A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 343: Even if you die, you won’t let go

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and met his unpretentious narrow eyes, and the bottom of the eyes flashed through the thick loss and sorrow, and he asked, "What do you think?"

Did he forget everything that night five years ago?

She said it was a wild man, did he believe it?

Does he just distrust her?

Does he really think she will have children with other men?

He said that even if no one in the world believed her, he would believe her, but he did not believe that she and Huo Yunene were innocent five years ago, and blamed her for killing their daughter.

Now he came to ask her, who the child is.

Why didn't he ask if his daughter was his?

If he asked in this way, at least she would feel that in his heart, he believed her.

When Long Sihao saw her, he asked back, and the anger and sadness in his heart kept hitting his reason, as if to overwhelm his reason.

He stepped forward suddenly, taking advantage of his body to reach her against the wall next to the door of the apartment building.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman's expression was startled, and his slim hand touched his sturdy chest, narrowing his eyes, "What are you doing?"

Long Sihao lowered his narrow eyes, staring at her with a quiet gaze, Shen said: "To be honest, whose daughter is she?"

Li Xiaoman turned his head and didn’t look at him. The clear water wafted a layer of mist, and he coldly hooked his lower lip. "Is it important for her daughter? Since you don’t even love me, you still come." Ask me what these are doing? Long Sihao, you have been missing for five years, you already have around you..."

She bit her lower lip tightly without saying anything, and her heart hurt terribly, and the tears of grief came out of her eyes.

How could he have another woman?

Seeing her eyes suddenly wet, Long Sihaojun's eyebrows were deep, and his heart was in pain. He stretched his hands to wipe the tears in the corner of her eyes. Why not finish? What is around me?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him, struggling to push back the tears in his eyes, Qingli's face with a touch of alienated smile, calm tone, "Nothing, Long Sihao, we were over five years ago, now You have your life, I have my life, our well water does not violate the river water, please stop calling to say those threatening me."

When the words fell, she reached out and pushed him away, and turned to prepare to go back upstairs.

When Long Sihao saw it, he hugged her wrist again, her deep and sharp eyes fixed on her indifferent profile, her thin lips raised, "We are not over yet, and we will never die again until we die. End."

His words shocked Li Xiaoman.

She looked back, and the clear water eyes stared at him, peeping into the firmness that flashed in his narrow eyes. She raised her eyebrows tightly, "What do you mean? What do you want? Do you want to play with me again?" When I fell in love with you, did you say that you never loved me, only that we were over, and then disappear again for five years?"

He was the one who left first five years ago, and he was the one who let go first, and it was him who disappeared for five years. Now he came to provoke her again. What did he think of her Li Xiaoman?

When she wanted her to be by his side, she chased her desperately and made her feel the happiness and joy she had never had.

When I don’t want her, I just don’t love her, just leave her as a tool to give birth and leave her for five years.

In the past five years, how many times she secretly cried, she could not count.

While she tried hard to forget him, she also dreamed countless times that he would find her one day and told her that he was wrong and hope she would forgive him.

But the illusions again and again, but the hope is broken again and again.

She couldn't find him, and he didn't come to her.

If he wants to find her, he will be able to find her, because she has been in contact with her uncle. With his ability and wisdom, how could he not find her, he never found her at all.

Five years, 1825 days, if she was disappointed once a day, then she was disappointed 1825 times.

After so many disappointments, she was desperate.

In five years, her heart had been crushed by torture in endless suffering.

Now her heart can no longer be hurt, and she can't love anymore. She is afraid to touch love again, because its sweet end is unspeakable pain.

In the past five years, she really hurt enough.

Up to this moment, her soul seemed to pull away from her body with pain.

Therefore, she will try to force herself to forget him, but the more she wants to forget, the deeper she remembers.

Long Sihao's keen eyes captured the grief of her eyes. He grabbed her other slender hand, "You still love me."

He used affirmative sentences.

Li Xiaoman's heart was cruel, and he looked at him indifferently. "It's late, I'm going back to sleep, please let me go."

When the words fell, she was about to break away from his restraint, and he suddenly hugged him into her arms.

His long, sturdy arms hugged her, and his deep eyes were filled with guilt and distress, "Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry, forgive me asshole, and forgive me for the harm you caused by leaving."

His sudden apology made Li Xiaoman stupefied for a while. She imagined that he apologized to him many times, but after she was disappointed so many times, he came to apologize to her, and she didn't feel the joy in her heart.

She pushed him away, her eyes flushed, and there was mist in the corners of her eyes, "Long Sihao, it's too late, you are now too late to apologize."

She put away her sorrowful emotions and gazed at him indifferently with a calm tone, "Mr. Long, please don't come to disturb my life again,

Her indifference made Long Sihao feel panic never felt before. He was not afraid of her angering him, hating him, complaining about her, scolding him, and afraid that she would talk to him so calmly.

Seeing her want to go, he stepped forward and bent over to hug her sideways.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman looked surprised, squinting at him, "What are you doing? Let me down."

Long Sihao glanced at her with a deep gaze, and then took her to his car in a stride.

His car was parked not far away in front of him. He did not give Li Xiaoman any chance to stop him, hugged her into his car, and then went around to drive the engine in the driver's seat, and drove out of the community wildly.

Along the way, he drove the car very fast. Li Xiaoman sat in the position of the co-pilot seat, and had the illusion of riding a roller coaster.

She squeezed her hands slightly, and Qingli's expression was indifferent. "Long Sihao, stop, where are you going to take me? What do you want?"

Long Sihao stepped on the brakes suddenly and stopped the car on the side of the road.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman was about to make a noise, and Long Sihao leaned over, her five-fingered fingers fell into her long curly hair, tightly clasped the back of her head, her narrow, narrow-eyed eyes. Glancing at her, "Who is the daughter? Did you really have a daughter with another man?"

At the thought of this, he burst out of anger in his heart, and the other big powerful hand squeezed a few points.

Seeing him go back to the question of his daughter, Li Xiaoman turned his head to look at him, and the tone was indifferent. "I already said that my daughter was born to a wild man."

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, staring at her with a deep and quiet gaze, "Who is that wild man?"

His eyes were sharp like thorns, and Li Xiaoman turned his eyes elsewhere, slightly ticked his lower lip, and spit out three words in his pink lips, "I don't know."

"You..." Long Sihao wanted to pinch her with these three words. He stared at her with a low gaze and growled: "Li Xiaoman, I want to listen to the truth."

Li Xiaoman glanced at him, his tone indifferent, "I'm telling the truth, if I say I don't know, I don't know."

When the words fell, she pushed him open and reached for the cart door, ready to get off.

Seeing this, Long Sihao's eyes dimmed. He took her wrists and pulled her into his arms. He gazed at her like a falcon. "You are maintaining that wild man? Well, don't you say Yes, I let you never see that wild man in your life, and never see your daughter again."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, and looked at him sharply, "What do you mean? Why don't you let me see my daughter? Long Sihao, please tell me clearly and clearly Me, what do you want..."

Before she finished speaking, Long Sihao stared at her and snarled, "I want you, I want you to come back to me."

Because of his words, Li Xiaoman was stunned, a pair of clear water eyes stunned him.

He disappeared for five years and suddenly came to her and told her to ask her to return to his side. Did he think she was the ball?

Kick it away when you don’t want it, hug it back when you want it, and kick it away when you don’t want it?

Although she had hoped for him to come back to him, now she did not look forward to it.

She gazed at him indifferently, with a calm tone, "I can't go back, I can't go back from the day you let go first, you don't need me to be by your side for five years, and you will be in the next fifty years. No need."

When the words fell, she was ready to break free from his arms, but Long Sihao still held her still.

Seeing that she could not break free for a long time, she squinted at Long Sihao, just about to make a sound, Long Sihao's thin lips pressed down heavily, grabbing her lips.

"Um... dragon..."

She suddenly widened her eyes, and looked shocked at Long Sihao, who suddenly kissed her, and the thoughts in her brain were a little complicated.

Isn't he not loving her? Isn't there another woman around? Suddenly came to ask who her daughter is, and now kiss her again, what does he mean?

"Long Sihao... Let me go..."

She struggled to avoid his kiss, but Long Sihao suddenly pressed her against the seat, holding her face in his hands with his face fixed in front of him, gazing at her with deep eyes, "I will not let go, I will never die Will let go again."

Five years ago, letting go makes him regret it now. He will never let go. He will not let go again, even if he dies this time, he will not let go again. He will not make the same mistake again for the second time.

Looking down, he grabbed her pink lips again and kissed deeply and hard.

Li Xiaoman's tongue was numb by his sucking, but her body was pressed against him tightly, and her face was fixed by his palms. She couldn't struggle and couldn't avoid his kiss.

Just when she was suffocated by his kiss, Long Sihao left her lips and a hot kiss fell on her neck, and his fiery big palm walked over her body.

Li Xiaoman, who has not been so intimate with men for five years, trembles uncontrollably because of Long Sihao's hot kiss and caress.

Realizing that her body's reaction was as green as it was five years ago, he stopped and looked at her deeply, "Xiao Xiao, your body tells me that you don't reject me at all..."

He paused, his thin lips attached to her ears, and his voice was low, "You haven't been married in five years, isn't that little girl your biological right?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Babies: Xuan Xuan is a little less in the past two days, Xuan Xuan knows ha! The babies were angry, and Xuan Xuan waited two more days to add more!


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