and pulled her into his arms.

Immediately he turned over again, pressing her under him, gazing at her with a burning eye that seemed to be able to make a fire, and his voice was low and hoarse. People, "Harmful, I don't do anything with you now, I I can't sleep."

Because of his high fever and scary body, his proximity made Li Xiaoman feel like a fire was burning on her body.

She reached out and shoved him, with a tone of worry, "Long Sihao, can't you restrain yourself? You still have a high fever."

"No matter." Spit out these two words, Long Sihao lowered his head and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Knowing that there was a wound on his body, Li Xiaoman didn't dare to struggle too hard, but he turned his head around to avoid Long Sihao's kiss.

When Long Sihao saw her, he bit her white earrings, and her long tongue twirled in her ear socket. After causing her a slight tremor, she grabbed her again when she was not prepared. Her lips, her long tongue tangled straight into her lips.

"Well... Long Sihao..." Li Xiaoman knew he should stop him, but her tongue was entangled with his forceful and overbearing suction, and she couldn't retreat, and her body was the same as it was five years ago, because he The overbearing fierce kiss caused a shudder.

Gradually, her body seemed to be melted by his kiss, soft and without any strength to stop him.

Just when the wood was a boat and Long Sihao's galloping battle had just begun, the bedroom door was pushed open.

And this person is Xiao Yanyan.

When she saw the luxurious and magnificent bedroom that was as luxurious as the emperor's bedroom, she opened her mouth and gave a surprise.


Her tender and sweet voice was particularly clear in Jingya's bedroom.

Hearing the sound, Long Sihao stopped, and the narrow, narrow eyes narrowed tightly, a trace of doubt in the bottom of his eyes, and turned his head to his deep-eyed eyes toward his open mouth, blinking his small eyes. Villain.

When it was clear that Xiaoyanyan was the little man with pink carvings and jade carvings, Long Sihao rarely widened his narrow eyes, his deep eyes locked on Xiaoyanyan's small face, and the deep eyes overflowed with shock. And unbelievable.


——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

The babies should be able to see that Lori deliberately brought Xiaoyanyan to the villa?


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