A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 342: Threaten to kiss you to suffocate

Upon hearing this, Lowry immediately replied: "Yes! I will find out as soon as possible..."

After a pause, he looked back at Long Sihao and said, "President, what do I think, the matter is clear? Miss Li is already married and has a daughter. Do you want to be a father?"

Hearing that Li Xiaoman had a daughter, Long Sihao's heart cramped, and he was sorely hurt, his hands hanging beside him clenched into a fist.

This is the most unacceptable for him, he can't accept that she has a daughter with other men.

At the time of his grief, there was a raging anger spreading on his chest, burning arbitrarily.

Lori saw Long Sihao's expression cold and sad. He no longer asked more, but looked at Ji Yuqing, and Jun Mei frowned deeply, "Miss Ji, please take care of the president, remember to give him more Drink a few cups of herbal tea to prevent him from erupting."

Ji Yuqing nodded gently and raised his eyes to Long Sihao.

"Mr. Dragon..."

As soon as she made a sound, Long Sihao sat in the car with a somber look, and she stunned slightly before sitting in the car.

Along the way, Long Sihao didn't speak, she didn't dare to say anything, the atmosphere in the car was very depressed.

Arriving at Shuiluhu Villa, Long Sihao asked Uncle Cheng to arrange Ji Yuqing in a bedroom on the second floor of the main building of the villa, while his bedroom was on the third floor.

He did not return for five years, so he went directly to the third floor and entered the luxurious bedroom where he and Li Xiaoman once lived.

The servants clean the bedroom every day, even if they have not lived in five years, they are spotless and magnificent.

Staring at everything in the bedroom, Long Sihao couldn't help but think of what happened with Li Xiaoman five years ago.

What she looked like when she was angry, what she looked like when she was cowardly, what she looked like when she was moved, what she felt when she was happy, and what she felt when she was sad, were all engraved in his heart and imprinted on his mind.

After Li Xiaoman separated from him, he did not take all the clothes he bought for her. Therefore, there are clothes worn by Li Xiaoman in the closet, and she used toiletries, bath towels, toothbrushes and mouthwash cups in the bathroom and many more.

He first opened the closet, and his muscular fingers lightly touched the clothes she passed through.

When his fingers rested on the set of maternity clothes she had worn through, he appeared as if she was holding their baby on their stomachs.

His powerful hand gripped the maternity dress that Li Xiaoman passed through, and held it tightly. The narrow and long eyes gradually turned red and wet, and the bottom of the eyes was full of deep grief.

Their first daughter was gone, but she gave birth to a daughter.

His heart was bleeding.

It was his fault to let go of her hand five years ago, but he did not want to give up on her.

He had endured the days of losing her for five years, and he could not bear it any longer.

Let him watch her with other men, he could never do it again.

Because he already owned her, he could never do it again.

Not many people can love it so great, love is selfish, and his love is also selfish.

So, this time, even if it was robbed, he would have to rob her back, even if she was already a qi and a mother.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. Seeing it was Lowry, he did not hesitate and answered immediately.

"President, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" On the phone, Lowry's voice was a bit of rejoicing and a little temptation.

Long Sihao did not say whether he would listen to the good news or the bad news first. Only one word came out of his thin lips, "Say."

Lori did not talk nonsense, and then said: "President, the good news is that Miss Li is not married at all, the bad news is..."

Wen Yan said, there was some rejoicing and gladness on Long Sihao's sad and handsome face, "She is not married?"

"President, it is true that Miss Li has not been married for the past five years. The bad news is that where Miss Li's daughter came from has not been found. President, I wonder if that little one is born by Miss Li? According to Li Miss's character, she shouldn't be a woman who can have children with others casually! Unless it is born with the president, but this is absolutely impossible. The president and Miss Li have been separated for five years. The president did not talk to her after Ms. Li's premature delivery I have been together, so this child cannot be the president, but that little boy looks so much like Miss Li. If it is not her daughter, then it is impossible. What is the problem?"

Long Sihaojun frowned deeply, narrowed his narrowed eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Continue to check."

"Yes!" Lowry hung up the phone in response.

Knowing that Li Xiaoman did not remarry, he was even more determined to grab her again.

At this time, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan have returned to the residence of Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua.

Three years ago, Li Wenbo bought a suite in a prosperous area in K city, with four rooms and two halls, plus a garden balcony, almost 400 square meters.

The house has been renovated already and it is beautifully decorated.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Xiaoman said that she was in charge of the kitchen today, and then went straight to the kitchen.

At this time, she was busy in the kitchen, as if she was so busy, she would not think of meeting Long Sihao today.

Only in this way can she temporarily forget the pain that Long Sihao brought her.

Because she insisted on being the chef, Li Zhenhua accompanied Xiao Yanyan to play in the living room outside, and Li Wenbo went into the kitchen to help her.

Seeing her expressionless, washing vegetables, chopping vegetables, washing vegetables, chopping vegetables, has been repeating these two things.

He frowned deeply, and concealed the loss of his eyes, walked to her and reached for the kitchen knife in her hand.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman looked up at Li Wenbo and asked, "Why are you Brother Wenbo? Give me the knife and I want to cut vegetables."

Li Wenbo glanced at the chopping board full of vegetables, "Manman, are you going to make a hodgepodge at noon today? We have cut so many dishes, have we eaten? How did you make you cook when you came back? Or let me Come."

"Hodgepodge?" Li Xiaoman gazed at the chopped vegetables on the cutting board, only to find that there were already several kinds on it, green vegetables, tomatoes, green onions, broad beans...

All these cut dishes were blended together by her.

She frowned, stretched her hand to brush her ears behind her ears, raised her eyes to Li Wenbo, embarrassed, and smiled embarrassedly, "Wen Bo, I'm sorry, I may have been too long It’s cooking, so... or make a hodgepodge."

When the words fell, she took a vegetable basket, put the mixed vegetables on the cutting board into the vegetable basket, and then took other dishes out to wash.

Li Wenbo glanced at her deeply, stepped forward, and took away the vegetables in her hand gently, gazing at her gently, her voice was warm and clear, "Manman, you met Long Sihao today because you are in a bad mood. Want to find something to do?"

Li Xiaoman uncomfortably put a strand of hair covering her face behind her ears, raised his eyebrows and smiled at him, his tone was relaxed and soft, "Wen Bo, it has been five years, I have forgotten the previous things. Almost, you guessed wrong, I didn’t because he was in a bad mood."

Li Wenbo frowned, looking at her with a complex look, "Manman, you can deceive me, you can't deceive yourself, if he really can't affect your mood, you won't be afraid to dare in Antai Cemetery today. Turn around to see him..."

Before Li Wenbo finished talking, Li Xiaoman interrupted him with a smile, "Brother Wen Bo, let's not talk about this first, cook first."

When the words fell, she stopped talking.

Li Wenbo glanced at her, his eyes flashing a complex look, with a positive tone, "Manman, you haven't forgotten him yet."

Li Xiaoman, who was washing the vegetables, was stagnation, and then raised his eyebrows and smiled at Li Wenbo. He smiled and said with a joke, "Wen Bo, when have your words become so much, you are like me Mom!"

Speaking of the word "Mom", she twitched her eyebrows, paused, and concealed her sadness. She continued to speak gently: "I think you should really have a girlfriend, Wen Bo, Otherwise, you will soon become a woman."

Li Wenbo's eyes were a bit dim because of her words. She pressed her lips tightly and said nothing. She silently helped her cook.

It was also a blessing for him to be able to help her do something silently beside her.

After eating, Li Xiaoman drank water again and started to clean the room which was already very clean and tidy.

She didn't want to let herself go idle, after doing this and doing that.

Xiao Yanyan, who was watching TV in the living room after dinner, saw that her mum had been busy since she entered the door. She looked at Li Zhenhua, who was sitting beside her, and asked quietly, "Uncle grandma, mommy is Didn't you have ADHD?"

Li Zhenhua looked at Li Xiaoman who was mopping the floor, frowned, then smiled and looked at Xiao Yanyan, and said calmly, "Yan Yan, your mommy has been diligent since childhood, she loves to clean up the house, your mommy must think Grandpa's cleaning up the house is not clean enough."

In fact, he knew the reason why Li Xiaoman didn't let her idle, just said that, he didn't want Xiao Yanyan to think more.

Neither he nor Li Wenbo stopped Li Xiaoman.

Although Xiao Yanyan felt that her mom was acting strangely, she didn't ask too much, but instead called to report the situation to Han Jinxi and asked Han Jinxi to give her an idea.

Although Han Jinxi is not her dear dad, since she was sensible, Han Jinxi loves her like a dad, so she has some dependence on Han Jinxi.

Li Xiaoman packed up the house for a day, dragged the ground more than n times, and wiped the room more than n times, even if he was tired, he did not stop.

She was busy until dark, after taking a bath, and when she was about to go to bed, she received a strange call.

The other party said only two words, "Come down."

Although there are only two words, she can hear the phone call from Long Sihao.

She didn't answer, and hung up the phone.

But every two minutes her cell phone will ring.

After the phone rang n times, she answered it, but she didn't wait for her voice, and the voice of Long Sihao's voice in the phone was passed.

"If I don't come down, I will go up and kiss in the face of your daughter and your uncle until you suffocate."


Hearing that he was **** five years ago, Li Xiaoman really wanted to scold him a few more words. After hanging up the phone, she sat in the room for a while before finding a reason to say to Yanyan and Li Zhenhua, He went downstairs.

"Are you willing to go down?"

As soon as she reached downstairs, she heard the deep voice that made her familiar.

Long Sihao stood outside the building, and Li Xiaoman saw him when he left the first floor gate.

His upper body is a black silk slim shirt with dark colors, which decorates his handsome body, and the lower body is a khaki casual trousers. His long legs are more slender and charming.

The length of a man’s legs is so slender and beautiful, it’s really amazing.

Although he did not admire his handsome appearance five years ago, when he saw him again at this time, Li Xiaoman couldn't help but look at him more.

Her gaze moved from his leg to his upper body.

He didn't tie his tie, he unbuttoned two diamond buttons on his chest, revealing a small piece of **** and fit chest, wild and tempting.

Further up, his face was as handsome and charming as he was five years ago.

Long Sihao stared at his body when he saw her coming downstairs. He narrowed his narrow eyes, his deep eyes were embellished with a soft smile, his thin lips were light, and his voice was low and clear, "Today in Antai Cemetery Didn’t read enough? Didn’t you feel that I hadn’t seen you in five years?

Hearing his joking tone, Li Xiaoman glanced at him and then looked away. The situation in Antai Cemetery today is different. She didn't look at him at all, and she didn't feel that mood either.

She looked away, with alienation and apathy on Qingli's face, "What are you doing here? How do you know I am here?"

Long Sihao didn't return to her, strode to her in front of her, narrow narrow eyes staring at her indifferent face, a flash of pain flashed at the bottom of her eyes, "Who is that wild man? Is it Han Jinxi?"

After asking this, he secretly squeezed Bai Jing's big hand, and his heart hurt like a sharp edge.

The monstrous anger surged in his heart again, but he tried to suppress it. He was afraid that he would be overwhelmed by anger and grief and do something that would harm her.


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