A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 341: Sick, please go to the doctor

Seeing him asking this question, Li Xiaoman's smile on Qingli's face receded slightly, and the eyes narrowed.

She glanced at Long Sihao for a while, then she pulled out the slender hand that was caught by him, and smiled, "I was born with a wild man."

He didn't even ask if Yanyan was his daughter, but asked who Yanyan was born with, did he think that Yanyan was his daughter?

At this time, Xiao Yanyan's childish voice sounded again, "Mommy, the wild man is here."

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoman was shocked and looked in the direction of Xiao Yanyan's finger, and saw Han Jinxi who was coming.

He was also accompanied by Missy.

His glorious face was gloomy, and he strode forward.


Xiao Yanyan's voice shouted immaturely and sweetly, trotting towards Han Jinxi.

Hearing Xiao Yanyan calling Daddy, Long Sihao, Lori, Ling Hanye, Su Yi all looked at Han Jinxi.

Lowry saw Han Jinxi five years ago, and he narrowed his eyes, "How could it be him?"

Ling Hanye's brown eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Han Jinxi for a while, before looking at Luo Rui, "Who is he?"

Lowry glanced at Long Sihao with a sad look, and frowned slightly, "He is the ceo Han Jinxi of at real estate group."

Long Sihao's narrow and narrow eyes looked at Li Xiaoman with a complex eye, and the deep eyes crossed the thick pain, "You and Han Jinxi...born daughter?"

His big white hands were squeezed, and his heart was indescribable pain. Did Xiao Xiao have a daughter with other men?

Li Xiaoman was sad when he saw his face, and his clear eyes crossed a bit of surprise and doubt, did he not love her? Isn't there another woman around? Hasn't she been cruelly missing for five years?

What is the reason for his expression now?

She lowered her eyes and did not answer Long Sihao's words, but her heart was sad.

Not far away, Han Jinxi picked up Xiao Yanyan, who was running towards him, and strode to Li Xiaoman, ignoring Long Sihao's existence.

He glanced at Li Xiaoman with a somber face, his thin lips made a gorgeous smile, but he was cold, and his deep and mellow voice was mixed with coldness and forbearing anger, "Li Xiaoman, why don't you let me know when I come to K City? Is it a sense of accomplishment to sneak out of my sight?"

When the words fell, he held Xiao Yanyan with one hand, the other hand picked up Li Xiaoman, turned around and left.

Seeing this, Long Sihao's eyes were cold, and he was about to step forward to stop, and Ling Hanye and Su Yi stopped him first.

Ling Hanye narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman and Han Jinxi, as well as Xiao Yanyan, and immediately withdrew her gaze, frowned at Long Sihao, "Si Hao, since she has married and gave birth to a girl, you What are you chasing after? Are you here to worship your mother?"

Long Sihao's narrow, narrow eyes gazed sadly at Li Xiaoman, who had been taken away by Han Jinxi. His heart was as if it had been cut away, and the pain was like blood dripping.

He personally pushed her to others, he personally buried their love, he broke her heart.

God gave him a big joke.

Five years ago, he learned that he had less than a year left. Even after receiving treatment, he might die at any time. He did not want her to lose him after losing her mother and losing her daughter.

He knew that she would be unbearable, and that she would collapse. He thought he would die, so he only...

But five years later, he was ill, but she was married and had a baby. Is this a punishment for him?

Was he self-reliant?

Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Su Yi saw Long Sihao look sad, and none of them spoke again.

Ji Yuqing beside Long Sihao noticed something. She frowned slightly, and looked at him with a smile, her voice was clear and beautiful, "Mr. Dragon, aren't you going to worship your mummy?"

Hearing Ji Yuqing's words beside him, Long Sihao withdrew his sorrowful eyes and concealed the grief at the bottom of his eyes. His expression instantly became deep and impenetrable.

His thin lips squeezed tightly, the arc was firm and cold, and without a word he strode toward the tomb of his mother Long Yaxin.

He didn't stop when passing by Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo.

When Lowry passed by them, he smiled slightly and greeted him.

Li Zhenhua smiled slightly, and said nothing.

After Long Sihao and others had gone away, Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo, who had been silent for a while and could not see what he was thinking, walked to the parking lot of the cemetery.

At this time, Li Xiaoman had been jammed into his extended Lincoln car by Han Jinxi and was sitting on the luxury sofa in the car.

Xiao Yanyan sat on the other side, a pair of pure star-like eyes looked at her dear mommy, and then looked at Han Jinxi, the voice was immature and sweet, "Wild man dad, why are you here?" ?"

"Wild man?" Han Jinxi raised his eyebrows slightly. The charming blue eyes looked at Xiao Yanyan with a smile, slightly tickled his lips. "Amber, who taught you the word wild man?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at her mummy and smiled sweetly, "It's mummy! She told the handsome uncle just now that I was born with a wild man."

Han Jinxi's enchanted blue eyes narrowed slightly, gazing softly at Xiao Yanyan and asked, "Is there anyone else beside you just now?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yanyan's small star-like eyes widened and her voice was immature, "Daddy, you should have no problem with your eye sockets! So, a few uncles, did you just see?"

Han Jinxi looked lazy but slightly squinted at Li Xiaoman who was silent for a long time, and then squinted at Xiao Yanyan. He smiled softly and said softly, "Amber, there is no problem in my eye socket. My irrelevant people, why should I waste my eyes to see?"

"Daddy ignores other people's disregard!"

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes at her dear mom, and when she saw something wrong with her mom, she asked doubtfully, "Mommy, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking? Are you? Know that handsome uncle?"

Han Jinxi glanced at Li Xiaoman slightly, and said softly, "Amber, I have something to tell your mum, you get off first, ok?"

"Daddy, ok!" Xiao Yanyan watched Han Jinxi make an ok gesture, then got out of the car and walked to Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo.

After Han Jinxi got off the car, Xiao Yanyan's narrowed eyes narrowed Li Xiaoman's eyes. "The person you just saw is Long Sihao?"

He just completely ignored the few people in front of Li Xiaoman. His eyes only fell on Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan, so I don't know that the man standing in front of her was Long Sihao.

He has been very clear about Li Xiaoman's affairs in the past five years, and naturally knows Li Xiaoman's relationship with Long Sihao.

In general, he is too lazy to get to know a woman, and very few women can arouse the interest he wants to know.

And Li Xiaoman aroused a lot of his interest. Now his eyes are only for her and Xiao Yanyan. All his energy and focus are on their mother and daughter.

To ask if he loves Li Xiaoman, he will only say no.

His view of love is that love does not need to be spoken.

So he will only put the answer of love or non-love into action.

Hearing the mention of Long Sihao, Li Xiaoman's eyes shivered, and his teeth bit his lower lip tightly, but there was no sound.

Upon seeing this, Han Jinxi squinted blue, and Leo leaned forward, and the white big hand could not help telling the buttons of her clothes.

Seeing his actions, Li Xiaoman was shocked, and his slender hands immediately grasped his clothes. The clear eyes narrowed his eyes, and he looked at him sharply, "Mr. Han, please turn to the doctor if you are sick. What are you doing?"

Han Jinxi glanced at the angry Li Xiaoman, and slowly retracted his outstretched hands, his thin lips drawn a charming arc, "I am willing to open my mouth to speak, why don't I let you talk like that?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, "You have many ways for me to speak."

Han Jinxi raised his eyebrows slightly and laughed at Fenghua peerlessly. "This way is the most effective. You haven't answered my words yet."

Li Xiaoman glared at him, enchanting and cold and glamorous, "I don't need to answer your words."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman was ready to get out of the car, but Han Jinxi suddenly got up like a jaguar and rushed at her, holding her shoulders with both hands and pushing her down on the sofa bed.

She was slightly surprised, but Qingli's touching face did not show half a point, "Mr. Han, I think you are ill, and you will definitely die if you don't take medicine."

Han Jinxi's big hand held her tightly, and the charming blue eyes gazed at her with a smile, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

"Li Xiaoman, it seems that your memory is not good, I said, it is best not to say that I have nothing to do with you, otherwise, I will make our relationship solid."

After hearing that, Li Xiaoman was about to speak out, and Xiao Yanyan's small head went into the car. After seeing the situation in the car, she covered her eyes with her small hands and said in a childish voice: "Don't look at it, Dad. , Have you finished talking to Mommy? Mommy and I are going to Uncle's house, and Grandpa is urging."

Han Jinxi narrowed his eyes slightly, gave Li Xiaoman a deep glance, let go of her, and sat up.

Li Xiaoman sat up and squinted at him fiercely, then raised his eyebrows to Xiao Yanyan, his voice was soft, "Yan Yan, you go to the uncle's car first, I will come in a while. "

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan responded and looked at Han Jinxi with a tender voice: "Daddy, Mommy and I are going to live at Uncle Watch for a few days, please go back to H City first! By the way, Daddy and Mommy It is not a legal couple to get married yet, so Daddy and Mummy must keep a little distance before marriage."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan took a small step towards Li Wenbo's car.

After seeing Xiao Yanyan go away, Li Xiaoman suddenly grabbed the collar of Han Jinxi's shirt. Before he could react, he raised his fist and aimed it at his gorgeous face, beating him fiercely. Punch.

"Hmm..." Han Jinxi groaned, and the charming blue eyes narrowed dangerously. "Li Xiaoman, I think you are taking the wrong medicine."

Li Xiaoman raised his fist, and hit another side of Han Jinxi in a boxing, the clear eyes squinted, "Han Jinxi, I have endured you for a long time, I let you be within three steps of me, I will be today If I don’t beat you into a panda, I’ll tell your mother’s surname."

When the words fell, she again hit Han Jinxi's left eye in a boxing. Before he responded, she hit his right eye in another boxing and immediately kicked him to his chest.

Every punch and every foot, she exerts a lot of strength, but Han Jinxi's bruised face is swollen, but she has not avoided and stopped.

Because she is a single mother, in the past five years, in order to protect Yan Yan from being bullied, she has learned self-defense techniques, so she is no longer the weak Li Xiaoman five years ago.

Missy, who was standing outside the car, saw the movement in the car, frowned slightly, and there was a trace of doubt in his cold face.

Their boss is not a wealthy young man who has no power. According to the skill of the boss, Miss Li can't hurt him. Is it that the boss deliberately didn't fight back?

When he was puzzled, Li Xiaoman rubbed his sore hands and came down from the car, raising his eyebrows and smiling at Missy, "Miss, take your boss to the hospital to see, don't let him die ."

Missy nodded slightly, and when he entered the car, he saw Han Jinxi's eyes, face, and lip corners with severe beatings. He frowned slightly, "Boss, Miss Li asked me to take you to the hospital."

Han Jinxi narrowed his eyes slightly, reached out and stroked the corners of his bluish purple lips, the expression on Fenghua Peerless's face was unfathomable, "drive."

"Yes!" Missy answered without asking anything, sitting on the driver's seat and starting the car away.

Li Xiaoman has also entered Li Wenbo's car.

Soon after they left the Antai cemetery, Long Sihao, Lowry, Ling Hanye, Su Yi, and Ji Yuqing worshipped Long Yaxin before walking to the parking lot.

Long Si Hao Junmei's expression on his face is deep and unpredictable, but the whole body exudes a breathtaking momentum that no one should enter.

Except that Ji Yuqing didn't understand why Long Sihao looked abnormal, Lowry, Ling Hanye, Su Yi knew that he must be because of Li Xiaoman.

In the past five years, even if he was lying on a hospital bed and was dying, he never stopped asking them about Li Xiaoman's situation.

After knowing that Li Xiaoman disappeared for no reason, he had given up treatment and wanted her, but almost lost his life.

As he boarded the car, Long Sihao tightened his long narrow eyes, and looked sharply at Lori. "I want to know everything about her, including where her daughter came from."


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